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Anyone want to sort their shit out?

101 replies

nyxie · 11/09/2020 08:12

I'm starting a diet today. So fed up with looking like this and being uncomfortable and self conscious all of the fine. I hate how I look so I need to change things.

Would anyone like to join me?

OP posts:
Mrslafayette · 19/09/2020 21:09


It's tough MrsLaFayette, it's not like anything. We can stop drinking, smoking, drugs... wer don't need them to live. Eating is a necessity, and food is delicious. What about working in a small change rather than "lose weight". I cut my goal into portions and work on it in segments with breaks in between and a commitment to "not gain more". It's a slow approach but I'm happier with it.

Basil, your post made me laugh, "I had a run in with a packet of biscuits last night "!!!!!

Thank you. Can you explain a bit more what you mean?
dudsville · 19/09/2020 22:56

Oooh, there's a lot of typos in that, I'm sorry! I meant that with a lot of unhealthy habits the object of that habit isn't required for survival. We do need food though so that makes it harder. As for changing small things, I hate exercise and will set myself up to fail If I aim to lose weight that way. It's too big of a goal for me. I also know that if my goal is to lose Aden exact amount, like 2 stone, that will feel unachievable to me and I fail. So I aim primarily to not gain anything more, I can achieve that so I get to feel good about myself, then I set a month during which I count calories. I can do it for a month. At the end of that month I can take a break so looking as I keep to the first ideal - don't gain any more.

I'm only on the second round of approaching dieting this way. I bought scales and step on them every morning to help me keep my ideal in mind.

Mrslafayette · 19/09/2020 23:57

Ah I see what you mean! So one small change at a time? I need willpower. Where can I get that?! Also I have this weird mental block with exercise. Just csnt seem to actually do it. It's like I feel silly for even trying.

WitchWand · 20/09/2020 06:03

@dudsville That's such an interesting way of working towards removing the kilos. Thankyou.
I get what you're saying about being encouraging to ourselves and not giving ourselves monumental hurdles to get over before we can be pleased with an achievement.
I'm thinking about this.

BasilLeaf · 20/09/2020 13:11

The run in with the packet of biscuits turned into eating a lot of toast and butter yesterday but period arrived and it all makes sense now! Back on the low cal wagon today Grin

PatsyPet · 20/09/2020 17:25

@dudsville I love clothes too. Always have and always will. I have some lovely things that I want to look cute in.

@Mrslafayette I can relate to so much of what you said. It is very hard. I think about my weight at least 4 or 5 times an hour. It consumes me but I still have not succeeded this year until the last few weeks. I have been known to hide little chocolate wrappers everywhere too Blush.

I also resist exercise / have mental block. But I have to walk dog so I do that at least.

I slipped up yesterday. Had not prepared properly and ended up ravenous and eating some battered fish and a handful of breadsticks while feeding DCs. I don’t feel guilty though. More like it has reinforced I can’t be trusted to improvise. I have to have something pre made/ measured at least to shove in my gob as soon as I feel peckish.

@Mrslafayette, would it help you to plan meals the day before? Or at least get some things to scoff that are healthy. Celery sticks, cottage cheese, stewed apples, frozen berries, prawns, pre cooked chicken breast slices, lean ham, smoked salmon tomatoes and red onion soaked in red wine vinegar, cucumbers, avocado, lemon juice, unsalted almonds, low cal jelly, yogurt?

I’m stuffing myself full of low carb veg at the moment to make me feel full.

PatsyPet · 20/09/2020 17:35

One thing an ex said to me was ‘if you want to lose weight that is a good problem to have (ie compared to other problems) as you are actually able to solve it yourself’. It really made me think (he was always lovely about my weight btw, just wanted me to be happy).

I continue to imagine the person I want to be and I am quite specific in my imagery (T-shirt tucked into jeans; nice legs in gym leggings; jeans feeling comfortable; moving like an elegant fairy, with ease (no sweaty huffing); coat buttons doing up Grin).

I’m imaging my upper arms all nice and toned. I’m off now to grab my weights and find a you tube video to follow!

PatsyPet · 20/09/2020 17:36


PatsyPet · 20/09/2020 17:37

Also, I seem to resist counting calories. I have MFP but I just put in my weight and admire the graph going down on a regular basis Grin

OhMyChrist2020 · 20/09/2020 18:17

I 100% need to get my shit together, but it's so hard!

BasilLeaf I am similar to you - need to lose 7-10lbs as my clothes are all too tight and I'm feeling FAT. I'm starting tomorrow with MFP and aiming for 1200 cals. I do a fair amount of exercise but snack a lot on biscuits and all things sweet.

I think I also need to plan at least a day ahead as in the past I've given up because I'm hungry and don't know what to eat!

PatsyPet · 20/09/2020 18:37

@OhMyChrist2020 that sounds like a solid plan. Imagine how glorious you will feel by Christmas with your clothes hanging, draping and swishing in the air Smile

PatsyPet · 20/09/2020 18:39

I don’t enjoy the planning ahead (not in my nature to cook like that - I’m more of an improviser). But I’ve found I can do it (unlike exercise, counting calories and drinking enough water). Having things to grab is so fundamental to my recent success. Also, helps me so much to have a permissible night time sweet treat ready to go.

dudsville · 20/09/2020 19:34

Patsy, you mentioned thre concept of trusting yourself. I think you've given example of something I've been musing on. I feel I don't trust myself. I eat and drink too much and then feel guilty. I could make myself so much happier. I should be able to rely on myself to give myself this. I want to trust myself. This has just saved me from wandering into the kitchen for a snack!

