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Did you get any books for Christmas?

53 replies

MrsDavidBowie · 26/12/2013 07:21

I have a £100 Kindle voucher but ds bought me the new Bill Bryson book...can't wait to get started on that one today.

OP posts:
RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 30/12/2013 17:01

I've got Christmas money too. Shall I spend it all on books, and if so, which?

wigglybeezer · 30/12/2013 17:05

I got the latest cazalet chronicle and Mrs Webber's Omnibus by Posy Simmonds, which is so Mumsnet it's not true despite being started in about 1979!!

MegBusset · 30/12/2013 17:07

I got Starlight & Storm by Gaston Rebuffat, an actual paper book with pages and everything, from DH who is a Kindlevangelist and thinks paper books are totally pointless!

To be fair it is out of print and not available on Kindle, and I did ask very nicely :) Looking forward to reading it!

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