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Anyone want to sort their shit out?

101 replies

nyxie · 11/09/2020 08:12

I'm starting a diet today. So fed up with looking like this and being uncomfortable and self conscious all of the fine. I hate how I look so I need to change things.

Would anyone like to join me?

OP posts:
BasilLeaf · 17/09/2020 07:09

I absolutely need to sort my shit out. I thought I was, listening to Paul McKenna thing and really trying not to eat crappy stuff: three weeks later I’m heavier than when I started. I’m going old skool: 800-1000 calories of good food (ie not scoffing crisps and biscuits when I don’t even really want them)

None of my clothes fit. I only need to lose about 10lbs to a stone for everything to look and feel better. It’s totally doable.

hopeidontforgetthisusername · 17/09/2020 07:16

Can I join please? I started off at 12 st 11.5 and am currently 11 stone 1.5 but I can feel myself at the stage where if I'm not careful I could now stop and I want to carry on ideally for another 1 stone 7! I am 5 ft 2 which I am ashamed to say put me in the obese category when I started.

PatsyPet · 17/09/2020 08:13

Nothing to be ashamed of @hopeidontforgetthisusername - be proud about what you have achieved and where you are going.

I think the negative thinking keeps us ashamed and clinging to old selves. Today my stomach looks less protruding with my top tucked into my joggers! I haven’t tried jeans for months though.

@BasilLeaf honestly a stone is very doable. I was having the same experience... I was trying but I got nowhere and felt more disheartened than if I hadn’t bothered.

@BlueMug get on this bandwagon with us. Plan the next two days of food out so you don’t need to decide at the time. You will be feeling a difference after three days. I’m not a planner but I’m doing it as it helps me not to stray (esp as I am cooking for rest of family and three teenage DSs eat very differently to me!)

Try to go hardcore limiting calories /100% good etc for seven days and see if you see a difference. You will not enjoy it at the time but you will be so happy when it works! And just think how much you can achieve by Christmas! Imagine the person you want to be every time you eat.

I read (maybe here) to say to myself ‘I don’t eat at night’ rather than ‘I can’t eat at night’. I also plan things I can eat if I do still eat at night. Eg I am stewing a cooking apple with stevia and cinnamon to eat later tonight if I just have to have something.

Pictures of stevia drops I use. Not my normal thing. I don’t drink sweetened tea or coffee or add sugar at all in my non diet life. I am very much a healthy/ real food eater. At least stevia is plant based so not like synthetic sweetener. I might try to make jam with the granulated version next year.

Stevia is helping me cope with black coffee, fruit poaching etc. I get it online. Not cheap but less expensive than the jeans I don’t fit!

Anyone want to sort their shit out?
Anyone want to sort their shit out?
BasilLeaf · 17/09/2020 10:17

Thanks @PatsyPet that’s both sensible and inspiring! One hardcore week to get some motivating results

BlueMug · 17/09/2020 15:23

Thanks for the info on the vanilla stevia @PatsyPet, I had not heard of it before, I think I'm going to order some. Smile

BasilLeaf · 17/09/2020 17:58

Well today hasn’t been exactly hardcore, there was some coleslaw that needed using up that found its way onto my plate but I’ve finished the day on 1305 calories with 7.5km of walking done so I’m happy with that. And tomorrow I’ll plan better!

PatsyPet · 18/09/2020 01:29

@BasilLeaf that sounds good. See I hate to waste food too. But for the moment I am wasting leftovers if it means I am losing. I’m thinking that must be what thin people do, not eat leftovers....

winterisstillcoming · 18/09/2020 08:51

Hi all

Had a few days of horrendous PMS but stuck to it mostly. Feeling a lot more motivated now. I'm also on some new meds for the horrendous bleeding I suffer and it seems to be working so fingers crossed I bounce back quickly this month.

Mother is visiting next week so my exercise is consisting of clearing out the spare room which has been a general dumping ground for the past 6 months and generally tidying up our house which is looking extremely lived in and untidy.

