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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

So, ladies... is your DH your king?

39 replies

FlamedToACrisp · 13/06/2020 13:21

I don't think my DH will be getting one of these any time soon!

OP posts:
FlamedToACrisp · 13/06/2020 19:25


And you are undoubtedly Queen of the Puns!

OP posts:
ScrimpshawTheSecond · 13/06/2020 19:24

sofa king annoying


YellowHats · 13/06/2020 18:28

Well I am born in august...

I like the way the tshirt says 'yes I am a spoilt husband but not yours' as if we would be masisvely jealous of the spoilt husband. Just what Ive always wanted a spoilt grown man and your telling me hes taken? Sad

DeRigueurMortis · 13/06/2020 17:27

DH would love that tee mop up oil stains from the garage floor after he's been tinkering with his motorbike Grin.

Bit more expensive than the old boxer shorts he usually uses though so I'll pass thanks.

OldeMagick · 13/06/2020 17:16


I saw this lovely family version

A least you'd know which families to avoid Grin
Mythica · 13/06/2020 17:10

They need to do one for cats. Mine definitely thinks he's the king 😺👑

Mythica · 13/06/2020 17:08

Well. I was born in August and I DO have a murderous streak but don't ADVERTISE it fgs. Grin

iklboo · 13/06/2020 16:51

@ShiveringCoyote 😂

ShiveringCoyote · 13/06/2020 15:49

My husband is sofa king annoying today.

winterisstillcoming · 13/06/2020 15:45

Goodness that's awful.

My husband is my king though. But I am his queen.

My husband would never wear that T-shirt thank goodness.

Franticbutterfly · 13/06/2020 15:40

My DH is King of the sofa. I'd like to get him a t shirt with that on.

iklboo · 13/06/2020 15:20

This just popped up on an advert in a game I was playing. The video was a man loading a washing machine with his toddler taking stuff out. Worthy of a salute? Jesus.

So, ladies... is your DH your king?
Pikachubaby · 13/06/2020 15:15

She was born in August.... on MN that would be considered an “outing” fact.

I wonder does she have a hobby too?

So many questions left

DH is not my king, he has just asked permission to eat one if the peaches in the fruit bowl Grin

SisterVanHelsing · 13/06/2020 15:13

The randomness of 'She was born in August' did make me laugh at least.

TheProdigalKittensReturn · 13/06/2020 15:11

At least it doesn't take 5 minutes to read those though.

CalmConfident · 13/06/2020 15:08

Made me feel quite ill

So, ladies... is your DH your king?
CalmConfident · 13/06/2020 15:08

I saw this lovely family version

So, ladies... is your DH your king?
WeetabixBananaHipsterFFS · 13/06/2020 15:04

DP would be worried about my mental health if I bought him one of those.

TheProdigalKittensReturn · 13/06/2020 15:04

Presuming that someone must be buying this nonsense I'm left wondering why any woman would want her husband to walk around wearing something like that.

madcatladyforever · 13/06/2020 15:02

Everyone would have to stop him in the treetops for 10 minutes to actually read it it's so lengthy. Absurd.

ByGrabtharsHammerWhatASavings · 13/06/2020 15:01

My favourite stupid slogan t-shirt I've seen was one which said something like "gender is a spectrum" or "smash the gender binary" or some such shite, and then had the option for you to buy it in either "male" or "female" style. Made me chuckle. The perfect example of when activism meets capitalism.

InFiveMins · 13/06/2020 14:59

Christ that is awful. I do worry that there must be people out there who buy this sort of shite.


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Besom · 13/06/2020 14:59

Eew yuk! I would buy this for dh only if I really wanted to piss him off.

ByGrabtharsHammerWhatASavings · 13/06/2020 14:58

I love the fb product ads with targeted slogans. I had a hoodie advertised to me once which said "all the best people graduated in medicine from [my university]" except I'd dropped off the course earlier that year. Low blow fb, low blow.

SilverLetters · 13/06/2020 14:57

I'm tempted to prank my DP and get him that for his birthday Grin

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