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97 replies

bembridge11 · 20/06/2020 00:00

Just wanted to share my experience
Weight gain has been an on going battle as I have got older - 49 now.
BMI in the unhealthy range - and at 5'2 being over 10 stone is not a good look.
Slimming world works .... when I stick to it.... but lockdown has made snacking in front of the TV all too easy and my weight shit up again. I decided to give Saxenda a try. The skinny jab. Just completed the first week. So far so good. It has been like a kill switch on my appetite: snacking has totally stopped and can only eat a fraction of what I ate before as I am so full so quickly. Have lost 2kg this week. Roll on next week. Have had a little nausea at the beginning and felt a bit more thirsty. That was all. Anyway - I just wanted to share my experience so far with you all because I am feeling v happy

OP posts:
notapizzaeater · 04/12/2020 21:05

Week 1 down, 8lb lost 🏆🏆🏆

Virgo1958 · 05/12/2020 00:07


Week 1 down, 8lb lost 🏆🏆🏆

Well done, great weight loss.
Fatenh · 08/12/2020 17:02

Hi does anyone live in York Ontario that is taking saxenda. I just started taking it a week ago and it is making me so so sick. The side effects for me personally are not worth it . Would hate to waste a whole box.

notapizzaeater · 12/12/2020 19:37

Ontario ? Canada ? We've a uk Facebook site - maybe look for one near you

Virgo1958 · 14/12/2020 20:41

The sickness will probably pass, drinks loads of water.

daltone1 · 22/01/2021 16:35

I started this in November and am losing weight consistently - I've lost around 1 1/2 stone. I've also changed my diet to be healthier but the real benefit is it stopped my picking and snacking

Campervan69 · 24/01/2021 22:04

I bought a months supply having read this thread but only injected twice. It just felt wrong. Ended up chucking the lot. The side effects were too bad as were the risks of long term damage.

lam4500 · 01/02/2021 06:24

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Yoshinori · 01/02/2021 06:35


Imagine being so desperate to lose weight you’ll risk getting cancer.


Columba69 · 14/02/2021 22:40

I’m looking into trying Saxenda and would really be interested on information into where to buy it - I am to believe there are some fake sites etc and want to avoid. I notice a lot of people on this feed have strong opinions on the side effects. I am aware of the research into mice (14 times the max dose) and it’s possible link to cancer so don’t need advice on that aspect. I notice some people have found it really useful and would really appreciate advice on where to buy. I live in Belfast but can’t locate a local supply. Thanks in advance of taking the time to answer.

India4 · 15/02/2021 13:02

Any updates on Saxenda please?? Has anyone suffered side effects? Do I need prescription for this?

notapizzaeater · 15/02/2021 18:08

I got mine from burwash pharmacy. I'm on my 4th pen and currently have lost 39lbs.

No side effects other than horrific sulphur burps fir a day or two.

Columba69 · 17/02/2021 14:46

I just started yesterday, no significant side affects and noticeably less hungry - perhaps placebo effect, not 100% sure. I also got mine from Burwash - just filled in a self disclosure consultation form then rang up and ordered two pens which arrived chilled the next day. I know ... sounds to good to be true but haven't found the catch as yet! I'm going to use it to try and follow the 800 cal Michael Moseley Mediterranean diet. I have about 3 stone to loose.

Unfairtomiddling · 17/02/2021 14:56

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India4 · 10/03/2021 12:13

May I ask how to inject? is it a slight stabbing motion or does it have to be more precise in a certain area? when is best time to administer?

MrsZlatan · 23/03/2021 20:34

“Imagine being so desperate to lose weight you’ll risk getting cancer.”

I don’t think many people can imagine what it is like to be so desperate to lose weight, the anguish, the self loathing, the shame unless they’ve been there. I’m not talking a few pounds I’m taking serious obesity which they have (usually) done everything that they can to combat it and still the old trope ‘eat less move more’ is pushed - if it were that simple then no one would be obese would they.

Excess alcohol is linked with cancer, smoking is known to cause cancer but yet it’s only people who want to lose weight that get called ‘senseless’ and ridiculed for wanting to lose weight.

Everythingmagnolia · 23/03/2021 20:47

I am so undecided about taking this, so reading with interest. Has anyone spoken to their Gp about Saxanda?

Everythingmagnolia · 23/03/2021 20:47

As in the risks, not to get it prescribed.

Wagsandclaws · 26/03/2021 14:53

I'm not on Saxenda but a very similar drug called Ozempic.

I have very badly controlled type 2 diabetes ( even with insulin ) and my consultant has prescribed this to bring down my blood sugar levels.

He said that a side effect is that you lose your larger appetite and sure enough 1.5 weeks in ( on the lowest dose ) that's exactly what's happened.

I had awful bloating and sulphur burps when eating the wrong stuff ( anything fatty or sugary ) on this so I soon learnt to eat properly.

I have 2.5 - 3 stone to lose and I'm hoping to get my BG's down to a normal level. For me the toss up of the cancer risk is outweighed by the fact that I will die from having such high blood sugar levels sooner rather than later. I have young DS's who are 8 and 12 so I am desperate to be around for them for them for as long as possible. I am 49.

I can really understand how people who have a fair amount to lose want to go this route as it is very effective and you WILL lose weight.

I will probably have to stay on this because even at a normal weight my diabetes is unlikely to go. I have lost 4.5 stone in the last 4 years and it made no difference to my BG's so this injection hopefully will.

I'm doing it primarily for diabetes but I'd love to be at a normal healthy weight too, I totally get why people are doing it to lose weight, the risks are there and ultimately it's up to them to weigh it up - I haven't got many choices but to take it as kind of a last resort as the metformin, jardiance and insulin all together aren't doing it.

Is anyone else taking Saxenda/Ozempic ? How are you managing? Any side effects? I'm on a low dose but will increase in a couple of weeks and increase again one month after that.

BJHair · 29/03/2021 13:25

Yes I’m on Ozempic.
It’s very good - well I find it very good I’m down 11lbs in just over a month
I take it every week but next week I’m going to start taking it every other week as the weight loss is a bit scary - never thought I would say that 😂
I don’t have much to lose weight wise but like you I’m diabetic and my sugar levels are crazy sometimes

madge1918 · 20/04/2021 21:48


I have just got my pen, what dose did you start on please, thanks

Virgo1958 · 21/04/2021 14:41

You need to start at 0.6 for the first week.


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