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Sending love to Louise Moody

115 replies

Teabaseddiet · 14/05/2020 08:50

Just seen that she posted on twitter that her wife has died. So very sorry Louise.

OP posts:
WillyWaver · 14/05/2020 16:56

I'm so sorry Louise. Such a terrible tragedy. I'm so glad you have friends with you at this time.

Al1Langdownthecleghole · 14/05/2020 17:09

ThanksSo very sorry Louise. What sad, shocking news. Sending condolences and best wishes.

testing987654321 · 14/05/2020 18:17

So sorry for your loss, Louise, I hope you can gain some comfort from friends and family. Thanks

MarieIVanArkleStinks · 14/05/2020 19:45

Just seen this on Twitter. This is terrible news.

againstvaw · 14/05/2020 20:10

Dr Louise
Very sorry for your loss. Your strength has brought you through very painful times and I hope it carries you through this. You are loved and admired.

vaginafetishist · 14/05/2020 21:01

So sorry Louise

Academicexposer · 14/05/2020 21:18

Louise, I was on twitter as @academicexposer. I have deleted my account but I wanted to let you know how extremely sorry I am. I can’t imagine what you’re going through and you are in my thoughts. I am glad that you are getting support.

KatySun · 14/05/2020 21:19

I am so very sorry for your loss Flowers

ShowOfHands · 14/05/2020 21:31

I am so terribly sorry Louise.

I have admired your strength for a long time and I hope you allow the strength and love of those around you to carry you through the coming hours and days. What dreadful news.

Bflatmajorsharp · 14/05/2020 21:56

Louise, this is such an awful thing to read. I can't imagine what you are going through. Kindest wishes to you now and in the months and years to come.

DrLouiseJMoody · 15/05/2020 07:37

I am here, reading, and grateful. Friends are staying with me temporarily. I cannot think about anything: am just numb. I have sleeping pills, friends to walk the dogs, and absolutely terrified about how to start dealing with the practical stuff. I have to call the medical examiner today and it's making me feel ill. And the solicitor where we have our joint will. God, I remember how cheerfully we strolled in and did that thinking it would just be filed away somewhere for the next forty years. I am breaking.

exLtEveDallas · 15/05/2020 07:44

Oh Louise, how utterly destroying. I am so very sorry. Your photos on Twitter yesterday shone with love, you two should have had a lifetime together xx

Teabaseddiet · 15/05/2020 09:06

So glad you have friends with you Louise, hope they can help guide you through what needs to be done.
Sending you so much love ❤️

OP posts:
endofthelinefinally · 15/05/2020 11:28

So, so sorry for your loss. Flowers
The bereavement board on here is a wonderful source of emotional support and practical advice.
I, and many others, have been through the whole experience of sudden loss, the coroner's court and everything else that goes with that. The support of other MNers was so helpful.

T0tallyFuckedUpFamily · 15/05/2020 11:30

I’m so glad you gave support and I know it doesn’t seem important at the moment, but I’m awfully glad that you both sorted out wills. It will help prevent unnecessary stress later.

CatandtheFiddle · 15/05/2020 11:39

Whaa? So so sorry Louise Flowers Big hugs

MoleSmokes · 15/05/2020 18:28

Oh how terrible! Don't be afraid to ask friends to do things for you. What might seem like "boring admin" to someone else can be heartbreaking to tackle, finding you have sat motionless for hours holding a piece of paper that is charged with memories but to a friend is . . . just a piece of paper that needs filing. Don't feel bad about letting friends help you as much as they can and be as kind to yourself as humanly possible Flowers

TanquerayTickles · 15/05/2020 19:06

I am so so sorry for your loss, Louise. Sending love xxx

Alonelonelyloner · 15/05/2020 22:43

I only just saw your post on FB

I am heartbroken and shocked for you Louise. I am so incredibly sorry.
The last I love you will mean more and more I think. These things matter in the end.

We are all thinking of you.

thirdfiddle · 15/05/2020 23:45

I'm so so sorry to hear this. Flowers

BakedCam · 16/05/2020 01:08


Sending love.

BitOfFun · 16/05/2020 01:12

My deepest condolences, Louise, I am so sorry Flowers


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SeaRabbit · 16/05/2020 12:13

Dear Louise that is such awful news for you and others who loved her. I am so sad for you all.

PurpleCrowbarWhereIsLangCleg · 16/05/2020 15:40

I'm so sorry, Louise. Beautiful photograph of you both on twitter x

ShowOfHands · 18/05/2020 16:03

Still thinking about you Louise. I hope you are managing some sleep and a little food.

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