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chocolate addiction

116 replies

Nottsangel2015 · 23/03/2016 15:10

So ive put about 3 stone on in the last couple of years, partly due to pregnancy but mostly due to rubbish eating habits and snacking. Have a holiday booked for July and want to get on it and lose some weight. Problem - I am completely out of control with chocolate. Even trying to not keep it in the house just makes me go out and fetch some I am that addicted! If we have a pack of bars I won't just have one a day I'll have 2 or 3, same with cake.
Does anyone have any tips on how to kick this habit, I don't even tell my partner how much of it I eat, I will eat it when he's not around so he doesn't know. I think that is a serious problem! I have done diets where I've tried to stick to it but the minute I allow myself a treat I binge on it and it's all over and I'm back to square one.
There must be something I can do i have no control or willpower at all!

OP posts:
thenewaveragebear1983 · 06/04/2016 11:34

Hi everyone,
notts I'm the same with grapes, although a word of caution....when I had gestational diabetes so was testing my sugars during the day I found grapes played absolute havoc with my blood sugars and also kick started me into 'needing' something else, often with disastrous consequences! I found the same with some breakfast cereals and wholemeal bread.
I didn't have a treat in the end because I was scared of breaking the spell! I did dip my finger into the black cherry sauce in a tub of carte D'or and nearly fainted with pleasure though.....I'm not counting that though, its now day 8 sugar free! Today I've had a roast mushroom with a fried egg for brunch, and I've made a fish and pearl barley soup for lunch. Dinner is lamb steak, roasted red peppers and boursin cheese. I'm starting to feel really good now, the cravings have subsided and my food tastes amazing because I'm not spoiling my appetite with biscuits at 4pm. Its 7 weeks til I go on holiday so I'm aiming for a stone in that time.
Hope you all have a great day!

Bluedolphin1971 · 06/04/2016 16:03

This is me, I'm completely addicted to chocolate there are even days when the only thing I eat is chocolate and nothing else.

I told the doctor how bad my chocolate "addiction" was and she actually said if I'm that bad I should go cold turkey, I'm seriously considering it.

GrowAndRun · 06/04/2016 16:28

Think I should cut out sugar. My snacking habits are out of control. I find myself poking around the kitchen on desperate search for something chocolaty or sweet. Once I start, I cant stop! Reassuring to hear its not just me - but I must do something about it! Guess I should just go for it cold turkey now, although we are going on holiday next week so it could be tricky... Send me some will power please!!

GrowAndRun · 06/04/2016 16:50

The other thing I really need to cut down on is cheese. I don't ever have a cheese free day!! How do I do this??!

thenewaveragebear1983 · 06/04/2016 19:06

I am literally on the last person who you would think could go without sugar for over a week. I know that's not a major achievement, but i was a proper chocoholic, I could never stick to a diet because I always wanted chocolate or sugar and I was miserable. I really have found this week surprisingly easy. I feel in control around food for the first time in ages. There is,no word of a lie, a cupboard less than a foot away from where I'm writing this with easter eggs,choc buttons, haribo and creme eggs in and I haven't touched a single one. This is so unlike me! I would say to try cold Turkey as I have found even the tiniest bit gives me the taste for it, but plan carefully before you do. I've planned all my meals for the week and did a tesco order, I didn't order any sweet food for the children over the hols , and lots of sugar free snacks like cold ham, chicken legs, eggs, etc and nuts (but I have had to get rid of those because they're too yummy!). Choose higher fat than low fat products and higher protein Snacks. I'm amazed to have lost 7lb, but above all I feel energetic, and in control around food which is amazing after years of yoyo diets. I'd really recommend it.

msrisotto · 06/04/2016 19:45

Congratulations thenewaveragebear! See what you can do when you put your mind to it!

GreenBudgie · 06/04/2016 21:03

Well done Bear :-). I found grapes were giving me a sugar rush and setting off cravings, will not buy them again. I completely agree that food tastes nicer now as I am "properly" hungry at mealtimes as I am planning my food and allowing myself to eat good, wholesome foods without wasting calories on sugar. Please join in Grow and Dolphin. This thread isn't about being being size 8/18/28 or weighing 8/18/28 stones, it focussing on avoiding added sugar in chocolate/sweets/cakes etc. and eating well.

