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50 Book Challenge 2016 Part One

999 replies

southeastdweller · 01/01/2016 08:45

Thread one of the 50 Book Challenge for this year.

The challenge is to read fifty books (or more!) in 2016, though reading fifty isn't mandatory. Any type of book can count, and please try to let us all know your thoughts on what you've read.

Who's in for this year?

OP posts:
Galaxymum · 01/01/2016 16:30

I am in for this year. I got lost last year! I was reading for two literature courses and ended up rereading two books twice and reading a lot of excerpts and articles which didn't count.....but I know I read a lot. I also forget what I have read if it isn't on my kindle. I blank it out after I start the next book and I want to keep track so have clicked on the book challenge on Goodreads so I can keep track.

Is anyone else vague like me after finishing books? Especially these put down thrillers? I read so many they merge! But I am pretty sure I hit the 50 mark in 2015. I did enjoy lurking on the threads though! I like reading reviews by other readers and getting recommendations, plus seeing I am not the only one who disliked a book.

ScarlettDarling · 01/01/2016 16:47

galaxy I completely understand what you mean about books merging into one, especially on the Kindle. I miss seeing the front cover, reading the blurb, and flicking back with ease whenever really makes me feel less 'familiar' with the stories I'm reading than I would with a 'real' book.

RhuBarbarella · 01/01/2016 17:07

I'll give it a go this year to, have been lurking last year. I've read about 40 books, and am not sure I can manage 50 since I'm also finishing a humanities degree. Lots of reading, but not so many books that can count on the challenge. At the moment I'm reading Max Adams King of the North, enjoying it so far.

edwardrocks · 01/01/2016 17:13

I would like to join. Trying to watch less TV and drink less wine. Hoping this equals more reading. Currently on Funny Girl by Nick Hornby. Have read Elizabeth is Missing since Christmas too.

thunderbird69 · 01/01/2016 17:15

I'm in. I use Goodreads and have set myself the challenge of 45 for the past 2 years. Time to increase!

Just started reading Burial Rites by Hannah Kent after recommendations, but finding it a bit slow and dull so far.

MrsS182 · 01/01/2016 17:15

I'm in Smile first book after seeing it recommended on another thread yesterday is "A man called ove"

MyIronLung · 01/01/2016 17:16

I'm in. This year my resolution is to get off t'internet and read more.
I'm currently half way through wolf hall, which will be my first book of the year (even though I started it last year :-/).

I can't wait to get into it again and I'm very much looking forward to all of the recommendations I'll get on this thread Grin. I wouldn't have read half as many new authors last year without this thread.

verona · 01/01/2016 17:17

I'm in, too. Managed 70 last year but will be happy with 50. Currently reading Danny Baker's autobiography. V entertaining so far

MegBusset · 01/01/2016 17:19

I'm in, my fourth year I think! Managed 50-plus the first two years but only 37 last year mostly due to working too hard! Have some good reads lined up on my kindle from the Christmas sale, nothing too long or strenuous to start with. And I've finished book one today!

  1. The Magician's Nephew - CS Lewis

Been years since I read the whole Narnia series so when I saw this in the kindle sale it seemed an opportune time to revisit them. This story tells of the founding of Narnia and how the magic wardrobe came to be. As charming and magical as you would expect.
whitershadeofpale · 01/01/2016 17:38

I'm in!

I'm a postgrad English student and find that when I'm not reading for work I spend too much time mnetting or watching rubbish on Netflix.

I'm beginning in a rather downbeat note: In plain sight: The life and lies of Jimmy Saville. It was recommended on here and is very good so far (not graphic at all and more focused on the press).

dogdaydisaster · 01/01/2016 17:39

I read 41 books last year, which is about average for me I think. I have started a new one today so will join in and see how I get on.

BieneBiene · 01/01/2016 17:39

I finished Before We Met. It was a struggle but I'm glad it's another one of the long list down. I got two more books in the sale though.

I'm reading The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter next.

SatsukiKusakabe · 01/01/2016 17:42

chillywhippet have you thought about downloading the kindle app for IPad? The app itself is free.

I dislike reading proper books on the iPad as opposed to regular kindle or paper form, but I find it useful for those times when I would otherwise go on the internet - for me it's settling children to sleep in a dark room, a lot more palatable when you can be reading a book at the same time.

JeepersMcoy · 01/01/2016 17:43

Interesting to hear about other's reading breaks. I used to live and breath reading. English degree, MA and 1st year of a PhD didn't stop me at all. However, when I got pregnant I just couldn't read. I couldn't concentrate at all. I think it also coincided with my mum's cancer returning so suspect it was stress related.

Dd is now almost 4 and my mum died almost a year ago and I have only just started to read again properly a few months ago. It feels rather lovely, like coming home and finding myself again. Smile

antimatter · 01/01/2016 17:45

I am joining in too!

Re:translation of War and Peace I found this interesting article and wonder if plder translation is more in tune with how Tolstoy wrote in Russian.

I abandoned it once when I was it as 17 year old. It wasn't in English and heavy going so reading in English may be very interesting.
My Russian wasn't ever good enough to read it untranslated Smile

mumslife · 01/01/2016 17:50

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buckingfrolicks · 01/01/2016 18:00

City of Women - done, thriller in 1940s Berlin, okay

Under a Cruel Star - Heda Margolius done. And a fine book, if poignant, it is too - recommended

MegBusset · 01/01/2016 18:19

Those of you with kindles, did you know that if your DP/DH (or indeed a bookish friend) has one too, you can read each other's books without having to pay again? It's called Amazon Family Sharing and I've only just found out about it, DH and I both have kindles and although we don't have the exact same taste (he has a bizarre view that all fiction is a waste of time) there are a few on each other's devices that we both want to read.

SatsukiKusakabe · 01/01/2016 18:20

Thanks for that antimatter. This in the New Yorker gives quite a good history of the different translators up to the current time is interesting reading. The latter half is concentrated on Pevear and Volokhonsky and how their translations came about.

SatsukiKusakabe · 01/01/2016 18:33

I didn't know about that meg at the moment dh's kindle is registered to my account and every so often he hassles me to buy him something else to read Grin. I have quite an eclectic mix on there, but quite like choosing books for him. Lazy sod.

TheWoodenSpoonOfMischief · 01/01/2016 18:45

I didn't know about the family sharing.
Better go and permanently delete all the crappy supernatural romance I have on there first though BlushSmile

tumbletumble · 01/01/2016 18:50

Marking my place. I love this thread Smile


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Hamble19 · 01/01/2016 18:50

I would like to join. Used the 50 book challenge threads last year to find books to read. Plan to spend less time just browsing general threads, more time reading.

Cherrypi · 01/01/2016 18:52

I'm in. I managed 25 last year but had a baby in January. Aiming for 50 this year with an even fiction/non fiction split.

Chilly whippet I struggled with the book thief too. I liked the idea but found it a dull read.

TenTinyTadpoles · 01/01/2016 18:52

Count me in. I've just started 'Coming Home' by Melanie Rose, it's been on my kindle for ages and I've never got round to reading it. So far so good, better than I thought for a 99p deal.

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