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15 year old girl in US filmed having sex in a school toilet with 25 male students involved

52 replies

Felascloak · 26/05/2016 15:28


I am speechless. She isn't pressing charges but I can't believe a 15 year old girl (or any female really) would do something like this unless there were either MH issues or they were coerced. And it has been circulating as video round the school. That poor girl.
I wonder if its something to do with porn - maybe she/the boys think gang bangs are fun.

OP posts:
Coldest · 28/05/2016 23:12

I can't click on the links. This story has been on my mind. Find it so shocking and sickening.

AHellOfABird · 28/05/2016 22:54

Wrt the numbers disciplined (by the school, I guess), my understanding is that not all who went in to the bathroom were directly involved, assume those who were disciplined either shared the footage or assaulted her.

Palmer's link included the link to the William Scott info so best to look thee for more info

Coldest · 28/05/2016 22:39

Why only 16? What about the others?

Snowshimmer · 28/05/2016 22:34

Disciplined? How?

Felascloak · 28/05/2016 22:28

Good. Hope more charges follow.

OP posts:
AHellOfABird · 28/05/2016 22:14

First arrest of a 16 year old.

"William Scott is charged with cruelty toward a child, allowing a child to engage in a sexual act and possession of obscene material."

16 pupils were disciplined.

PalmerViolet · 27/05/2016 19:59

She had only been at the school for a couple of weeks before this happened to her.

NBC story here

Just please don't read below the line, because there are so many people wanting to blame this incident on her, her mother, the school board, the police, in fact anyone but the boys who did it.

Looks like nothing has changed since Steubenville.

CeeBeeBee · 27/05/2016 19:08

This story is in my Facebook newsfeed atm. It's so depressing that a large chunk of comments in this story are victim blaming and shaming the girl with the usual she knew what she was doing, she needs to learn not to be a slut and all that misogyistic crap. Virtually none directed at the boys for being involved in what I perceive as sexual bullying. 😢😡

BaboonBottom · 27/05/2016 19:00

Isn't there a time limit to prosecute over there?
So she might 'think' she consented, but in a few years time she will realise she didn't / wasn't in a position to.

SenecaFalls · 27/05/2016 18:56

In Florida, the age of consent is 18, except that 16 and 17 year-olds can consent to sex with someone 16-23. This girl is definitely below the age of consent. A complicating factor that none of the reports mention is that some of the boys may also be below the age of consent.

It's a truly horrible thing and I am glad that law enforcement is investigating further. Also the references about the girl and her mother not wanting to press charges concern me. I understand that, but in Florida, as in most jurisdictions in the US, it's the state's decision to pursue charges, not the victim's. Granted, a victim's reluctance makes it difficult for the state to go forward, especially because you would not want to compel a victim to testify under penalty of contempt, but with compassionate support by victim advocates, many reluctant victims find the courage to go forward.

legotits · 27/05/2016 18:21

There is a film on Netflix at the moment about fraternity and college rape.
And how it is never investigated if it's an athlete.

Coldest · 27/05/2016 18:19

This is sickening. I can't even click on any of the links. What a sick world we live in.

MrsJayy · 27/05/2016 18:12

No boys ages yet her age is published

MrsJayy · 27/05/2016 18:11

I wish the police the police or her parents pressed charges for her she deserves better but maybe she feels she cant its not fair

singingsixpence82 · 27/05/2016 18:10

Do we know how old the boys were?

lem73 · 27/05/2016 18:07

Why isn't it statutory rape? The age of consent is even higher in the US.

Felascloak · 27/05/2016 18:04

I thought that baboon. The fact the school won't be as competitive at football this year, poor football team Shock

OP posts:
AndNowItsSeven · 27/05/2016 18:02

As a minimum.

AndNowItsSeven · 27/05/2016 18:01

It's multiple statutory rape surely?

BaboonBottom · 27/05/2016 17:55

I can imagine it would be hard to stop it, hard to be the one who got a teacher. The phrase that stuck out was about some of them being on the football team.
Like that was the shocking fact.
I know the football fraternity thing is big over there, and I can see going against it could cause you problems.

Of course they should have got help / stopped it. But I'm sure it was not as easy as that

Canyouforgiveher · 27/05/2016 16:42

The worrying thing is just how many boys remained - didn't try to stop it and didn't even remove themselves from it. For an hour it went on - noone got a member of staff.

We're all these boys monsters? We're hey ordinary boys caught up in this? Could it have been your son, your nephew, your brother in that room, not leaving, not getting help?

We need to talk to our boys and teach them about exactly what is abuse.

I agree completely. I can't imagine what I would feel if my son was a perpetrator or a bystander to this crime.

legotits · 27/05/2016 16:36

It makes my hairs stand up I keep trying to clutch at some hope but the tone of the report doesn't suggest much outrage at the boys.

Cocolepew · 27/05/2016 16:33

This is shocking. I feel ill everytime I think about it.
The poor , poor girl.

LurcioAgain · 27/05/2016 14:29

The BBC is carrying a story of an almost identical case in Brazil, albeit with a slightly older victim Sad.

SmellOfPythonInTheMorning · 27/05/2016 09:41

Why not '25 boys assault underage girl.'

This. Just this. My heart weeps.

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