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FT investigation: Men only fundraiser and sexual harrassment

320 replies

RedToothBrush · 23/01/2018 22:28
Sexual misconduct allegations
Men Only: Inside the charity fundraiser where hostesses are put on show
FT investigation finds groping and sexual harassment at secretive black-tie dinner

It is for men only. A black tie evening, Thursday’s event was attended by 360 figures from British business, politics and finance and the entertainment included 130 specially hired hostesses.

All of the women were told to wear skimpy black outfits with matching underwear and high heels. At an after-party many hostesses — some of them students earning extra cash — were groped, sexually harassed and propositioned.

The event has been a mainstay of London’s social calendar for 33 years, yet the activities have remained largely unreported — unusual, perhaps, for a fundraiser of its scale.

Hats off to the FT for sending two undercover reporters

OP posts:
LittleBearPad · 24/01/2018 00:08

Fair enough 🙂

It’s all so grotty!

TheBrilliantMistake · 24/01/2018 00:11

Seedy. Just seedy.

However, does this differ significantly from ladies' nights with the Chippendales etc? Is it any less seedy when women grope men and argue 'it's not sexual, it's different for a woman, it's just a bit of fun?'

By no means am I defending the former, I'm just widening the scope to include the latter and debate if there are significant differences.

Mookatron · 24/01/2018 00:12

It's completely different. It's all the men who run the fucking country, excluding women, making them accessories, and baking it charity. This is about POWER and the sleazy fuckers who have it.

Mookatron · 24/01/2018 00:13

Er, calling it power. Fury affecting fingers.

AssassinatedBeauty · 24/01/2018 00:15

Of course it's different. And the scope doesn't need "widening".

LittleBearPad · 24/01/2018 00:16

Yes it is different. The Chippendales are strippers, they know they are there to take their clothes off.

These women were there to be hostesses / waitresses. They weren’t there to be groped / asked if they were prostitutes / have penises waved at them or chased out of the loos by bouncers if they were in there too long avoiding the attendees.

If any woman jumped on stage and groped a Chippendale that wouldn’t be acceptable either. She would also likely be thrown out. Not encouragedto think her behaviour was acceptable because she’s a rich bloke.

badabing36 · 24/01/2018 00:22

Yes I’m sure all the billionaire women in the country have women only parties where they grope Chippendales and bid on lunches with the Home Secretary Hmm

MontyPythonsFlyingFuck · 24/01/2018 00:25

Paste this into Google and read the whole sorry tale:

Men Only: Inside the charity fundraiser where hostesses are put on show

It is vile.

RedToothBrush · 24/01/2018 00:27

The women had to sign a non disclosure agreement before.

The women didn't have enough time to read it before signing it.

The article gives the impression that many didn't fully understand what they were signed up to.

They had security patrolling the ladies and removing any of the women who were in there too long.

Tell me, do you think this is the same as the chippenfuckingdales?

OP posts:
RedToothBrush · 24/01/2018 00:29

One of the lots was for plastic surgery to 'spice up your wife'.

OP posts:
DeleteOrDecay · 24/01/2018 00:35

Just seen this on twitter and came straight here to see if there was a thread. I can't believe what I've just read. It's disgusting, noises should be made about this.

Waddlelikeapenguin · 24/01/2018 00:46

Bloody hell Angry

ftw · 24/01/2018 01:17
HelenaDove · 24/01/2018 01:28

Just seen some comments from an older woman on twitter saying they should have refused to do the job they could have taken another job like she did back in the day..................yes because things are the same as they were back then Hmm

HelenaDove · 24/01/2018 01:29

this is a class issue AND a feminist one.

AssassinatedBeauty · 24/01/2018 01:30

Not to mention that they wouldn't have necessarily known what the behaviour of the men would be like in advance!

EamonnWright · 24/01/2018 01:33

The hypocrisy is why metoo will blow over.

Women want the cake and they want to scoff it.

HelenaDove · 24/01/2018 01:45

Yeah Keep wishing Eamon.

EamonnWright · 24/01/2018 01:51

Wishing for what @HelenaDove?
No one gives a fuck. Anyone who looks knows the hypocrisy.

It's laughable.

AssassinatedBeauty · 24/01/2018 01:53

What would you like women to do Eamonn, to address this hypocrisy that you see?

EamonnWright · 24/01/2018 01:55

Stop using their sex appeal to get ahead. Fucking whole of Hollywood knew what was going on. No bother with abuse or paedophilia untill it makes the press.

Greer is spot on.

AngryAttackKittens · 24/01/2018 01:58

So not only is our friend Eamonn ranting incoherently about the evil wimminz using their evil ladypowers to manipulate the men who actually have the power, he's doing it in the wrong thread? LOL!

AssassinatedBeauty · 24/01/2018 01:59

What has that got to do with this London event?

EamonnWright · 24/01/2018 02:03

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AssassinatedBeauty · 24/01/2018 02:04

You sound very angry Eamonn, are you ok?

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