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anyone needing to lose weight for their health?

53 replies

mybabyweightiseightyearsold · 22/12/2012 12:48

So, after spending half my life trying to lose weight - I have realised that I can't do it.

Am 45% fat, 4 stones overweight, high BP, cholesterol's a problem, borderline thyroid - and 40 years old. BMI is 35 - that qualifies me for a gastric band, go me!

GP agreed not to start BP meds if I lose weight in 3 months...

...but, feck, it's hard.

I've lost about half a stone - which is usually where I start to lose motivation. And, the reality is, I'm killing myself, so I can't afford to lose motivation.

I've tried ALL the slimming groups. What I need to do is eat less, do more and not pick at food whilst preparing it, drink wine in the week, pick at nibbles in the evening. It's not that hard, the rest of the world manages!

So, what I'd like is a place to vent - and remind myself that I have now got a life limiting condition. That I have no choice - eating because I am sad/happy/lonely/partying/bored/busy can no longer be an option.

Anyone fancy a support thread along those lines?

OP posts:
InMySpareTime · 31/12/2012 10:24

The other "Duh" revelation I had was that I don't need to eat the same portion size as DH, He's bigger than me, and he's a man (different body fat/muscle ratio). Once I gave myself permission to eat a smaller portion, I felt much better about what I was eating.

mrsnec · 31/12/2012 10:46

Hi All. Can I join too? I have no idea how much I should or want to lose. I have battled with my weight for years. But didn't think I was doing anything wrong food wise. I've tried all sorts and nothing is working until now. My motivation is that I've been quite ill. In and out of hospital over Xmas. Diagnosed with encephalitis. But docs tested me for everything. I live abroad. They didn't nag me about my weight but it's all over my notes & they put me on a regime. My biggest motivation is that I didn't question any of the meds they've put me on and it turns out they're for unrelated things that I'd normally associate with people 3 times my age who are very unhealthy. I don't want to be on statins in my 30's! Anyway, I'm doing this in KGs cos I don't understand it and it's less scary and it's what the docs are using and I'm losing between 1 and 3 per week at the moment still eating 3 meals a day, doing limited excercise and being pumped full of steroids. I 've been looking at all the plans around and this one is very similar to Rosemary Conely. I've been told to cut out salt seasoning food with lemon juice instead and I'm drinking Redbush tea with cinnamon to help with hunger. We've been ttc for 2 years with no luck and I'm starting to think my weight was the issue there too. Good luck everyone!

mybabyweightiseightyearsold · 31/12/2012 12:57

I'm loving this thread, so happy to find people in the same boat.

I'll look out that book, Isabeller - sounds quite liberating.

I tried the 5:2 diet in the autumn, and I did really like it. Not having to THINK about food fora day was blooming marvellous. And, I lost half a stone in 3 weeks, which was good...but then, middley kid was poorly and in and out of I ate.

I've had some good news, I've lost half a stone (ehm, again. The same one. We're old friends) and my BP is down to near normal. And, though my cholesterol is high, it's mostly good cholesterol, sot hat's great.

I'm still motivated though - a close friend of mine is about to embark on 9 months of chemo. At least I can DO something about my health risk...

So, I'm going to drink fizz tonight (rude not to) and then, from tomorrow - a dry January, join the gym once the kids are back at school, 5:2, some crap allowed if I really fancy it.

Hope you are feeling better, Mrs Nec. Encephalitis? Ouch.

OP posts:
mrsnec · 31/12/2012 14:11

I have the same prob with DH too. He's V tall and I'm a shorty. He's also a massive meat eater and was bought up to have bread with every meal. He was a weekend boarder at school and cooked for extra pocket money and sometimes with the volume he cooks it's like he still thinks he's there. So portion size has to be my problem. That and cheese. We were eating at least a 1 KG block of cheddar per week! I'm going to stick with this way for a bit and I'd look at changing it if I get a week where I don't lose. 1st priority is getting off all the meds. Yes Encephalitis is nasty. I was paralysed down my left side when I was admitted to hospital but I'm walking unaided and doing eveything for myself now. Physio is a bit negative though so I've no idea when I can start proper excercise but I've done a couple of walks this week. I got a major overhaul really as I was cleared of lots of other even more scary conditions and when you hear of how others are suffering with their health it just makes you think. On the other hand, I am determined not to obsses over this and become a diet bore. And yes this is a great thread. Quite agree!

PeggyCarter · 01/01/2013 09:22

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mybabyweightiseightyearsold · 01/01/2013 11:23

Mrs Nec physio's being negative? I'm a physio, though, not a neuro specialist. Feel free to PM, I've got a couple of neuro expert pals I can tap for information. Glad you are getting on ok, and, I repeat, ouch.

Link to interesting article in (don't judge) DM. I think this could have something in it - my behaviour fits!

Am trying hard to try. But, DH is driving me mental, kids are grumpy, and I'm frustrated with my lot. But, I'm going to hang on in there today. I can do it for one day, right?


OP posts:
mrsnec · 01/01/2013 13:01

Joyful, that sounds like a very reasonable target to me. And I'm going to stop baking too! Thanks mybaby, appreciate it. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting and don't want to say too much as I don't want to overtake this thread with it but she told me I've probably made my best progress in the first week and not to expect much more over the next few months, she told DH off for getting the wrong walking aid- which I then only needed for a day or 2 and it's been really hard to pin her down for another apt cos I missed one when I had to go back to the other hospital to get my own MRI results. She was a bit stroppy about that! See how I get on tomorrow and I'll let you know. Might be being too sensitive but I'm doing my excercises. She says concentrate on wrists and ankles. Anyway back to us, interesting article. I'm cutting down on sugar and so far so good. I get very confused on the carbs thing though, can't do no carbs. Need grains and fibre in my diet but they're carbs and therefore sugar so it's v hard. Also was going to suggest rewards after targets too but even though I reached my first one it doesn't feel right cos of my meds. I don't know if I'm losing cos of me or them!

mybabyweightiseightyearsold · 01/01/2013 18:27

You have meds that are making you lose weight and reach targets, Mrs Nec?

