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OMG I've actually got over 650 books!!

65 replies

diamantegal · 23/10/2018 22:31

652 to be precise. How the hell did that happen? Okay, so that includes the entire Chalet School, Famous Five etc, but it also doesn't include any of the non-fiction. And they're all mine - I didn't even count DH's.

The worrying thing is that there are a load I haven't even read, and at least 6 that I've got two copies of. Blush. I blame the Book People box sets for that one.

So please reassure me that I'm not alone. And help me find a house with a library so I can find space for them all rather than all the double stacking I've got going on at the moment!

OP posts:
HRTpatch · 26/10/2018 08:13

I got rid of 500 when I moved so only have about 300 now plus 40 unread. I am being ruthless about donating read books to charity shops and only keep ones which have significance.

PerkingFaintly · 26/10/2018 09:18

Ahh, that's timely, SpoonBlender. I'm having to rehouse mine and my paperwork, and was looking at around £1000 from Ikea. Maybe I should just get a joiner in.

Prokupatuscrakedatus · 26/10/2018 22:02

See me slowly turn green with envy. Because of the books and the shelves and the room to put the shelves in.
I manage only about 60 m of books plus about 430 on kindle.

I recently tried to weed some out. I stacked them by the door. All but 4 are back on the shelf now.

LaurieFairyCake · 26/10/2018 22:06

I've got that on one bookshelf! I own 4 chests of drawers of books on top of that - that's 24 drawers in total

Plus 2 more bookshelves

Possibly 2000+ books. Will read them all
when I retire...

burnoutbabe · 27/10/2018 23:27

Around 1000 now roughly though I have cleared out a lot of crime series that I won't reread. And have bought and sold my complete chalet schools twice. Sold all the Agatha Christie's.
Not bought a new physical book for ages, bar text books. It's now kindle books when 99p or I reserve from library.
I do complete re reads of series quiet often. Harry Potter last year and all the Trebizons. All the Antonia forest ones this year.

Donostiera · 29/10/2018 14:11

Hah, I think I have about 3000.

ilovepixie · 29/10/2018 14:17

Wow you have the full Chalet school! I'm so jealous I'm missing a few x

Hidingtonothing · 29/10/2018 14:24

I’m weeping here, gave the vast majority of mine to the local hospital a few weeks ago (am brutally decluttering my house) and still struggling to come to terms with the loss Sad On the bright side my living room looks beautiful with less furniture and clutter and it makes me smile every time I walk in so I guess it was worth it Grin

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 29/10/2018 15:56

I recently created a spreadsheet of all my fiction books, and between us, dh and I have over 1050 - mostly mine - (and I have bought more since I last updated the List). I am intending to list the non fiction too - I want a full list so if, God forbid, anything happened to my library, I could recreate it.

Reaa · 29/10/2018 21:35

Hidingtonothing Yes it was worth it all that space you now have to enjoy to sit and read a book in

Hidingtonothing · 29/10/2018 21:47

Grin Don’t tell DH but I’ve bought at least 4 new ones since the clearout, have already suggested a smaller bookcase on the landing for books (am down to one shelf in a cupboard currently) so he gets his cupboard back but the real reason is it will give me space to buy more. I’m a lost cause Blush

Spasm0dic · 30/10/2018 07:19

I have a sudden urge to go home and count my books. I have read most of them or bits of, due to more than half being non-fiction.
I grew up with books in all the bedrooms, the upstairs landing, the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, the entrance hallway... I think its great and you never know when you’ll be bored enough to read them all. Wink

scaryteacher · 05/11/2018 19:33

2017 on the Kindle, and I would think about 1500-2000 physical books (including my 400+ cookbooks), Currently sorting through all the book boxes before we move back to the UK next year, and trying (and failing) to be ruthless about what I chuck out. I have two full boxes to go to the charity booksale so far, and am 30 boxes i out of about 95. I have the hardbacks to do as well. The academic books I will try and sell.

Flutternotsoshy · 05/11/2018 19:40

1203 on kindle.
Wow. Didn't realise it was that many.
About 100 physical books as well.

BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 05/11/2018 20:09

I had to empty my Dad's house earlier this year. It still had the majority of my books there too. Over 1500. It was only a 2 bed semi! I've got it down to around 800, a small amount were my Dad's that hold a sentimental value & the rest are mine from early teens until I left home at 20 (almost 10 years ago). We I probably already had another 300 in our house (including cook books & embroidery books). Also 6 Atlases & maybe a dozen different encyclopedia. The children have about 150 between the 5 of them. I've probably got 100ish on my kindle. With the the exception of the cook books, embroidery books & encyclopedia all the physical book have been read at least twice, the kindles at least once some twice.

ShineOnHarvestMoon · 05/11/2018 20:26

652 to be precise

So few that you can count them? Amateur.

diamantegal · 05/11/2018 23:57

Shine I didn't just count them. I also spreadsheeted them with a random number generator to determine the order in which I read re-read them. So far I've managed 2 Blush

OP posts:
Loonoon · 06/11/2018 10:33

I recently cleared out about 800 which leaves me with about 250 that I couldn’t bear to part with. DH has about 700. And together we share n Amazon digital library of 1394. Which is why I could clear so many out as they were duplicated Kindle/paper versions.

And about 150 ‘ professional’ texts.

ShineOnHarvestMoon · 06/11/2018 20:19

I’ve twice bought a bigger house for my books. I’d guess I’m heading to around 10,000. My builders reinforced the joists for my study, my library room and my sitting room so my books are accommodated safely. Half of them are in my study at work, thank goodness.

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 06/11/2018 22:11

I have found my home. I have around 750 now I think and about 300 on kindle. I have been very restrained recently but this thread has reminded of my commitment to collecting Catherine Cookson and Agatha Christie.

BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 06/11/2018 22:16

I have 3370 on Kindle, about 80 physical cook books, about 150-200 other reference books (gardening, crochet, quilting, house stuff etc) and some physical fiction books, no more than 100.

I love my Kindle because DH used to complain about the huge piles of books hanging around, but now I have thousands all contained in a space smaller than a tiny novel. Grin

tadpole73 · 06/11/2018 22:22

Donate them to hospitals, schools. Do something worthy


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jeapurs54 · 07/11/2018 10:46

I am so like you. I had over 1000 books and now we are going to have to move so I am trying to part with some of my books. I am finding this very difficult as there are quite a lot that have not been read. Some I sent to Charity Shop and about 50+ (Enid Blyton) sent to my Grandaughters but there still seems to be lots and I also get more recent ones from the library which prevents me from reading my own. I am always being moaned at by Husband but it falls on Deaf Ears :)

gymraes · 07/11/2018 10:49

Can't possibly count how many books DH, 'kids' & me own. I counted 52 of mine (yet to be read), stacked by my side of the bed. Every night after switching off the bedroom light, I would stub my toe on one particular tome. When I eventually decided to move them I found the toe-bashing culprit was "Clear Your Clutter The Feng Sui Way"...

NobodyKnowsTiddlyPom · 07/11/2018 10:58

I have probably well over 2000 books in my house, and that’s not including the music books. I’ve probably given away about 500 in the last few years too. I tend to read on my kindle these days as my arthritis is a bit unforgiving of dead tree books and having to hold them open.

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