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Continued - Week 1 New Year Low Carb Bootcamp Chat Thread

737 replies

BigStickBIWI · 10/01/2013 12:10

Last one filled up really quickly, so here is a brand, spanking and distinctly thinner thread for you to fill up.

OP posts:
GibbsGirl · 10/01/2013 14:33

Today's menu
B: One of Jimmy's Farm sausages for breakfast (he didn't mind) as they are only 0.3g carb per sausage, plus mushrooms, handful of spinach and a couple of cherry tomotoes
L: Cauliflower soup, with a drop of leftover thai chicken flavoured coconut milk was really tasty and really filling
D: will be pork loin and going to try the now famous braised cabbage and pos some mashed celeriac, although it may all look a bit beige!

Doshusallie · 10/01/2013 14:38

Hi Lucy - BIWI will comment I am sure, but one thing that leaps out at me is the prevalence of cottage cheese. From reading other threads I seem to remember this can be quite carby?

The rest of your food looks pretty good to be TBH.

EwanHoozami · 10/01/2013 14:38

Lucy, maybe those muscles you're cultivating with the shred are heavier than the fat you're losing?

BigStickBIWI · 10/01/2013 14:40

Lucy - a few things:

  • you're eating a lot of dairy; it could be that you have an issue with this, so I'd cut that out for a day or so

  • also, cottage cheese and Philly have carbs in them; cottage cheese (if it's full fat) has 4.8g carbs per 100g and Philly has 3.2g carbs per 100g. Don't know how much you're eating in one go, but all this will be adding up

  • it doesn't look like you're eating much fat; the meat you're eating looks like it is all lean meat for a start. Are you putting an oily dressing on your salads? Are you frying your meat? Are you adding butter to vegetables?

  • were your sausages low carb?

  • how much water are you drinking? You say you feel bloated, which is an indication that you're not drinking enough

Each of these things on their own is only a small thing, but together they could all add up to a reason why the weight isn't shifting.
OP posts:
BigStickBIWI · 10/01/2013 14:41

And are you drinking tea/coffee - how many cups and how much milk with them?

OP posts:
mumat39 · 10/01/2013 14:55

I've been doing really well at keeping up with thread, but didn't manage yesterday and have just come on o find a whole new thread. Wow!

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm on day 6. Definitely not feeling all that hungry, but feel icky today, had the shakes earlier Hmm Throbbing toothache that the dentist couldn't figure out, so will have to take a filling out to investigate and a heavy period. But the WOE is going well so far and I'm looking forward to feeling great.

I think I might be eating a few too many processed meats. I seem to have ham or bacon everyday.

Oh and thankyou to whoever mentioned the mashed swede with bacon stirrd through it. Made some with a whole swede and had it for my lunch. It didn't look all that but it was lovely and I actually felt full after about half of it. I'm going to have the rest tonight with chicken wrapped in Parma ham and maybe some broccoli.

I started on Friday but will weigh in on Monday to keep in line with everyone else. I haven't been back to the sales as I'm scared but will face them on Monday knowing that there'll be over 150 women and men from all over also stepping on the scales at the same time, will help loads.

I'm not realistically going to go back and read over all the posts I've missed, but well done to everyone and belated happy birth day's that I might have missed.

BIWI and Wiggle, as ever, thanks so much for all your fantastic efforts. Thanks

BandersnatchCummerbund · 10/01/2013 14:56

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BandersnatchCummerbund · 10/01/2013 15:00

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mumat39 · 10/01/2013 15:04

Bander, I'm often the one not drinking at do's just because I can take it or leave it and will chose to be the driver. But do people really think you're annoying? :(

I hope not!

And I've been asked before loads of time how drunk I am when I'm dancing as I appear to have no coordination inhibitions. You've done so well so far, so if you think you'll kick yourself for have some booze then don't do it. Maybe go mad and have a slice of lime in your drink, and remember that you'll be burning loads of fat and that water will be flushing the ketones away.

Don't get me wrong, if I was going to a party where there was likely to be cake, I'd be posting on here too, asking what to do.

