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If you won £25k

94 replies

Maryofscots · 01/11/2020 16:47

What would you do if you won a relatively large sum of money? Not enough to stop working or pack up your life and relocate to a sunny island but still a nice sum. Say £25k.

Inspired by spending the day watching TV game shows with my Nan on a rainy Sunday. We can't go out but we can sure fantasise Grin

OP posts:
Branleuse · 01/11/2020 18:33

deposit for a house

MiniMum97 · 01/11/2020 18:34

New windows too. Some for my son towards his house deposit and driving lessons.

CountFosco · 01/11/2020 18:34

I actually got this amount as part of an 'early inheritance' earlier this year. DH and I maxed out our ISA allowances and I bought a couple of things for the house. We are 50 and both have good jobs and plenty of savings so were pretty boring really. It wasn't life changing for us.

BreathlessCommotion · 01/11/2020 18:37

It would be life changing for me. I would hand it straight to dh to buy him out of the mortgage and get him to move out and divorce him.

FairfaxAikman · 01/11/2020 18:38

Reword the house as last owner was an electrician and has done some interesting circuitry.
New car, probably electric to save fuel costs.

caringcarer · 01/11/2020 18:40

State pensions definitely can't be drawn at 64, not until 67 and soon to be 68. Private pensions can be taken anytime over 55.

I would probably use it for garage conversion and £5k deposit for ds. He saved about 7 per cent only for mortgage companies to now demand 15 per cent. I feel so sorry for him. Next August I will get my Teachers pension lump sum and that will be a little over £26k plus this year's inflation to go on top of that. I will also be able to draw about £9k each year for life + inflation triple lock. I retired early at 56 as recurring health issue which has improved since not standing up all day. I am quite excited about it and in my mind I have spent months deciding what to do with.lump sum. In truth I have spent it about 20 times over.

EminyBOO · 01/11/2020 18:45

New car, new windows, guttering etc. Decorate living room.
If any left over (doubtful) then put away for a holiday when we are able to.

DH and I actually are due to come into a similar amount of money next year as we are being bought out of our company pensions (same employer) and this is what we plan to do with the money.

Juanmorebeer · 01/11/2020 18:48

I would:

Get our small driveway paved,
New windows on front of house and new front door.
New internal upstairs doors (3) and pay for fitting.
Put away 3k for returfing the lawn in spring.
Anythinf left will go into my campervan fund

MiddleClassMother · 01/11/2020 18:53

Given my household income now it isn't a huge sum of money, so it would probably go into our savings account. I have savings for retirement, my DC first cars + insurance and then a rainy day fund in terms event of job losses, critical illness etc. 15 years ago when me and DH was first together we would have put it towards a house deposit.

PeaceAndHarmoneeee · 01/11/2020 18:58

Garden landscaping (this is already booked in and will cost around £10k Confused)
New kitchen
Long longhaul holiday to somewhere in Asia
If there's any left I'd knock some more money off the mortgage

CosyQueen · 01/11/2020 19:02

Pay off debt (it’s not a huge amount)
Get driving lessons (intensive automatic course)
Buy a cheapish automatic car
Buy a new bed, sofa and TV
Put some away for when we can have a holiday
By myself some much needed new clothes

nicerbeing · 01/11/2020 19:05

£20k into the savings pot, which would double it! £5k into the current account Grin

dammitjanetsigh · 01/11/2020 19:11

I won 25K on Capital Radio Birthday Bonanza quite a few years ago now so I know the answer to this!

I gave my brother money to buy furniture for his first home. I was getting married that summer so the money paid for the honeymoon and a few wedding extras. Most of it went in the bank. Happy days.

ifiwasascent · 01/11/2020 19:19

We've just moved so I'd get an interior designer in. We don't need too much doing so 25k should easily cover it

Maryofscots · 01/11/2020 20:26


I would enjoy , for as long as it lasts, the sudden sexual charisma that having lots of spare cash seems to engender.

OP posts:
PickAChew · 01/11/2020 20:34

New kitchen then a toss up between New windows and fixing a sagging, badly insulated dormer, replacing the shower room that we currently use as a utility so we have a warm room to get washed in, re-rendering our house and possibly adding some insulation under the render to a particularly cold side wall, and replacing our year old, 110k on the clock car. We could easily spend it twice over.

PickAChew · 01/11/2020 20:37

Oh yes, a garage that doesn't leak would be nice!

Maryofscots · 01/11/2020 20:38

Wow @dammitjanetsigh how lucky! I've never won anything!!

OP posts:
OpEd · 01/11/2020 20:45

Spend some on a horse box and a new pony for my youngest. Save the rest.

skippy67 · 01/11/2020 20:47

New kitchen and bathrooms please!

JeVoudrais · 01/11/2020 20:57

I'd go part time at work ie. three days per week for a year or so and spend more time with DD. She's only three months old currently but I'll probably have to go back 4/5 days a week.

MaudHatter · 01/11/2020 21:11

I’d put it in the bank. I definitely wouldn’t be rushing out to spend it just because I had it .


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Funnyface1 · 01/11/2020 21:15

I'd get new windows and put the rest towards paying off the mortgage.

Newnamenewopenme · 01/11/2020 21:29

House deposit for me!

Whatwouldnanado · 01/11/2020 22:21

Some good ideas here. I'd get the drive done, book driving lessons for dds and buy a new runabout for them to share. Bung a bit in premium bonds and the rest in the holiday pot.

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