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Anti-FGM campaigner Hibo Wardere comes under attack

510 replies

JustTurtlesAllTheWayDown · 19/02/2021 08:20

Again. I know Hibo has put out more than one video clarifying that her focus is on women and girls and on stopping FGM, but she did another one last night after being piled on and called a hater for not being 'inclusive' in her language.
I am bloody angry about it this morning.
Hibo Wardere is a personal hero of mine for the amazing work she's done.
Attacking her for not focusing on other issues is the lowest of the low. The misogyny is rank.
(Also, if anyone hasn't got her book 'Cut' on their feminist book shelf, I really do recommend it. It's not an easy read but I found her journey incredibly inspiring).

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Ereshkigalangcleg · 19/02/2021 12:03

They are, but it's amazing that they think that on this one issue they can talk over black feminist women who they'd otherwise have to defer to as per the "intersectionality" that they claim to support.

Datun · 19/02/2021 12:25


Finally people are waking up to the misogyny and gynephobia of a movement which is trying to erase women.

In a nutshell.

And they go for the most extreme examples, like women who have been raped and sexually assaulted, FGM victims, women who have suffered still birth, etc.

Nothing can be left exclusively as something that happens to a woman. Even the smallest chink undermines the entire ideology.

And if you can force people to accept these extreme examples, you can get them to accept everything else.

The obvious enjoyment of targeting the most vulnerable is fairly transparent, too. For many, their explicit behaviour appears to be an end in itself.
Datun · 19/02/2021 12:28


Again. I know Hibo has put out more than one video clarifying that her focus is on women and girls and on stopping FGM, but she did another one last night after being piled on and called a hater for not being 'inclusive' in her language.
I am bloody angry about it this morning.
Hibo Wardere is a personal hero of mine for the amazing work she's done.
Attacking her for not focusing on other issues is the lowest of the low. The misogyny is rank.
(Also, if anyone hasn't got her book 'Cut' on their feminist book shelf, I really do recommend it. It's not an easy read but I found her journey incredibly inspiring).

And that clip is phenomenal. Instantly inspirational.

No wonder they can't stand her. She must terrify them.
Ereshkigalangcleg · 19/02/2021 12:29

And if you can force people to accept these extreme examples, you can get them to accept everything else.

This is exactly it. The most vicious attacks on GC women that I have seen have been around rape survivors wanting female only spaces or treatment.

Eowynthewarrior · 19/02/2021 14:12

I don’t see this happening in any other area of life apart from issues affecting women and girls. I don’t see people campaigning for a charity say for blind people to face an attack and pile on for not being inclusive of different needs. Or for a charity campaigning for prostrate cancer being attacked for not including ovarian cancer or skin cancer . Or for an football club being criticised for not including a reference to basketball in every match report they issue . Women and girls need campaigners about issues that affect them because of biology: likewise men. Likewise trans people . All have own needs

StillAWoman2 · 19/02/2021 17:06

I’m appalled at the attacks on FGM campaigners, if nothing else convinced me I was on the right side of history on this ‘debate’ that would

PotholeParadies · 19/02/2021 19:34

Still ongoing.

The problem is not that she's centering women in her work and words. The problem is that she excludes trans women from it. 'I'm a woman. Get over it.' is what trans women say too. If everyone accepted that trans women are women just like cis women, no one would take issue.

PotholeParadies · 19/02/2021 19:42

Of course nobody is "obliged to believe that trans women are women". It would just be the kind thing to do.

Just as it would be the right thing to end FGM.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

I may explode.

ArabellaScott · 19/02/2021 19:43

It really is unfathomable. Just when one thinks this ideology can't stoop any lower, they attack a women campaigning to stop girls from being tortured. It's just beyond me. I condemn them in the strongest terms.

Thanks, Hibo, for all the phenomenal work you do and have done. I'm utterly disgusted by the attacks made on you. It's totally unacceptable. More power to you. Flowers

yourhairiswinterfire · 19/02/2021 19:53

[quote PotholeParadies]Still ongoing.

The problem is not that she's centering women in her work and words. The problem is that she excludes trans women from it. 'I'm a woman. Get over it.' is what trans women say too. If everyone accepted that trans women are women just like cis women, no one would take issue.[/quote]
FFS. How are they expecting transwomen to be included in this? How many transwomen or transgirls have had any of the following done to them against their will?

-type 1 (clitoridectomy) – removing part or all of the clitoris

-type 2 (excision) – removing part or all of the clitoris and the inner labia (the lips that surround the vagina), with or without removal of the labia majora (the larger outer lips)

-type 3 (infibulation) – narrowing the vaginal opening by creating a seal, formed by cutting and repositioning the labia

-other harmful procedures to the female genitals, including pricking, piercing, cutting, scraping or burning the area

ZERO. We don't even need to look for stats, because no one is destroying the vulva or vagina of transwomen/girls, because they don't have one.

