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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Another incredibly annoying Guardian article

108 replies

xxyzz · 10/08/2020 19:40

Apologies if already posted here - couldn't see it.

Apologies also to anyone else as irked by it as me. I just want to hear some other people also express that it is like nails on a blackboard in its utter tone-deaf wrongness throughout.

OP posts:
NotBadConsidering · 13/08/2020 07:55


I can’t find / see the comments.
Do I have to subscribe?

I am really not willing to subscribe for drivel like this.

The actual article doesn’t allow comments, it’s comments on the Facebook post about it that people are seeing.
FloralBunting · 13/08/2020 10:47

Holly Lawford-Smith uses begging the question properly, which simply enhances that letter's many positives. Excellent.

Goosefoot · 13/08/2020 15:39


Holly Lawford-Smith uses begging the question properly, which simply enhances that letter's many positives. Excellent.

Oh, that's just wonderful.

Improper use of that term is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, though I realise many people now have only heard it used incorrectly. But it's such a useful idea.
FloralBunting · 13/08/2020 15:58

Goosefoot, you and I do not see eye to eye on a number of things, but this we definitely share Grin

Igmum · 13/08/2020 17:46

Great response, thanks Dancelike. Bloody annoying article. Trendy Guardian journalists meets some perfectly lovely trans folk in a bar, therefore we don't need women's refuges. WTF?

TorkTorkBam · 13/08/2020 21:19

She was hanging out with them in a bar where she was taken when very underage. Not even a hint of a suggestion from her that something was not right about them taking her to bars when she was 14 (even though they had no sexual interest in her).

She does not seem to have a grasp of child protection or even what it is to be a responsible adult around children.

TheWordWomanIsTaken · 13/08/2020 22:00


That is one of the Guardian's worst articles on this subject, and that's really saying something.

I thought so as well - in fact I couldn't even read it through the rage.
I texted a link to my dtr asking if her friends really actually really believed this shite.
Annasgirl · 13/08/2020 23:37

Well that was a beautiful letter. I wish I had written it. I love an eloquent put down.

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