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What's the book with the best twist you've ever read?

77 replies

jayne10b · 10/05/2011 19:04

Well that's the question really!!

My personal favourites for any other twist lovers are:

An instance of the fingerpost
The murder of Roger Ackroyd



OP posts:
MrsMoppet · 11/05/2011 10:35

A Tale of Two Cities. I read it when I was about 20 and hadn't seen any film adaptations etc. so it was an amazing surprise. Same with Little Dorritt. I gasped - and cried - at the twist in both.

RainbowShite · 11/05/2011 10:38

One day. Hit me like a bus, didn't see it coming at all.

BellaBearisWideAwake · 11/05/2011 10:40

The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tyler - LOVED that book when I was little.

Agree the Fingersmith and Instance of the Fingerpost.

BellaBearisWideAwake · 11/05/2011 10:41

And One Day - I was completely surprised by what happened, but does it count as a twist? I suppose it was a complete change of direction in the plot, so yes.

FaintlyMacabre · 11/05/2011 10:45

Was also about to say Fingersmith! I have such a bad memory that when I re-read it I gasped all over again. I think by the third time I did see it coming Grin.

Conflugenglugen · 11/05/2011 10:54


gramercy · 11/05/2011 10:58

LOL at FaintlyMacabre being surprised twice!

Yep, another vote for Fingersmith here. Normally I see twists coming from the opening chapter, but that really was a blinder.

SerenaJoy · 11/05/2011 11:04

I've had Fingersmith on my bookshelf for ages now and for some reason have never gotten round to reading it - will have to now to find out what happens!

BoattoBolivia · 11/05/2011 11:09

Another vote for Turbulent term of Tyke Tyler here. Great twist, especially when reading it to a class of kids. Have to be very, very careful when discussing it with them as you read though.

gastrognome · 13/05/2011 15:17

A Prayer for Owen Meany.
Not exactly a twist as such, but every single thread of the storyline was brought together quite beautifully at the end. One of those books that it's really worth persevering with!

FreeButtonBee · 13/05/2011 15:23

The Instance of the Fingerpost. Brilliant twist.

Fingersmith _ I do vaguely remember that but wasn't blown away by it.

Not a twist as such but Cloud Atlas is another one that was brought together at the end so amazingly. Reading the final page, I remember somehow feeling like I'd changed on some deeply personal level. It was more like poetry than prose. Really hard to explain and not something I've ever experienced since. I can't bear to re-read it in case it doesn't touch me as deeply again.

VeryStressedMum · 15/05/2011 13:24

I loved 'Kevin' and didn't see it coming at all.
The best twist (that I can remember) is Londonstani by Gautam Malkani, I remember being a bit gobsmacked by that one.

messybessie · 16/05/2011 09:45

A Prayer For Owen Meany is my favourite book in the world. Beautifully and cleverly written.

Has anyone mentioned Oscar and Lucinda? I nearly wrote Peter Carey a letter, through my tears of outrage Angry that he could end it in such a way.

bleedingstill · 16/05/2011 09:48

me too messy. I never saw the end coming at all. Cried for an hour

alwaysblue · 20/05/2011 12:07

i agree with atonement - i was utterly shocked when i was reading the book. total bolt from the blue. i no way did they capture that in the film

Mummyella · 21/05/2011 17:56

I have to agree with One Day. I sat there totally stunned. I didn't think it was the best book in the world but was reading it happily enough then... a ton of bricks.

I remember Tyke Tyler too. Might try to look that one out for DD

SpringHeeledJack · 21/05/2011 18:00

another one for Kevin, here

it ruined a family holiday in France for me a few years back

(well, that and the awful realisation that my passport was out of date Blush)

justhavintheone · 21/05/2011 18:07

had started owen meany, loved it at beginning, have lost interest at the middle, worth persevering then?

ColonelBrandonsBiggestGroupie · 21/05/2011 18:12

Owen meany - v overrated imho. Flashes of greatness (the car scene) amongst a lot of v tedious drivel. Interesting ending but I saw it coming.

Haystack · 21/05/2011 20:31

The wasp factory, just extraordinary, can still remember the feeling of the world tipping when I first read it twenty years ago.

Bue · 21/05/2011 20:33

Atonement has a good twist.

I love Owen Meany, my favourite ending of any book ever, but I'm not sure I would say it has a 'twist', does it? I mean, we know something is coming, we just don't know what it is.

Sounds like I have got to read Fingersmith!

Elvisina · 21/05/2011 20:37

I thought 'Fingersmith' as soon as I saw the title of this thread. I ended up reading nearly all night when I got to the twist (despite having work the next day!).


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Moulesfrites · 21/05/2011 20:37

Atonement also.

American wife - in the polling booth at the end.

QuickLookBusy · 21/05/2011 20:39

Another one here for Fingersmith.
I have an awful memory so I am going to reread.

There is also a sad twist in A Fine Balance, did not see it coming at all.

DontHassleTheBOF · 21/05/2011 21:22

Jude The Obscure

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