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Night shift then sahm in the day?

34 replies

Woodyhels · 29/10/2012 09:58

Basically looking for reassurance, found my perfect job (based on hours) and am starting my first proper shift tonight.

I am going to be working 3 nights (10 til 6) and then looking after dd during the day.

I have it all planned out with naps when dd (13 months) naps and reduced household tasks, but now, I'm crapping myself that I won't cope.

I'm sure other people do this and cope? How do you do it? What do you do to stay awake?

OP posts:
MrsCantSayAnything · 30/10/2012 08:05

I've done it and still do in a sense except I work from home....which means that travel isn't a factor. You will be ok. You'll get used to it.

Lougle · 30/10/2012 08:32

For me, the biggest problem with nights is the drive home. Many, many times I would be driving home, thinking I was awake, then suddenly seeing a number plate in front of me closer than I expected. Quite scary.

Woodyhels · 30/10/2012 16:25

Well, I've had 2.5 hours sleep so far and am feeling ok.

Took dd to soft play this morning and had lunch there, home for her nap and then we have been "doing" puzzles (I do them she eats/flings the pieces) dp made a stew last night for us so that's in the oven and I'm going to have another sleep when dp is home to look after dd.

I know that tomorrow I will probably feel twice as bad but I am feeling relatively positive about tonight's shift. But only time will tell :)

At least I'm not comatose and dd is happy :)

OP posts:
Woodyhels · 30/10/2012 16:28

Lougle, I have been thinking about the driving and have already agreed with dp that if I am too tired the car stays parked and I get a taxi, it's just not worth it!

Thanks for the comments again btw

OP posts:
DameEnidsOrange · 30/10/2012 20:53

Well done woodyhels, hope you have a nice easy night

bonhomiee · 30/10/2012 22:03

Its tricky
I do nights and its hard to get enough rest especially with the sleep deficit that builds up if you don't sleep before the first night.
Between eating, drinking,driving to and fro and showering there isn't much time to spare, and its a different type of sleep so if the phone goes etc it can be difficult to get back to sleep.
Have a short nap before driving home in the morning and have back up child care if you are struggling because you could push yourself too far if you are not careful.
I don't do childcare while on nights not even the school run unless it is the first or last night... I can't risk being tired as too many lives depend on me overnight.
Have back up childcare from a friend if you really need it.

Woodyhels · 31/10/2012 02:24

Thanks for the advice Bon!

The job I am doing is in fast food so as long as i follow hygiene etc and do my job properly (which my manager assures me I am) then I have few work responsibilities.

Since dd was little we have always had an active morning and quiet afternoon as she has always enjoyed a long afternoon nap and I find mornings much easier to be active.

2nd shift is almost done (well I finish at 6) and so far so good, not really tired and completed some training.

I am really hoping that I'm just one of the people that this works for!!

OP posts:
bonhomiee · 31/10/2012 09:00

thats good
glad you finish at 6 I finish at 10 and that is why there isn't much time
good luck x

ornellaia · 31/10/2012 09:07

Well done woodyhels, I don't imagine it'll be easy but I know it can be done because my mum did it. She worked about 3/4 nights per week, would come home in the morning and get me and my Dsis ready for school (obviously my lazy-arse father couldn't manage this), she'd drop us at school and then go into uni for lectures - somehow she managed to get a degree and keep the family afloat. Christ only knows when she slept though. Best of luck with the job x

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