I gave up smoking during lockdown. It wasn't essential and I've always wanted to stop. I'd like to say I was really motivated but it was more about taking an opportunity, I wouldn't have if not for the lockdown. So, "motivation", doing things when we're ambivalent!!! Let's all get our clothes feeling a little swishier!

Katiepants27 · 24/09/2020 19:52

Hello everyone, is it OK if I join in on this thread? I really need to get my shit together!!
It's 13 weeks until Christmas and I don't want to get there at the same weight and think I wish I'd done something about this in the autumn...
I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and will report back with how much I have to lose gulp
You all seem like a friendly bunch and I'm hoping regularly posting here will keep me accountable.

PatsyPet · 25/09/2020 05:14

Oh so glad you are on here @Katiepants27, I have messed up this week (too many m&ms at night). Nighttime is always when I lose resolve. Back onto it yesterday and today I will be back on plan.

I think I need to schedule suitable ‘treats’ for nighttime. So I don’t undo the good work.

13 weeks is a good amount of time to see a difference if you want to. Don’t feel bad about the past. You can do something about this. The key to success is to make yourself focus on who you want to be/ how you want to feel.

It’s not easy but it’s actually totally within your control . Get organised and plan what you will eat beforehand (including nice things) so you don’t end up grabbing anything when you are hungry.

I’ve been having cottage cheese with celery and chilli flakes and also with Cinnamon stevia stewed apple.

Also did a big batch of lean mince with lots of cabbage and chilli flakes and marigold stock powder. Also a chicken breast poached and shredded which I will heat and added in asparagus / spinach.

PatsyPet · 25/09/2020 05:15

I want to feel gorgeous at Christmas Smile

Katiepants27 · 25/09/2020 08:30

OK so I've weighed myself and I'm 166.8lbs. I would love to be 147lbs, so my maths makes that just under 20lbs to lose. No idea if that's even possible but I'm going to give it a good go!

Mrslafayette · 25/09/2020 12:02

20lb to loose here too! I think I need to put all the sweet stuff in a lockable cupboard and tell my husband to hide the key! Once i start with sweet stuff I just cant stop.

PatsyPet · 25/09/2020 15:29

The thing is, as soon as you lose even just a little bit you start feeling really good and it is easier to pick on. Try to aim for three days straight with no cheats (or at least plan ‘the cheats‘, as I have to, or I can’t stop myself) eg low cal jelly with low cal ice cream.

If you do a strict 7 days of high protein, low carb and watch the calories you will feel a result. Nothing better than your jeans feeling a bit looser Smile. Tops start to hang better. But go shopping and buy supplies so you if you cheat you have low cal options (not m&ms)

Mrslafayette · 25/09/2020 20:22

That's a really good idea. Low cal jelly is a good idea.

BasilLeaf · 25/09/2020 20:38

I’ve been totally off the rails for days... insane amounts of crisps and chocolate and biscuits. Today I have been On It: bean and veg soup for lunch, banana for snack, jacket potato and salad (with a measured amount of cheese) for tea. Finishing on 1192. Boom.

How’s everyone else’s Friday been?

dudsville · 26/09/2020 08:27

Morning everyone!

I've done two weeks, BUT I did not anticipate all the last minute get togethers before the cooler weather, and I've bit been an angel in between so I'm not surprised not to have lost anything. I haven't gained though (!) And I am otherwise eating healthier sense not snacking, though I'm having too much alcohol for weight loss, and I'm suspicious of a new item I added into my diet at the start that I think is bloating me up. I made a mix of brown rice, lentils, pearl barley, bulgar wheat, quinoa and freekeh. A small 30g amount makes a filling side to salmon and veg. I'm really enjoying it but I think it might be why I'm bloating. I'm going to stick with my healthier diet, I think its still possible to refine it and it's still 3 months until Christmas.

What's everyone else up to?


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OhMyChrist2020 · 26/09/2020 14:38

Hi all,

Day 6 for me and it's gone surprisingly ok! I always find the first day to be the one where I try and talk myself out of a diet but once I got over that I've been really motivated. Been really busy with work this week so that's made it easier to stick to too. Determined to stick to my guns over the weekend and then will weigh in next week. I've told myself I'll stick to it for 3 weeks and see how much I've lost by then. I can do 3 weeks..!

I've also found that I prefer to eat less during the day so I can then have a decent meal and a planned treat in the evening.

Katiepants27 · 27/09/2020 19:07

Well I'm currently on holiday until Tuesday, so my first goal is to not gain any more! To be fair, we're doing lots of walking and cycling, hopefully enough to balance out all the alcohol... meals have been ok, as were not eating out.

Katiepants27 · 29/09/2020 18:00

Weighed myself this morning and 166.6lbs, so managed to lose 0.2lbs on holiday. I'll take that as a win!
On it properly now though. Just over 12 weeks til Christmas. .

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