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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Saturday roll call

63 replies

Amalfimamma · 23/06/2018 06:40

Still here, still two strikes, kids up since silly o'clock.

Is every0ne ok?

OP posts:
Popchyk · 23/06/2018 10:35


And correct.

spontaneousgiventime · 23/06/2018 10:36

Terfulike No apology needed. I'll have a look.

That said, with two strikes even if one was removed, I'm not sure I'm the best person to be interpreting the new rules. I don't seem to have done a good job for myself Grin

spontaneousgiventime · 23/06/2018 10:37

I suspect MN are trying to force us to use a certain word but don't want to state that explicitly.


BettyFloop · 23/06/2018 10:53

Morning all

AngryAttackKittens · 23/06/2018 10:54

I realize hope springs eternal and all, but I really don't see the majority of those who haven't cooperated so far suddenly deciding that they're actually fine with using terms for male people that include the word "woman".

Terfulike · 23/06/2018 10:55

When I taught at a tutorial college I used to have a lot of Chinese students. I used to talk to them a lot about the education system in China (which is absolutely fascinating), and inevitably we would stray into free speech. When they were at home in China they would often email me with questions about their homework tasks etc.

One mature student started emailing me regularly getting me to look things up on the Internet for him and email any key results back. He wasn't permitted to do this as certain areas of the Internet are blocked in China. This was completely innocuous stuff about biology and chemistry. I used to feel really sorry for him that he lived in a country like that. I used to wonder how people could sleep at night exerting such power over the free passage of information.

I'm starting to get similar vibes from having my Twitter suspended and now two strikes on mn in two days. I'm not a particularly wise, knowledgeable or respected poster here but I have my point of view and can see that other people's points of view are also being stifled.

Mumsnet should be deeply ashamed for policing our thought like this.

TellsEveryoneRealFacts · 23/06/2018 10:58

Morning all. Still here and still only one strike.

I have been pretty busy elsewhere though.

daimbars · 23/06/2018 11:51

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Message deleted by MNHQ. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

womanformallyknownaswoman · 23/06/2018 12:13

Hi all - pleased to see you all here - I am present in all my glory :)

Men are still men - btw there's an excellent video I'm watching which is on another thread, where a male commentator was asking for his mind to be changed through debate with TRAs on an Amercian Uni campus. He believes in biology and 2 genders - male and female. It's great as he pulls apart the irrationality behind their claims and none can refute.

FloralBunting · 23/06/2018 12:18

womanformally is that the Change My Mind video from Steven Crowder? He's an interesting character. Not my cup of tea humour-wise, it's all a bit frat boy, but he does do some very thought provoking stuff about identity politics.

LangCleg · 23/06/2018 12:19

I suspect MN are trying to force us to use a certain word but don't want to state that explicitly.

Yes. Which is why I'm going to die on the hill of not using the W word with or without the bloody spaces. I will not have my speech compelled.

Pratchet · 23/06/2018 12:52


Feminists deleted for speaking the truth. Coming soon: deleted for not telling a lie.

ballsballsballs · 23/06/2018 13:02

Still here.

Pratchet · 23/06/2018 13:03

Where is JuzzaL? Haven't seen her around. She's terrific.

womanformallyknownaswoman · 23/06/2018 13:33

womanformally is that the Change My Mind video from Steven Crowder? He's an interesting character. Not my cup of tea humour-wise, it's all a bit frat boy, but he does do some very thought provoking stuff about identity politics.

Yes FloralBunting - I agree he's another of those Youtube male quick talking wannabes - but he has engaged with the transgender issues in depth and I respect him for that as so many others have ignored the glaring contradictions and implications at play.

Here's one about gender fluidity and bathrooms and those suicide stats
I'm looking for another one where one of his crew gatecrashed a trans meeting identifying as a computer - it was hilarious

NotTerfNorCis · 23/06/2018 15:25

The board seems different now. And not in a good way.

ballsballsballs · 23/06/2018 15:35

We see to be attracting some new posters. Hmm

Ineedacupofteadesperately · 23/06/2018 15:50

I suspect MN are trying to force us to use a certain word but don't want to state that explicitly.

Yep, and actually it was a word I'd used before without even really thinking about it but now I'm being compelled to use it and nothing else, I'm never going to use it ever again.

Because I don't like being forced to tell lies / do things I think are wrong.

This whole compelled speech thing has made me think a bit more about how certain people are appropriating other peoples' biology & experience. I'm not going to do even seemingly innocent things like use a particular term out of politeness, because it's a slippery slope and all that, and before you know it safeguarding is being thrown out of the window and women and girls are being thrown under the bus.

I realise this post doesn't make a lot of sense but that's what happens with the current talk rules.

BeyondSceptical · 23/06/2018 16:05

Still here. Am dopey - read this post earlier but forgot to comment.

Brain is mush atm. Guess that's what happens with constant gaslighting acting on it - it heats up and goes mushy.

AntiqueOlive · 23/06/2018 17:18

Can I ask for a pm pointing me to the other place,? thank you :-)

PurpleCrowbar · 23/06/2018 17:22

Still here. No strikes.

Deeply annoyed with myself today for not being brave enough to share that excellent 'fightback' video on FB.

Baroquehavoc · 23/06/2018 17:29

Yep, and actually it was a word I'd used before without even really thinking about it but now I'm being compelled to use it and nothing else, I'm never going to use it ever again.

It's how I feel. Because it's taking so much effort to find words that are acceptable to everyone, I end up either deleting posts or reframing them to centre women and girls, which isn't a bad thing.


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Pratchet · 23/06/2018 18:05

I'm using // and will see how that goes. Empty brackets. Can they be offensive?

loveyouradvice · 23/06/2018 18:20

notterfnotcis It does doesn't it?

Hoping it will settle down again and back to a welcoming place for us to explore and discuss women's rights in the widest sense

thebewilderness · 23/06/2018 19:05

Two strikes and 34 days to go.
I am still trying on different ways of saying transitioners, transgenders, though truth be told I would prefer not to talk about them at all and hope at some point the people who constantly start transgender threads and turn every thread into a transgender thread will be banned.

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