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Sending love to Louise Moody

115 replies

Teabaseddiet · 14/05/2020 08:50

Just seen that she posted on twitter that her wife has died. So very sorry Louise.

OP posts:
OrangeLang · 22/05/2020 18:34

Just another sending you love and hugs Louise xx

ChattyLion · 22/05/2020 14:32

Just to agree with Floral. I’m just another stranger on the internet but thinking of you and sending you strength for these very painful and shocking days.

FloralBunting · 19/05/2020 20:47

I have nothing of use to offer. I am so incredibly sorry that she is gone and you are suffering so deeply. I know that I and many others here hold you in great respect and will be so willing to support you in whatever ways we are able to, even if it's just a kind word.

Quillink · 19/05/2020 20:36

I'm so sorry Louise Flowers Flowers

ChattyLion · 18/05/2020 23:51

Another one holding you in my thoughts. I am so sorry for your loss.Flowers

HavelockVetinari · 18/05/2020 20:24

I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I don't know if you believe in heaven, but I do, and I'm sure that's where she is now.

Please be kind to yourself, and allow yourself time to grieve and be sad. Flowers

EstherEliza · 18/05/2020 20:20

Goodness that's so sad. I'm sorry Flowers

CatandtheFiddle · 18/05/2020 20:19

Oh Louise Flowers Just take it hour by hour, day by day.

theseriousmoonlight · 18/05/2020 19:28

My deepest condolences Louise. I saw your tweet and couldn't 'like' it but I have been thinking about you ever since Flowers

Datun · 18/05/2020 19:23

Oh Louise, words are inadequate x

testing987654321 · 18/05/2020 19:09

The funeral is next week and I just cannot think past that.

That's quite far enough right now. Grieving is going to be painful and upsetting, there's no way to avoid it. As others have said, just cope minute by minute for now and rely on your friends as much as you need to.

ShowOfHands · 18/05/2020 18:49

You are in deep shock and all of those instincts and experiences you rely on to guide you simply don't exist because this is so new and so terrible.

When my brother lost his wife, he was almost frozen in time. He didn't want to go forward because he recognised nothing about his life as compared to the morning of the day she suddenly died. I know he had an obsessive need to make sense of it and for him, some of that came from visiting her at the funeral home and having a meeting with our local GP to ask all those questions that you likely have too. Could we have acted sooner? What exactly happened? Did she suffer? They're terrible questions I know and likely have no answer but sometimes asking them to an objective medical doctor means you can say you've exhausted that avenue. It may not help you but I know my brother needed to ask. I do ask him now 15 years later, what helped and the honest answer is nothing. Nothing could undo it so nothing could truly helped but he says that people carried him through until he could carry himself.

T0tallyFuckedUpFamily · 18/05/2020 16:44

I’m so sorry, Louise. I know the pain is physical as well as emotional. I know it’s not bloody fair that she has died so young and that you no longer have her in your life. Don’t bottle up your feelings. I did that and it’s no good, as they have to come out sometime. Cry, speak, scream and throw things, if you want, because it’s tucking awful. ❤️

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 18/05/2020 16:40

I'm so sorry. Take it an hour at a time. Focus on small things if it gets too much - give the dogs a pat, look at the sky, make a cup of tea.

Please accept help as it's offered and ask if it's needed. Hope you have people around you, there are plenty of us here virtually.

DrLouiseJMoody · 18/05/2020 16:27

I'm here and just utterly utterly lost. In the space of an hour I am going between anger (she was feeling breathless on Monday but put it down to stress), numbness (so this is my life now, at 38?), and crying in a way I have never known before (I keep looking at our dogs, who she loved so much, and am just heartbroken they won't ever see one another again).

The last thing we said, on the Sunday, was that we loved each other despite how insane life had become. We hugged for a while, and were talking up until a few hours before it happened.

And what's killing me is thinking how scared she must have been. I'm told it was quick, that she just collapsed, said she couldn't breathe, and that was it. I keep being actually sick.

The funeral is next week and I just cannot think past that. I just desperately, desperately want her back.

ShowOfHands · 18/05/2020 16:03

Still thinking about you Louise. I hope you are managing some sleep and a little food.

PurpleCrowbarWhereIsLangCleg · 16/05/2020 15:40

I'm so sorry, Louise. Beautiful photograph of you both on twitter x

SeaRabbit · 16/05/2020 12:13

Dear Louise that is such awful news for you and others who loved her. I am so sad for you all.

BitOfFun · 16/05/2020 01:12

My deepest condolences, Louise, I am so sorry Flowers

BakedCam · 16/05/2020 01:08


Sending love.

thirdfiddle · 15/05/2020 23:45

I'm so so sorry to hear this. Flowers

Alonelonelyloner · 15/05/2020 22:43

I only just saw your post on FB

I am heartbroken and shocked for you Louise. I am so incredibly sorry.
The last I love you will mean more and more I think. These things matter in the end.

We are all thinking of you.


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TanquerayTickles · 15/05/2020 19:06

I am so so sorry for your loss, Louise. Sending love xxx

MoleSmokes · 15/05/2020 18:28

Oh how terrible! Don't be afraid to ask friends to do things for you. What might seem like "boring admin" to someone else can be heartbreaking to tackle, finding you have sat motionless for hours holding a piece of paper that is charged with memories but to a friend is . . . just a piece of paper that needs filing. Don't feel bad about letting friends help you as much as they can and be as kind to yourself as humanly possible Flowers

CatandtheFiddle · 15/05/2020 11:39

Whaa? So so sorry Louise Flowers Big hugs

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