Hope you enjoy the party, whether you drink or not. :)

mumat39 · 10/01/2013 15:05

Banded, could you take a sneaky peek at the sales before you go and then decide?

mumat39 · 10/01/2013 15:06

Sorry, I meant Bander. Stupid silly autocorrect!

littlemissstan · 10/01/2013 15:17

Bander I went to a birthday party on Saturday and just had fizzy water - if it's in a glass with ice and a slice everyone thinks it's G&T anyway! Just keep getting your own drinks and people will be none the wiser.

BandersnatchCummerbund · 10/01/2013 15:24

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

BlackAffronted · 10/01/2013 15:34

Lucy Are you due your period at all? When I LC'd before, I got a sneaky period sneak up on me in the first weeks, and I was bloated like you were. So dont be surprised if you get one in the next day or two! I think this woe does somethig to our hormones, and teh fat cells release estrogen so it messes up your menstrual cycle for a wee while.

thatgirlsevil · 10/01/2013 15:56

Oh bugger, just checked the carb content of my chicken livers (this is oddly becoming second nature after just a few days) and they state 0.0g carbs raw and then 5.7g per 100g shallow fried serving (that would be a total of 14.25g for the entire pot!)

Can somebody please enlighten me on why the carb content changes from raw to cooked, I realise I'm probably being a total dunce cap but humour me please.

PS. I can't eat them can I? Sad

mumat39 · 10/01/2013 16:04

Bander, I always get hounded to have a drink too and it is hard to resist.

But I have a plan. Just dance your socks off like this and no one will doubt you're not drinking. Grin

BlackAffronted · 10/01/2013 16:08

thatgirl, how odd! I didnt know you could create carbs by cooking liver!

EwanHoozami · 10/01/2013 16:10

that sounds bizarro, thatgirl - is the cooked carb count referring to a recipe suggestion?

Jacaqueen · 10/01/2013 16:11

If the recipe tells you to coat in flour and fry with onions that would give a carb count. Otherwise that are virtually zero.

Prolificmincepiebreeder · 10/01/2013 16:12

blackaffronted do you think the estrogen messing with your cycle would prevent a period or bring one on? I have enough trouble with my cycle as it is Sad I'm waiting on a period.

thatgirlsevil · 10/01/2013 16:13

I think you've hit the bingo and it's based on a recipe suggestion of pate on the back. The carbs can't possibly increase by cooking can they? I thought I was just being dense.

Xenia · 10/01/2013 16:16

mawbroon - depression - a good diet should help. A lot of mental health clinics recommend eating much less sugar and white bread and much more fats, proteins, veg etc so not surprising you feel good.


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BlackAffronted · 10/01/2013 16:18

Prolific A lot of people find their periods messed up in the first few weeks of low carbing, especially finding them coming on early. It sorts itself out pretty quick after that though, and settles into a regular pattern.

Doshusallie · 10/01/2013 16:18

Bander I second the weigh in early suggestion.

I am very impressed with how dedicated everyone is being but as we discovered on the previous bootcamp threads - life does have a tendency of getting in the way! Parties will happen, weddings, funerals, etc, have a glass of wine or two, or a G&T of a VL&S, and enjoy them. Then get back on the wagon strictly on the Sunday.

BIWI will probably wave a big stick threateningly at me for that, and please believe I am not trying to sabotage anyone, but personally, that is what I would do.

mumat39 · 10/01/2013 16:18

Lucy, as you've been shredding and watching what you eat, it's bound to have had a positive effect even if these damned scales don't say so.

Muscle weighs more than fat so I!'m sure that has something o do with it. I know I'm going to be feeling fed up on Monday If I haven't had a good loss as in all my previous dieting attempts, all non low carb, I have hardly lost anything in the first week. I'm sort of expecting it as so many people have reported losses. But I'm psyching myself up to remember that what I'm doing is actually doing me good.

I'm feeling better in so many ways already, so if you can find other positives then that might help. Can you see a difference in how your clothes are fitting? have any aches etc gone or are they slightly less achey? does you're skin look diferent? etc. Also, weight loss aside this is a way of eating for better health for our future. So for me that in itself is really amazing as I was a really bad eater, and lived on ready meals and i'm now actually eating better.

And women's bodies just fluctuate due to hormones and other stuff.

So please don't feel down. As BIWI said the first two weeks are about learning how to do the diet as much as anything else. ( at least i think that's what she said Hmm

Take care. Xxxx

Ps - if I'm on here moaning about how I haven't lost weight on Monday, please feel free to slap me round the head with a big wet fish Grin

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