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To be horrified at the idea of mandatory vasectomy

92 replies

theonerealdiva22 · 15/05/2019 21:11

So now people want mandatory vasectomy for men. This disgusts me for several reasons

  • I knows several men who fight for pro choice and this is what they get.
  • they want "control of their own body". Yeah more like women have control of a man's body as well
  • it will lead to future problems. If we do this then there will be people in a few years time complaining about it like the abortion debate now.
  • it's not as reversible as it seems. Apparently it gets And harder to reverse as time goes on. So if your someone who decides not to have kids until 40 aka later in life (no shame on that have kids whenever you can safely have them) but if you did that theres less of a chance
  • abortions still won't be fully unwanted. There will still be the situation here and there where someone gets excited to start a family, husband dies, Loses everything and can't support baby (hopefully none of that ever happens to anyone reading this)

Am I the only one who feels this way. Share this if you agree with me to give EVERYONE control over their own bodies
OP posts:
Plornish · 16/05/2019 16:27

Op, are you and your DS in fact cats? Everywhere I go there are billboards telling people to neuter their felines. 😾🙀😿

Outofinspiration · 16/05/2019 07:39

Delighted to see this thread still here!

ArgyMargy · 16/05/2019 07:33

@Motheroffeminists "do you live near a glue factory?" - loving this variation on "are you on glue?" Grin

Motheroffeminists · 16/05/2019 07:16


specterlitt · 15/05/2019 23:18

@FiremanKing Grin

OP, please do tell us how your son expressed his distress to you. What did he say? Are there people after him? Is he on a government list?

Please share if you think OP should tell us! Grin

FiremanKing · 15/05/2019 23:07

To op’s son -

Come out, come out wherever you are....Grin

To be horrified at the idea of mandatory vasectomy
InsertFunnyUsername · 15/05/2019 22:45

Get him a groin guard, he will be grand.

bobstersmum · 15/05/2019 22:45

Is it a full moon?

GabsAlot · 15/05/2019 22:43

Is there someone in your house/garden op?

FiremanKing · 15/05/2019 22:41

A whole new meaning to the ‘Scissor Sisters!’ Grin

GabsAlot · 15/05/2019 22:40

Erm its not real people are just saying well if you can control women why cant we control men

Its not happening

titchy · 15/05/2019 22:40

OP has an erm, interesting posting history!

kaytee87 · 15/05/2019 22:37

@mnhq leave it up, it's brilliant Grin

Absolutepowercorrupts · 15/05/2019 22:36

Your son is shitting himself about a totally made up story? Op, if I had a spare grip I would happily hand it to you. I need my grips for myself though. Maybe do a bit of research before you succumb to irrational thinking. Or stock up on toilet paper.

MangoBananaSleep · 15/05/2019 22:28

Nooo @MNHQ please don’t delete this! I’ve got real tears rolling down my cheeks with some of the comments

specterlitt · 15/05/2019 22:13

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

IHateUncleJamie · 15/05/2019 22:11

Share this if you agree with me to give EVERYONE control over their own bodies

Heh? Share it where? This isn’t Facebook. OP are you quite well?

BlueSkiesLies · 15/05/2019 22:10

DS is shitting himself because people in our area are all for it and want it now!!!

Oh fuck off is this true

AlaskanOilBaron · 15/05/2019 22:08

Having heard nothing of the sort, I googled 'forced vasectomies' and it turned up this:

"View" host Joy Behar suggested on Wednesday that Alabama lawmakers should be forced to undergo vasectomies after voting for what's being described as the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation.

So it's really nothing more than this.

Maybe you should try to talk some reason to your son.

HappyRoots · 15/05/2019 22:08

Probably a good idea. OP is in the UK and I'm pretty sure genuinely believes what she's written unfortunately.

HebeMumsnet · 15/05/2019 22:07

Evening, everyone. We're not entirely sure what's going on here but since the OP doesn't seem to be coming back, we're going to delete the thread now.

PanamaPattie · 15/05/2019 22:07


NunoGoncalves · 15/05/2019 22:06

It's blowing up your life literally your life?

What does that even mean?

LaurieFairyCake · 15/05/2019 22:06

Funniest thread for a while Grin

BrainScience · 15/05/2019 22:04

I’m hoping you don’t know what the word literally means. If you actually mean he’s literally having forced vasectomies shoved down his throat whenever he leaves the house then I’d probably move house.

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