Food wise I'm a little stuck today. Might just get a subway salad for lunch and a lean chicken curry for dinner.

Distraction is the best way forward for me.

I hope everyone is getting through the hungry phase. The first week is the hardest I think.

WitchWand · 18/09/2020 09:01

All the best with your exercise - house tidying. I'm doing similar today. Smile

I'm having a hard time around cheese. I lost a kilo and was happy about that. Then yesterday evening at the end of my meal I had cheese. And I'm up half a kilo. The problem for me is I have an ok amount and then I have a little bit more and another little bit more and then another little bit more. Hmm
I'd like to be able to have the first amount and stick to that.

PatsyPet · 18/09/2020 13:12

@winterisstillcoming that sounds like excellent exercise. I watched an Oprah show years ago about how clearing clutter can help you lose weight. It made a lot of sense - maybe it was the purposeful action of physical improvement.

@WitchWand don’t let this derail you! Cheese is not a bad cheat. I went up one day this week but the next day was down again. So glad I didn’t let it get me off track. Learn from this cheese situation. It’s why I can’t eat nuts. I eat too many. I have unsalted, unshelled, raw, boring, plain nuts and plain nut butters etc. But I always overdo it. And wonder why I can’t lose weight Grin

I’m having lean mince with cabbage and chilli and spices tonight. And for lunch chicken with konjac ‘rice’ with some stock powder for taste and a lot of baby spinach. If I didn’t plan/cook in advance. I would not stick to this and would be (healthy) snacking when hungry - but it’s the extra calories that are adding up.

I was not enjoying myself yesterday at all and felt so deprived. BUT my jeans are looser Halo. They will look so great when I can tuck a tshirt in.

Am planning a punnet of strawberries poached with lemon and stevia for a treat tonight.

I’ll see what weight I’m at in a week and slowly start to add in more good fat (eggs, avocado, yoghurt, salmon, olive oil). I’ve got some fancy keto ‘bread’ made from almonds and eggs etc ready to go in the freezer. I think I will have to leave nuts alone as they are such a weak spot (which actually why I can’t touch crisps either - I can’t stop eating themBlush).

PatsyPet · 18/09/2020 13:15

I’m drinking a LOT of fruit tea / green tea too. I don’t enjoy it that much. But it’s a distraction.

Also one black coffee with the vanilla stevia seems to trick my body at morning tea that it’s getting something nice. The strong flavour seems to satiate me.

Mrslafayette · 18/09/2020 13:31

Yes please me me. Nearly worked my way through an entire box of lindor strawberries and cream chocolates since yesterday. Blush
Would anyone like to share an example of what they are eating in a day?

PatsyPet · 18/09/2020 16:37

B: multi vitamin etc. green tea. Wait until as late as possible and then have a cooking apple microwaved with cinnamon and stevia (add either half a cup of oats; or cottage cheese and a FEW nuts ).

MT: black coffee with vanilla stevia

L: ready to eat little prawns or tuna in water with half a lettuce finely shredded with lots of lemon, pepper, chilli flakes

AT: fruit tea - I go for a walk to distract me. A boiled egg and celery and green tea if desperate.

D: small fillet steak; baby spinach, red onion, cucumber and tomatoes in vinegar and olive oil and pepper

After dinner: berries poached with lemon and granulated stevia. Nice to have warm. Maybe some more cottage cheese with this.

If higher fat wanted (which will be more enjoyable) then add avocado to the prawns, plain yoghurt to the apple and berries, olives, add olive oil to evening salad etc.

No eating after 8pm - fruit tea if hungry

I can’t stress enough how I have to have next day’s meals planned and ready to go or I will fail. I’m also not enjoying this. But I have tried so many other things and this is the first time I have managed to make a difference. I was sick of feeling down about my weight and trying but the scales not budging.

