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How much chocolate can you eat?

97 replies

prettyLittlefool · 25/03/2019 00:31

In one sitting.

100,200,360,850 gram bar?
What's the most you've enjoyed ?

OP posts:
Cherylshaw · 25/03/2019 09:38

All the chocolate, I literally could eat all the chocolate
Not dark chocolate tho that's an abomination

IncrediblySadToo · 25/03/2019 09:46

Mindlessly a frankly disturbing quantity 😂.

The pile of wrappers if it’s something like quality street or Lindor balls is embarrassing.

I’m not sure how many FR though, they’re not my favourite and I find them a bit sickly. If I had to I could probably manage that tray (with hot tea) but after 1/3 of the box I’d stop by choice.

One medium Easter egg.

One packet of large chocolate buttons.

One 200g bar.

...but mostly that’s because it’s then finished and I’d have had enough do eoukdnt go looking for more, butbif thise things were bigger I’d probably still finish them.

I never used to be like this though. I was a half a mars bar type. Not sure when it changed.

I can also demolish crisps, crackers & cheese.

I’d like to go back to genuinely feeling like a Freddo was plenty.

IncrediblySadToo · 25/03/2019 09:49

Hmm. I’m not sure about over a day...? I don’t usually think about it until the evening. Thank fuck for small mercies I suppose 🤣😂

Kayleidogyn · 25/03/2019 09:52

Last night I ate 2 share bags of Maltesers, 3 Ripples & half a pack of Nice biscuits.

Several times eaten a big jar of Nutella with a spoon.

The worst was a tin of that condensed milk that's already made into caramel. Ate the whole thing then vommed it all back up.

Oh. As a teenager, split a catering box of Wispas with brother's friend. I ate all mine in one sitting. Never eaten a Wispa since.

No idea in grams what any of those are.

Bigonesmallone3 · 25/03/2019 09:54

Iv just eaten a galaxy cookie crumble..
The large bar 😭

bathorshower · 25/03/2019 09:57

My record is a kilo in a weekend as a child aged around 12 - I had bought the bar for myself, and not told my parents (who certainly wouldn't have thought it a good idea). That was in addition to normal meals!

I could probably do that now, but my waistline is larger than ideal already.

OddestSock · 25/03/2019 10:10

I'd probably put away a share bag of malteasers / chocolate buttons on similar. I could eat more, but I'd just be eating it mindlessly, and have binge eaten chocolate many times in the past.

Tilikum · 25/03/2019 12:16

I am a chocolate monster and eat a family bar every night (I need to stop, help me!). Ferrero Richer is a bit sickly though so I could only do about 10 of them. I have done a whole Chocolate Orange a few times. The last 3 segments are not enjoyable, but I can't stop with only 3 to go so eat them anyway.

BlueMerchant · 25/03/2019 12:23

The100g bar is the most I'll allow myself in one sitting. I loose track when it vomes to individual chocs tho and just keep going...

BlueMerchant · 25/03/2019 12:23


LadyOfTheFlowers · 25/03/2019 12:26

There is nothing that I have eaten tons of that has made me feel sick ever. That includes chocolate eclairs.

Babygrey7 · 25/03/2019 12:29

I love chocolate

My fave is the lindor bar

I can eat 1 bar , but more than 1 lindor bar/marsbar/cruncy and I'd feel sick

Sadly, or luckily Grin

prettyLittlefool · 25/03/2019 12:49

You are in my league. As are several others here. I wonder what it is that keeps you eating chocolate even when you've had enough. The first 200g is enjoyable. The next 300g is tickling a part of the brain that's already exhausted.

OP posts:
prettyLittlefool · 25/03/2019 12:50

The real enjoyment of chocolate is having too much. I can never understand the have a few squares types.

OP posts:
TellySavalashairbrush · 25/03/2019 12:55

Depends what chocolate it is. Lindt balls I would have to spread a box over a few days. Galaxy family sized bar I could do in an hour or two. Snickers bar maybe 3 in a row.

Mississippilessly · 25/03/2019 13:17

I dont like FR but can easily do a 200g bar in a sitting. 4 packs of Twirls etc not a problem.

Kayleidogyn · 25/03/2019 13:24

@nutellalove I know someone who does it & friends in a WhatsApp group show me the horrific pics! I swear she thinks she looks gorgeous. She. Does. Not.

Kayleidogyn · 25/03/2019 13:25

@prettyLittlefool I don't know what it is! I wish I did & could switch it off! It's such a comfort while I'm eating it, then I feel horrendous

RoyalChocolat · 25/03/2019 13:27

Due to years of eating disorders I have no "off" button. I never feel sick. I once ate the best part of a 1kg jar of Nutella in one sitting Sad

PinkHeart5914 · 25/03/2019 13:39

I honestly don’t have a cut off with chocolate, I can just keep eating it and eating it once I start. I only buy chocolate when I actually want to eat it, I don’t have it in the house overwise as I just mindlessly eat it.

I have been known to do a whole box of chocolates or a couple of 200g bars in a night, a whole Easter egg etc and I enjoyed every mouthful.

I will never be a Oh I have a few squares once a year type

TapasForTwo · 25/03/2019 14:05

"I honestly don’t have a cut off with chocolate,"

Even with things I love I do ultimately have an off switch.

Kayleidogyn · 25/03/2019 14:26

Oooops! This post @nutellalove I know someone who does it & friends in a WhatsApp group show me the horrific pics! I swear she thinks she looks gorgeous. She. Does. Not.

Is in wrong thread! Sorry. Confused


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caperplips · 25/03/2019 14:30

I can't eat too much chocolate as it makes me feel sick very quickly, I would rarely if ever eat a regular 8 square bar in one sitting - usually break it in two and eat it over 2 days.

However savoury, salty things I find harder to regulate. If we get fish & chips from the really good place in town I can eat FAR more than I need and always feel bloated and uncomfortable after it.

I also love crisps, olives and cheese and of course WINE! So it's not all virtuous!

In fact, thinking about it, I would crave very fresh white bread (cheap sliced pan) with real butter and raspberry jam, made quickly in the kitchen, folded over and scarfed as quickly as possible! I really have to stop myself from doing serious damage with them if the mood strikes - I would take that over chocolate any day!

I think I went off chocolate in my 20's when I had to go on an elimination diet for food allergies. When I was allowed to re-introduce foods back into my diet I could not wait to get my hands on chocolate. I ate some and it was like sweet wax to my taste buds Shock and I never really liked it as much after that....

TapasForTwo · 25/03/2019 14:35

"I also love crisps, olives and cheese and of course WINE! So it's not all virtuous!"

Now you're talking Grin

KeptTheBeachesShipwreckFree · 25/03/2019 14:36

Loads and loads.
Those 100g Toblerone bars? I can eat 2 in one go and still have room for more.

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