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I darednt put my question on here, i might get outed

7 replies

baublesbanglesandbeads · 24/02/2010 15:56

Just that really. My question and my problem is so complex and someone might recorgnise me. I cant have that. Dont know what to do?

OP posts:
Hassled · 05/03/2010 22:30

Write it all down with a different type of work, swap your boss's gender, change/lie about a few bits but not so much as to mean people can't give appropriate advice, IYSWIM.

Snowybird · 05/03/2010 22:26

go on, just say it

baublesbanglesandbeads · 24/02/2010 16:19

thanks, I hadnt thought about writing it all down, doh!! Its going to take me ages, its gone on for three years.

OP posts:
Remotew · 24/02/2010 16:14

You could write everything down and make an appointment with citizen advice. If it's complicated it might need an expert.

baublesbanglesandbeads · 24/02/2010 16:08

Sorry, I dont mean to sound all mysterious, Im just so worried about all of it and not sleeping etc. I thought about ringing ACAS but its going to take sooooo long to explain whats happened.

OP posts:
Remotew · 24/02/2010 16:03

Ring ACAS then.

ChickensHaveSinisterMotives · 24/02/2010 16:02

Erm, not sure what you want by posting if you can't give any info Can you speak hypothetically?

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