GreenBudgie · 06/04/2016 21:25

Angel - hang on in there, you are trying so hard, and being tired makes it harder. Do you like fish? If I'm really pushed for time I can get food on the table by microwaving frozen fish fillets and serving them with frozen peas and rice. It would't win me MasterChef but it's quick and healthy. Good luck tomorrow.

thenewaveragebear1983 · 06/04/2016 21:27

If you need fruit, Michael Mosley (the blood sugar diet ) says berries are low sugar, plus apples and pears (although i find certain apples like pink ladies are like loopy juice to my kids and they must be very sweet,) so maybe bitter green apples like granny smiths are better. Or tomatoes, tesco do some lovely packs of different coloured tomatoes which are nice to snack on but just not as easy to eat as strawberries or other fruits. I think the thing with grapes for me is that I could easily polish off a substantial bunch during a day and thats a lot of fructose! I'd never eat the same weight of oranges/apples but grapes are too easy to eat!

zoomtothespoon · 07/04/2016 20:12

Can I join please? I'm pregnant again and am going on holiday end of August and would like to avoid the 'beached whale chic' look.

Sugar is my weak point. I'm an absolute demon for any treats.

I'm also trying to drink 3 litres of water a day to stay fully hydrated

thenewaveragebear1983 · 07/04/2016 21:21

Hi everyone, day 9 sugar free for me, but maaaaan I've been hungry today. Its totm and it would normally be my total binge week, so I'm mighty impressed that I've had no sugar, but I've had a lot of cheese, sliced ham, soup and (weirdly) red cabbage - I just couldn't stop picking!
zoom I wish I'd done this when I was pregnant, I ended up on Insulin and gained 4stone!!

Nottsangel2015 · 10/04/2016 06:42

Hi everyone, had a manic few days! Got
Engaged :-)!!!!!!
We are aiming for next year to get married, nothing huge just a small wedding with close family and friends, I'm not a very showy person! So happy and celebrated yesterday with a meal out and failed miserably and had a sundae. I can't feel bad though am too happy!
I'm so pleased your all doing so well! Well done bear on the loss that's amazing!! And budgie well done for 9 days sugar free!
I shall be leaving the grapes alone I think you don't realise the sugar content! They're like Pringles - once you start you can't stop lol
I am now even more determined to stick to it so I can look my best! Nothing like getting married like motivation :-)
I hope your all having a lovely weekend!
Cold turkey is definafely the way to go, shall purchase some chicken legs this week
Never thought to use them as a snack, thanks bear!

OP posts:
msrisotto · 10/04/2016 07:41

Aww major congratulations Notts!! How did it happen? Do you have a ring?

I did have some sugary desserts Friday and Saturday. Somewhat deliberately...
I am a big believer in timing and while i try not to emotionally eat, I am going through a lot of stress at the moment and I don't think there is any benefit in adding to my load, so i'm going to try and not beat myself up about it. I'll be back on it today and we'll see where it takes me.

msrisotto · 10/04/2016 07:43

I was out for dinner with friends last night and I don't want to be 100% sugar free. This sounds like excuses now...

OrrAvenue1 · 10/04/2016 09:47

Huge congratulations all on being sugar free and on your engagement Nottsangel2015!! Exciting times ahead for you!

I've been ill this week, real ill :( or maybe it was sugar withdrawal symptoms?!? Wink

Made sugar and diary free banana muffins tonight. They taste....different...nice...but different. Will take some getting used to I think!

