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15 year old girl in US filmed having sex in a school toilet with 25 male students involved

52 replies

Felascloak · 26/05/2016 15:28


I am speechless. She isn't pressing charges but I can't believe a 15 year old girl (or any female really) would do something like this unless there were either MH issues or they were coerced. And it has been circulating as video round the school. That poor girl.
I wonder if its something to do with porn - maybe she/the boys think gang bangs are fun.

OP posts:
Felascloak · 26/05/2016 15:28
OP posts:
VestalVirgin · 26/05/2016 15:52

Coercion is very likely.

Even if we assume that she'd willingly have that done to her, I cannot imagine she'd have consented to have a video distributed in the school.

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 15:55

That poor girl this will follow her forever I dont really know why she would do it

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 15:57

Coercion is more than likely eh its so shocking

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 16:01

Those boys just saw her as a hole (sorry to be crude) an easy girl willing to open her legs she will be called every name they will be high fived

Hassled · 26/05/2016 16:03

That poor bloody kid Sad

legotits · 26/05/2016 16:05

Fucks sake.

BaboonBottom · 26/05/2016 16:21

Poor girl, the prosecution should be taken out her hands.
I imagine it's to make it go away and because of all the local families involved. Poor thing

Felascloak · 26/05/2016 17:54

Now it's being reported she was a victim of human trafficking and sexual abuse age 13

How horrific Sad

OP posts:
BaboonBottom · 26/05/2016 18:18

Why aren't they being prosecuted for the child pornography side at the very least?

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 18:24

Its probably stillbeing investigated

BeJayKayven · 26/05/2016 18:29

Awful story 😕

gracienine · 26/05/2016 18:30

How absolutely fucking horrific. I can hardly manage to read that :( why is it being reported as '15 year old girl has sex with 25 boys in toilet' like she is the only one in the wrong. Why not '25 boys assault underage girl.' I hope the parents of those boys are distraught

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 18:44

Exactly why not 25 boys that poor kid can not have been willing it is horrific

Clonakiltylil · 26/05/2016 20:13

I feel very sick thinking about it.

Terrifiedandregretful · 26/05/2016 20:29

The letter from the head quoted here has made me angry. She says the social media coverage has been very difficult for the students involved, as if they are all equal victims in this. The letter is so weak as well. Sod celebrating success, what about actually ensuring discipline and safety for your students? If my child was in this school and this was the response from the head I'd be taking them out of school.

EnthusiasmDisturbed · 26/05/2016 20:31

I thought that too 15 year old having sex with 25 boys in toilet Angry

Of course she is not she is being assaulted. I am not sure what the age of consent is there but no girl of 15 would consent to this without pressure being put on her

katemiddletonsnudeheels · 26/05/2016 20:32

Something similar happened in a school I taught in, although the girl was younger, shockingly. It didn't involve as many boys, though.

hesterton · 26/05/2016 20:35

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 20:46

I cant stop thinking about this girl I cant get it out of my head its horrific Sad

Snowshimmer · 26/05/2016 20:48

This is so terrible that I don't want to click any links, but I'm pretty sure that this is a porn-influenced crime.
Not only did so many (I can't believe it) boys rape that girl, but they also filmed it. Aping porn.

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 20:55

I dont understand how this is seen as consensual 25 boys 25 no law should say that is right

EnthusiasmDisturbed · 26/05/2016 21:00

Yea it's terrible the impact porn is having yet it's something we don't seem to want to admit too as that makes us look weak minded Sad

Snowshimmer · 26/05/2016 21:08

Who are we who don't want to look weak minded? I think it's more like people either don't want to give up something that sexually arouses them (and in the case of men gives them a misogynist powertrip) or find the dark side of porn too troubling to think about, so they don't think about it.
I am too aware what a huge and negative impact porn has. And of the abuse involved in making it.

I wish there was some big feminist anti-porn campaign I could join.

MrsJayy · 26/05/2016 21:10

Enthusiasm what do you mean weak minded

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