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How much chocolate can you eat?

97 replies

prettyLittlefool · 25/03/2019 00:31

In one sitting.

100,200,360,850 gram bar?
What's the most you've enjoyed ?

OP posts:
MrsD28 · 26/03/2019 13:50

A LOT, particularly of the Lindt chocolate bunny / reindeer variety. DH once gave me a 1kg Lindt bunny as a special treat... I think that he had visions of sharing it with me but I took it down on my own in about 3 days.

200gm is probably my comfortable, not-feeling-completely-ill limit, however.

sam221 · 26/03/2019 09:20

I could eat vast amount, maybe 500/600 grams in one sitting, happily-though these day I am sugar free.

Dontgiveamonkeys1350 · 26/03/2019 06:40

My teeth are so sensitive. And I’m dairy free. So I don’t eat that much as mine are expensive and I hate that my teeth hurt.

mustdrinkwaternotwine · 26/03/2019 06:35

This is pertinent as I ate one of those 200g (it cost £1 on offer) last night in about 30mins. This was my emergency PMT bar which I have in the cupboard & I had raging PMT. As I ate it, I was trying to remember when I upgraded from a "standard" (35g?) bar, thinking that that just wouldn't hit the spot these days & wondering how much of a glutton I was.
I once tried to work out if I could survive PMT without chocolate only to have to put the then toddler aged DC in the car in their PJs around 7pm and do an emergency dash to the local shop. I know just have a bar in the cupboard as I only really eat it when I have PMT as I am sufficiently self controlled at other times.
My BMI teeters between healthy & overweight.

Birdie6 · 26/03/2019 06:19

I could eat a family sized Cadbury's Milk Chocolate.....Lindt, no. Too sickly sweet.

TapasForTwo · 26/03/2019 06:13

Because I want to. I don't understand why people don't feel ill after eating so much.

kateandme · 26/03/2019 04:44

to those that stop.or when you do you do so because you actually want to.or because your feeling guilty,self controlling.some mentioned your brain tells you to stop?is that because you want to or because you think you should/need to to be healthy. if those make any sense!

prettyLittlefool · 26/03/2019 01:10

@problem1234567 you are a long way from being in the 500gm Club

OP posts:
problem1234567 · 26/03/2019 00:12

This is pertinent; I've eaten 4 x medium sized Crunchie bars this evening. Not normally that bad but someone upset me.

nocoolnamesleft · 26/03/2019 00:11

I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. There is chocolate, you eat it. There is no more chocolate, you stop eating chocolate, because there is no more chocolate.

prettyLittlefool · 26/03/2019 00:07

@hannah9176 good for you. I enjoy the sick feeling too.

OP posts:
hannah9176 · 25/03/2019 20:39

I had a 360g bar dairy milk for breakfast today. I run a cake business and my house is FULL of chocolate. One bar for the cake. One for my face. I actually enjoy the sicky feeling chocolate gives you and I have no full filter in my little choccy belly

Jsmith99 · 25/03/2019 20:36

I find most British chocolate far too sweet & sickly. Galaxy, in particular, is inedible. I prefer dark chocolate or the nice European stuff which is more chocolaty and less sugary.

Crisps, nuts and cheese, however, I can consume in industrial quantities. I have an unfortunate reputation for demolishing cheeseboards.

Mmmmbrekkie · 25/03/2019 20:34

Honestly can’t remember I last had chocolate. Seriously.

Muesli though.... I could have bowl after bowl

avidbotwatcher · 25/03/2019 20:28

I have no stop button

Phantastic · 25/03/2019 20:27

100,200,360,850 grams OP? Yes that'd be fine thank you

LikeACowsOpinion · 25/03/2019 20:21


How much chocolate can you eat?
YeOldeTrout · 25/03/2019 20:17

Nothing taste nice if you over eat it.
Nutella is not bar chocolate but I could pretty easily scoff 1000 kcal of Nutella, I reckon, instead of a meal. Other forms of chocolate, not so much.

I loathe the biscuity bits in Toblerone! Waste of decent chocolate.

SurgeHopper · 25/03/2019 20:10

I could est at least 500 g in one sitting. I never do though. Never eat choc at all.

I could eat at least 12 of those American soft style cookies - again, never do.

thenewaveragebear1983 · 25/03/2019 19:51

Tapas running. Plus I don't actually eat it, I just know I could! Grin

TapasForTwo · 25/03/2019 19:48

How are all you chocaholics not the size of a house?

thenewaveragebear1983 · 25/03/2019 19:11

I reckon I could eat 500g in a sitting, but I've probably never actually done that. I've definitely eaten 250 g in one sitting, I have no off switch. I reckon I could actually eat an entire birthday cake, I've often contemplated it.


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KeptTheBeachesShipwreckFree · 25/03/2019 14:36

Loads and loads.
Those 100g Toblerone bars? I can eat 2 in one go and still have room for more.

TapasForTwo · 25/03/2019 14:35

"I also love crisps, olives and cheese and of course WINE! So it's not all virtuous!"

Now you're talking Grin

caperplips · 25/03/2019 14:30

I can't eat too much chocolate as it makes me feel sick very quickly, I would rarely if ever eat a regular 8 square bar in one sitting - usually break it in two and eat it over 2 days.

However savoury, salty things I find harder to regulate. If we get fish & chips from the really good place in town I can eat FAR more than I need and always feel bloated and uncomfortable after it.

I also love crisps, olives and cheese and of course WINE! So it's not all virtuous!

In fact, thinking about it, I would crave very fresh white bread (cheap sliced pan) with real butter and raspberry jam, made quickly in the kitchen, folded over and scarfed as quickly as possible! I really have to stop myself from doing serious damage with them if the mood strikes - I would take that over chocolate any day!

I think I went off chocolate in my 20's when I had to go on an elimination diet for food allergies. When I was allowed to re-introduce foods back into my diet I could not wait to get my hands on chocolate. I ate some and it was like sweet wax to my taste buds Shock and I never really liked it as much after that....

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