Let's keep at it!! Grin

Nottsangel2015 · 10/04/2016 13:33

Thank you guys! Was something we had spoke about since dd2 was born last year but was very unexpected this weekend! Asked me Friday night just while we was sat chilling watching tv lol he's not the romantic sort to get down on one knee in some romantic setting, he then took me yesterday to pick a ring, he knows i am quite fussy with jewellery although i would of loved anything if he'd have picked it! It's a lovely yellow and white gold cluster diamond ring can't quote describe it but it's very beautiful! Getting delivered on Tuesday so I'll take a pic when it's here!
I'm back to been good today! Feel very determined now especially as I was having a sneaky look at dresses last night when I was up with the baby lol some of the styles I like are really only suited to more slender people!
Keep up the good work everyone!
Missrisotto don't feel bad a treat won't do any harm especially when your out with friends :-)

OP posts:
Nottsangel2015 · 12/04/2016 13:55

Here is the ring!! I love it so much! An giddy with excitement! Now to try and avoid reaching for the chocs to celebrate!

chocolate addiction
OP posts:
msrisotto · 12/04/2016 14:05


GreenBudgie · 12/04/2016 20:57

Angel CONGRATULATIONS. The ring is lovely :-). Orr hope you are feeling better. Can you report back on the muffins and share the recipe if it passes the taste test?Risotto I like your approach, being flexible enough to not make sugar free take over all other things in your life. I had a marmalade sandwich and cake on Sunday, but happily sugar free last 2days. 20 mins circuit styles exceeded today. Eating well makes me want to keep active rather than falling into a carb-coma in the evenings. Best wishes to all.

BreakingBod · 12/04/2016 21:17

Help! I'm desperately addicted to sugar but just can't stop eating the stuff! Can I hang around and hopefully all your success will inspire me to join you?

GreenBudgie · 12/04/2016 21:34

Hi Bod! I find meal planning, always sitting down to eat so I can relax and eat slowly helps, plus drinking water. I am most vulnerable to biscuit / sugar scoffing when I get home from work, or if I'm too tired, so I chew celery at such times to keep my mouth busy and relieve stress. If I've eaten sugar free at breakfast and lunch I don't get so hungry I'll eat anything I can get my hands on. Maybe start by thinking about what you've eaten today, why you ate it and plan one small step a day towards reducing sugar in your diet?

BreakingBod · 13/04/2016 18:00

Hi Budgie I agree that small changes are probably the only way for me, gradually reducing my sugar intake until I can hopefully cut it out altogether. I've tried cold turkey many times and it always ends in tears, I think because I currently eat so much of the stuff, it's too much of a shock to my system to suddenly try to stop it. It actually makes me really depressed, which I believe is due to sugar's affect on dopamine levels (see, I know all the jargon, I like nothing more than reading all about other people giving up sugar!).

I guess I need to start by trying to have 3 meals a day, which will hopefully reduce my snacking. I currently usually skip meals, and then I'm suddenly ravenous and raiding the cupboards. I also use sweet treats to get me through the day at work - today I was completely aware of not being remotely hungry and yet I munched my way through biscuits just for fun at my desk!

I've recently given up alcohol, which I think should also help to reduce my sugar intake, both from the sugar in the wine, but also the post-drinking snacking that inevitably occurs.

I'll try to put a plan together for the next few day's meals.


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GreenBudgie · 13/04/2016 19:25

I inhale sugary foods when I get home if I'be skipped meals, then get stuck in the cycle of skipping breakfast due to overeating the night before. I'm starting the day with yoghurt, seeds and banana, having an egg with salad and wholemeal bread for lunch. I snack on seeds as if I go too low fat I get ravenous. I like crunchy foods which is why biscuits feel like "fun" try an apple instead so you still get the crunch maybe? Good work giving up alcohol, maybe get some sugar free drinks in to replace the habit of having wine/beer? Best wishes to everyone I was sugar free today.

Shockingundercrackers · 13/04/2016 19:45

Can I join you all please? I'm a total chocoholic and I've gained 2.5 stone since having children... I feel horrible, like someone's pumped me up. None of my clothes fit and I have no energy at all Sad. The worst of it is that even though I feel like crap I can't seem to stop eating and crave chocolate ALL the time. I need to go cold turkey too... I've gained and lost the same two stone so many times it's actually really embarrassing, but I'd love just to feel in control of my life again. Can I do this?

BreakingBod · 13/04/2016 20:26

Thanks budgie, I'm exactly the same, I miss meals, fill up on snacks and then I'm not hungry at the next meal time! I'm going shopping tomorrow so I'll get organised and get some meals planned (and actually stick to them!).

Shocking I'm sure you can, if you're motivated enough. It's tough though, sugar really is scarily addictive.

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