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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Round of applause for HairyLeggdHarpy please!

42 replies

TheFleegleHasLanded · 26/09/2020 13:50


we never said that thing we said
it wasn't us that said it
and when you read that thing we said
it's your fault that you read it

the times we said your body's wrong
affirmed that you should hate it
the harm that caused was all your fault
we meant to say 'upgrade it'

the fact that we curate our feed
deleting every reference
to all that stuff we never said
is just an admin preference

and those who said that legal firms
have started to take heed
of those who said "your body's wrong"
for their "No win, No fees"...

you've got it wrong, that wasn't us
we never ever said it
and when we said it all the time
it's your fault that you read it

so search away, we didn't say
that stuff we've now deleted
if only we could delete you
who has it all receipted

OP posts:
Roseburn · 26/09/2020 20:05

Joyful genius. Oh it's been a good week!

MrsGface · 26/09/2020 19:47

That is sublime

yourhairiswinterfire · 26/09/2020 19:44



And thank you to all the women who've archived and screenshot and saved material so that we can prove they said it.

Yes, thank God they had the sense to save everything. The last few days have highlighted exactly why it's needed.

Someone on Twitter has suggested to start screenshotting and saving anyone pushing for puberty blockers, saying they're just a 'pause button' and reversible. Save screenshots of those who tell us that anyone against it is cruel and deliberately 'harming' children.

Probably a good idea to save the ones that suggest anything other than affirming a child's "trans identity" is conversion therapy. I can see them doing a 180 on that really soon.
ErrolTheDragon · 26/09/2020 19:40


What is the thing that they said?

I want to enjoy this as much as you lot!

This may help
BlueJay99 · 26/09/2020 19:31

What is the thing that they said?

I want to enjoy this as much as you lot!

Datun · 26/09/2020 19:24

Dammit all that woman is a literary genius. I've never read the like. Her stuff is fantastic.

Sorry, fannytastic.

RufustheSniggeringReindeer · 26/09/2020 19:18



And thank you to all the women who've archived and screenshot and saved material so that we can prove they said it.

God yeah!
persistentwoman · 26/09/2020 18:38

I needed a laugh and this was perfect. Well done

Whatsnewpussyhat · 26/09/2020 18:20

Fabulous. Also love clitoral violence. Genius.

Shedbuilder · 26/09/2020 18:20


And thank you to all the women who've archived and screenshot and saved material so that we can prove they said it.

Angryresister · 26/09/2020 18:17

Brilliant ..can’t imagine which organisations that it relates to...

KatVonlabonk · 26/09/2020 18:17

I love our team. Star

DeliciouslyFemale · 26/09/2020 18:00

That was a joy to read and the responses are just as funny. 🤣

ErrolTheDragon · 26/09/2020 17:25

Harpy is a genius - have you seen her pronouns?Grin

^She Who Must Not Be Named

pronouns: Are/Ro/Hyp/Nol^

ErrolTheDragon · 26/09/2020 17:22



Very Lewis Carroll.

Excellent. The form reminds me of the sequel to "the purple cow" by its exasperated author. (
napody · 26/09/2020 17:09


ItsLateHumpty · 26/09/2020 17:02

That is sublime - o frabjous day Grin

StandUpStraight · 26/09/2020 16:29

Oh, poem and apology are both fabulous!! Laughter is a fantastic weapon against these people. They hate it.

WarOnWomen · 26/09/2020 16:20


Absolutely brilliant! Does anyone else read it in their head in the voice of Pam Ayers?

Yes, I thought Pam Ayers too.

''Tis brilliant.
ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 26/09/2020 16:11
TwentyViginti · 26/09/2020 15:09

I follow HLH on Twitter, but haven't been on there for ages. Popped on to give the tweet a like!

highame · 26/09/2020 15:03

😂 Poem truly inspired and the rest of the posts too


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Annasgirl · 26/09/2020 15:01

Wonderful - I will share IRL (can't get logged on to Twitter but also am boycotting all of that male dominated social media).

FannyCann · 26/09/2020 14:58

Don't scold me if the glitter ball is inappropriate - I thought it was a grenade and someone else thought it was celeriac.
I just think a bit of a disco knees up with grenades exploding in woke offices up and down the country and celeriac soup for all is called for. Grin

Cascade220 · 26/09/2020 14:57

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