I am throwing all my energy into this atm - if it’s not my priority I know I will fail as I love eating delicious food and I cook /bake every day for the DSs - all tall and lean (unlike me!)

I have the fast 800 cook book and I am going to try some ideas from that.

PatsyPet · 18/09/2020 16:39

@Mrslafayette - that’s what I do too. No ‘off’ switch. And then I wonder why my efforts to eat healthily don’t pay off Blush

winterisstillcoming · 18/09/2020 17:33

I am the same. It's like nobody is watching so I don't stop because I don't have to. Then I feel ashamed of myself as I have no self discipline.

dudsville · 18/09/2020 21:40

I'm finding this thread helpful! I've not got my period. I'm so far beyond 40 it's not a joke. But, I've also not gained anything! I'm 11 stone 9. I'm not counting the potentially 2 lb loss because that 2 lb gain at the start might have been an anomaly.

I like the ideas pp's are using about imagery. My arms are snug in my dresses. I'm wearing them but imagining how much better it will be. I'm loving hearing about food ideas.

Your stories are motivating me. I like that we're all doing our own thing. I've been eating the same thing every day. I really am happy with this. I have eggs and toast for breakfast. (This is my splurge -i start the day on a high!). I follow it with an apple. Later I have baked salmon with mixed whole grains and green veg. If I time this right then all I follow with is a glass of wine, and so far so good, but I have options, yogurt, nuts, fruit, baked potato if I'm hungry, I'm home working so I can spread this out and that helps.

I hope to see some weight loss in a week or two!!!

dudsville · 18/09/2020 21:41

Ps, I love clothes. I have a motivator bag I'd clothes at one of my my favourite shops so that come the winter sales I'll be ready to buy some treats!!!

Mrslafayette · 18/09/2020 22:27

I'm wearing some pyjamas that I bought years ago. I remember buying them and thinking I need to lose some weight. Have gained so much more weight since then. Sad

Mrslafayette · 18/09/2020 22:35

I'm working at home and always loads of treats. I find it so hard to resist.

Mrslafayette · 18/09/2020 22:40

I've got hidden chocolate wrappers everywhere. I'm.not even meant to have sugar. I've got a real problem and I dont know what to do.

WitchWand · 18/09/2020 23:54

@Mrslafayette Awwh - thinking about you. Hand holding.

BasilLeaf · 19/09/2020 06:34

I had a run in with a packet of biscuits last night. Had a glass of wine too.... BUT I had a panic weigh this morning and I’m 1.5lbs down so I’m relieved and pleased. I’ve been upping my step count as well as lowering calories and it seems to be working


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dudsville · 19/09/2020 11:50

It's tough MrsLaFayette, it's not like anything. We can stop drinking, smoking, drugs... wer don't need them to live. Eating is a necessity, and food is delicious. What about working in a small change rather than "lose weight". I cut my goal into portions and work on it in segments with breaks in between and a commitment to "not gain more". It's a slow approach but I'm happier with it.

Basil, your post made me laugh, "I had a run in with a packet of biscuits last night "!!!!!

AreYouSiriusLupin · 19/09/2020 11:57

Me please.

I managed to lose half a stone a few weeks back by mostly sticking to no more than1500 calories and being a bit more active. However, have put most of it back on by falling off the wagon, mostly with wine and takeaways.

I really need to sort this out for the sake of my mental health if nothing else. Average height, mid 30s, size 16-18 (mostly 18 in jeans recently!) with weight around my middle, so not good health wise. My main struggles are crisps, takeaways and wanting wine Blush

AreYouSiriusLupin · 19/09/2020 12:01

just to add, when I was calorie counting last time, if I went slightly over the 1500, I wouldn't think 'stuff it' and eat everything in sight like I had previously. I think that's why I lost half a few pounds- I find it easy to say 'oh, I've gone 100 calories over... sod it I'll have pizza Grin'.

I just need to try and aim for 1500 calories and exercise- sounds easy, huh Blush

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