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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Flo & Joan - Russell Howard

62 replies

SerendipityJane · 19/12/2020 08:24

Only half caught it (might rewatch later) but caught something in their song about "trans" and "J K Rowling"

leaving it there, as it's quite a mainstream show ....

OP posts:
DidoLamenting · 19/12/2020 17:52

And as for the swearing - am I the only one who thought it was like a three year old beaming because they shouted 'poohead'?

No. I'm with you on that.

Whatsnewpussyhat · 19/12/2020 18:11

They don't realise that one day they too will be deemed by society to be the wrong side of 40, invisible and irrelevant.

Their fame will only last until the woke youth tire of them.

tobee · 19/12/2020 18:28

So... what age are Flo and Joan? 🤔

Babdoc · 19/12/2020 19:46

Santa Claus is St Nicholas. A male bishop of Smyrna. Therefore a man. On what planet is that more “gender neutral” than Father Christmas?

JoodyBlue · 19/12/2020 20:01

@Soontobe60 that is what I thought too. Also the using of the C word as the way to describe the year. Yup it was a bad year. But the worst possible thing we can think to say is a word used to describe female anatomy. When I start to think about it all, I think 2nd wave feminism failed to teach these young women how bad it can get. They are able to blithely dispense with feminism. They don't even realise they are doing it. I am not sure what the answer is, things will get rough again for women and the cycles will repeat. Sad that such potential intelligence is so limited, smug, and ultimately self sacrificing.

JoodyBlue · 19/12/2020 20:05


I would just like to make it clear that FloisNotme.

made me chortle :)
Whatsnewpussyhat · 19/12/2020 20:52

I think they are 27 and 30

WomanWithAnX · 19/12/2020 21:55

I like the. Well, I used to. This song is making me think twice. Xmas Sad

SunsetBeetch · 20/12/2020 11:48

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andawaywego · 20/12/2020 12:19

[quote donquixotedelamancha]Flo and Joan are a pound shop Garfunkel and Oates.[/quote]
Thank you! I really like Garfunkel and Oates and they've been around for years. Annoys me that their style was completely ripped off by these idiots. And not even done well.

SerendipityJane · 20/12/2020 12:30

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donquixotedelamancha · 20/12/2020 12:33

Thank you! I really like Garfunkel and Oates and they've been around for years. Annoys me that their style was completely ripped off by these idiots.

Indeed. I think when other opportunities came along G+A focused more on their acting careers and saw the music as a side hustle.

Now that their (sometimes very) old stuff has taken off more there are a number of copycats, who's only schtick is being a very poor imitation of something two very talented women did in their spare time while breaking into Hollywood.

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