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To be horrified at the idea of mandatory vasectomy

92 replies

theonerealdiva22 · 15/05/2019 21:11

So now people want mandatory vasectomy for men. This disgusts me for several reasons

  • I knows several men who fight for pro choice and this is what they get.
  • they want "control of their own body". Yeah more like women have control of a man's body as well
  • it will lead to future problems. If we do this then there will be people in a few years time complaining about it like the abortion debate now.
  • it's not as reversible as it seems. Apparently it gets And harder to reverse as time goes on. So if your someone who decides not to have kids until 40 aka later in life (no shame on that have kids whenever you can safely have them) but if you did that theres less of a chance
  • abortions still won't be fully unwanted. There will still be the situation here and there where someone gets excited to start a family, husband dies, Loses everything and can't support baby (hopefully none of that ever happens to anyone reading this)

Am I the only one who feels this way. Share this if you agree with me to give EVERYONE control over their own bodies
OP posts:
BogglesGoggles · 15/05/2019 21:49

Well if there ever was an argument to be made for mandatory sterilisation this thread is it.

SuckingOnDiesel · 15/05/2019 21:52

If you live in Alabama, where (IIRC) it was only suggested to highlight the ridiculousless of criminalising abortions, you're crazy.

If you live in the UK, and think this would ever happen to you or your family, you're batshit.


Motheroffeminists · 15/05/2019 21:52

Wtf? Do you live near a glue factory and due to the warm weather have had all your windows open and therefore had a higher dose of fumes than is advisable? That would explain the batshittery of both you and your town.

gamerwidow · 15/05/2019 21:52

Stop being daft OP it's satire showing the ridiculousness of not allowing people bodily autonomy.
It's saying the forcing women to give birth against their will to stop abortions is as ridiculous as forcing men to have vasectomies to stop abortions.

Maybe use this as a time to educate your DS on critical thinking and not taking everything you see in the media at face value.

CupoTeap · 15/05/2019 21:54

Op i appreciate your response however it's really not giving enough info. You both do sound a bit hysterical to the rest of us as it is not something we have heard or experienced.

S1naidSucks · 15/05/2019 21:55

BogglesGoggles 🤣

lunar1 · 15/05/2019 21:55

Where on earth do you live?

MaybeMonday · 15/05/2019 21:56

Have you been T rexing with Sharon?

speakout · 15/05/2019 21:57

Totally confused here.

tinytemper66 · 15/05/2019 21:57

Men can't get vasectomies when they ask for it in some health trusts as they prefer women to keep taking contraception instead!

GCAcademic · 15/05/2019 21:58

Well if there ever was an argument to be made for mandatory sterilisation this thread is it.


Celebelly · 15/05/2019 21:58

😂😂😂 This has proper tickled me. This can't be real.

tinytemper66 · 15/05/2019 21:59

I must add I wrote the first post before realising your son is 15!

thegreatcrestednewt · 15/05/2019 22:00

Wtaf have I just read? Oh, op.

YourSarcasmIsDripping · 15/05/2019 22:03

Have him declare as trans and then he'll magically have a vagina not a penis and be safe from the awful ,shady corner individuals.

Nottheduchess · 15/05/2019 22:03

What a bonkers thread, I’m just marking my spot for the deletion message.

cdtaylornats · 15/05/2019 22:03

It was proposed by an American actress - not a politician.

BrainScience · 15/05/2019 22:04

I’m hoping you don’t know what the word literally means. If you actually mean he’s literally having forced vasectomies shoved down his throat whenever he leaves the house then I’d probably move house.

LaurieFairyCake · 15/05/2019 22:06

Funniest thread for a while Grin

NunoGoncalves · 15/05/2019 22:06

It's blowing up your life literally your life?

What does that even mean?

PanamaPattie · 15/05/2019 22:07


HebeMumsnet · 15/05/2019 22:07

Evening, everyone. We're not entirely sure what's going on here but since the OP doesn't seem to be coming back, we're going to delete the thread now.

HappyRoots · 15/05/2019 22:08

Probably a good idea. OP is in the UK and I'm pretty sure genuinely believes what she's written unfortunately.

AlaskanOilBaron · 15/05/2019 22:08

Having heard nothing of the sort, I googled 'forced vasectomies' and it turned up this:

"View" host Joy Behar suggested on Wednesday that Alabama lawmakers should be forced to undergo vasectomies after voting for what's being described as the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation.

So it's really nothing more than this.

Maybe you should try to talk some reason to your son.

BlueSkiesLies · 15/05/2019 22:10

DS is shitting himself because people in our area are all for it and want it now!!!

Oh fuck off is this true

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