Transwomen are not the same as women, so don't need to be included in absolutely everything, least of all in anti-FGM work and campaigns.

This is just so malicious, bullying a woman doing amazing work just for the fucking sake of it.

Much love to Hibo. Truly inspiring woman.

PotholeParadies · 19/02/2021 19:57

Apparently it is absolutely vital that everyone makes sure to acknowledge that TWAW at all points.

If this doesn't happen, then something awful happens to transwomen.

It does not matter if it gets in the way of FGM activism.

People telling Hibo this are two white Europeans, btw. Telling a black woman who grew up in Somalia how to conduct her campaign against FGM within the Somali community.

Don't we have words for that kind of thing?

HermitsLife · 19/02/2021 19:58

I have a lot of words for that kind of thing but it will get me deleted so you'll jut have to do with mute rage.

fatblackcatspaw · 19/02/2021 20:12

have look at an account called @ the fem bot a bloke who claims to be a feminist and supportive of women with trauma see pinned tweet but ha been attacking Hibo

WarOnWomen · 19/02/2021 20:35

Hibo has a club of men who continually try to harass her fatblackcatspaw. It's disgusting.

Hibo is a courageous, generous and warm woman who does wonderful work. Much respect and admiration for her 💕💐

Darcinian · 19/02/2021 21:02

Can you believe this? Absolute fuckers.

Handmaidens want Hibo to say "cis-women". No mention of transmen.

Does she think the girls could have identified out of FGM? Does she think it happened because of how feminine the six year olds were?

I don't think she does but she desperately wants everyone in all circumstances to act like we all believe TWAW and TMAM. Not sure how nb would fit it. Can't even be arsed to think about it tbh.

Anti-FGM campaigner Hibo Wardere comes under attack
BuntingEllacott · 19/02/2021 21:19

I'm just going to call this what it is. Self righteous evil. I feel contempt far more than I used to, but it's genuinely difficult to think of someone I despise to the uttermost more than the women who have tweeted these things to Hibo.

I hope one day they feel every bit of the wretched shame they deserve for their sickening tweets.

TheElementsSong · 19/02/2021 21:25

I’m just imagining the smug self-righteousness as those arseholes typed those things at Hibo, somehow imagining Posterity giving them enthusiastic back-slaps for their noble fight for the Right Side of History. Truly nauseating.

PotholeParadies · 19/02/2021 21:31

F'ing hell.

It happens to girls! Such muddy thinking. She has no idea of what's going on, she's just saying the words.

No-one doing this to little girls bothers to show them a Gendered Intelligence powerpoint on gender issues first to make sure they only do it to the "cis" ones.

rawalpindithelabrador · 19/02/2021 21:59

'cis', my arse! Gynephobia and misogyny at its finest. How fucking DARE anyone lambast a woman for saying this applies to females. 'cis' a slur to erase female girl and woman.

Sophoclesthefox · 19/02/2021 22:09

What a time to be alive.

Voice0fReason · 19/02/2021 22:42

Hibo is amazing.
FGM is so clearly a female only issue.
It seems that even when it's something so horrific, women are not allowed to have anything that is female only.

MotherWitch · 20/02/2021 05:31

Apparently Hibo is "throwing trans women under the bus".

If I say more I will get banned.

Anti-FGM campaigner Hibo Wardere comes under attack

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gigity · 20/02/2021 06:23

Apparently it is absolutely vital that everyone makes sure to acknowledge that TWAW at all points.

If this doesn't happen, then something awful happens to transwomen.

It does not matter if it gets in the way of FGM activism.

People telling Hibo this are two white Europeans, btw. Telling a black woman who grew up in Somalia how to conduct her campaign against FGM within the Somali community.

Don't we have words for that kind of thing?

Yeah we do.... this is why it's such BS. TWAW need to be centred in every debate & debates need to be inclusive. How many of them centre others in their fight?

gigity · 20/02/2021 06:31

how do the people who carry out FGM know the difference between genders? 🤔

Also why don't male focused campaigns have to be inclusive?

JustTurtlesAllTheWayDown · 20/02/2021 06:41

'Only cis women and girls suffer from this' would be a perfectly fine thing to say - from Darcinian's screenshot above.
Once again, this becomes all about TW not being allowed to be excluded from anything and about not trans men or non binary female people being included.
Either the tweeter has simply forgotten about them and is only interested in advocating for trans women or they don't believe Sudanese girls and women are capable of being trans and they are all 'cis', even under their own gender system.
The only other option is that they think that it's possible that identifying as trans would mean a child can opt out of FGM.
The first is bog standard sexism, the second is sexist and racist, and the third is just detached from reality. It's all completely incoherent.

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