Interesting am wondering whether I could actually fake encephalitis in the hope of getting some myself

And, keep heart, neuro recovery is as your physio said - lots initially, then slows down. Nerves heal at a millimeter a month, painfully slow. You'll get most of your recovery in the first six months, but improvements are expected in the two - 3 years after an injury/illness. Patience helps, but, it's a bit of a stretch to be patient when you have things to do and places to go, like the gym.

My scales have run out of batteries - replace, or no?

OP posts:
ppeatfruit · 01/01/2013 20:18

There is no ONE diet that suits everyone; we are all different so furrydogmother will be successful on the low carb and not others. Have you looked at the Paul Mckenna way of eating mybabyweight? I've lost nearly 3 stone with it And MOST IMPORTANTLY Iam maintaining. Xmas Grin

I also follow my blood type for my health the author is Dr. Peter D'Adamo and it does work extremely well;l I've cured my arthritis, allergies and eczema.

mybabyweightiseightyearsold · 01/01/2013 20:30

I haven't, Ppeat. There's so much to read, and it all serves to confuse me. But, with a recommendation like that...

I've just been looking at these diet plate

Now, that's a clever idea...

rather fancy making myself one at the ceramic painty place...

OP posts:
ppeatfruit · 01/01/2013 20:46

I totally understand how confusing it all is. Smile I studied about my health before the Paul Mckenna . What I find really interesting is that some people are quite happy to eat weird stuff to lose weight but don't want to change what they eat to be healthy.

The Paul mckenna is fantastic because it's about HOW we eat also it cleverly deals with and supports the emotional side.

I wouldn't bother with the diet plate; a lot of people are allergic IMO there is no One Diet for All.

There is a lovely supportive thread for those on the Paul Mckenna see you on it?

JakeBullet · 02/01/2013 07:29

I have the Paul McKenna book too and am going to start using it. I haven't stood on the scales yet but am predicting 16st 5lb+Blush

I used to have an eating disorder and as such it's important I don't diet but focus on three meals a day and fruit in between with Paul McKenna as an added focus to help me work out why I am eating if I am not hungry.

I relate to someone further back who said they eat when they are procrastinating about housework or whatever....I am exactly the same. I feel overwhelmed by tasks sometimes so I eat. Simples really.Grin

mrsnec · 02/01/2013 08:34

I like the idea of making me a diet plate at a ceramic painty place! Would certainly help DH get portion sizes right! Anyway. My meds are cos when I first went into hospital they treated me for a stroke or thrombosis and put it down to being unhealthy or genetic markers. But they didn't find genetic markers or any clots and told me my BP and cholestorol were fine. Then they sent me for and MRI and thats when they confirmed the diagnosis and put me on steroids but told me to carry on taking everything else. One of my meds is called Simvastatin and I read it's prescribed for weightloss but it's also given to those at risk from stroke. My steroids are the same ones they give to stimulate the appetite so I am wondering if I've been told to stay on the statins in case I overeat on the steroids. Having said all this I am a size 14/16. I've never felt huge, I've never felt unfit. To me, someone my size is someone that could probably do with getting rid of a stone or 2 not someone who could keel over at any minute! I thought I looked ok in my size 16 wedding dress - like me. I hate the expression but I think I've been happy in my own skin and perhaps in denial. But I also think those meds are over prescribed and some docs just have a bee in their bonnet about their patient's weights. My friend just lost 3 stone taking her to 10 stone. She's 5ft7" and her doc told her she was still overweight. Rude that! Back to you all I'm going to look into PM and blood type just out of interest and keep up the good work everyone and I promise to be patient with my physio today!

JakeBullet · 02/01/2013 09:06

I predicted 16st 5lbs

I am actually .....[drum roll]....

16st 10lbs Blush .

Okay I now belong to Paul McKenna Grin

Some of it WILL be Xmas but most won't be!

ppeatfruit · 02/01/2013 11:08

see you there jakeBullet and mrsnec Grin

mrsnec · 02/01/2013 11:17

Jake is one step ahead though. Am not over scale phobia yet!

ppeatfruit · 02/01/2013 11:27

Some of us weigh and some don't and we are sooo nice on the P.M. thread;it's actually the friendliest thread I'm on on here!

Elainey1609 · 02/01/2013 17:40

Hi ya all again
ok so since i last visited the thread its really nice to hear more people in same situation.
im going to look at this paul Mckenna book thing, sound motivating.
am waiting to go back home (as still with family for xmas)as i need scales. but wanted to wish everyone who started this week good luck.

I also eat for stres which was mentioned earlier...i bought a stress ball and it seems to help as it keeps my hands busy (not eating food)

look forward to hearing your stories
and everyone get on my fitness pal and add me , username is Elainey1609

mrsnec · 03/01/2013 07:05

Morning All How's it going? I tried to do the no scales thing last year at the end of the summer. I was just gradually cutting out all my bad habits until I figured out where I was going wrong but I barely dropped 1 size in 3 months so that does work but is painfuly slow! This time I've kind of faced the scales. This may out me but I don't mind, my DM has worked for WW for 20+ years. She's been here looking after me (bless) & since the doc had a word about my weight she insisted I get on the scales. But she didn't tell me the weight just how much it's down by each time. All scales should do this! I'm on my own with it this week though & am only weighing once per week & I'll probably stop when I'm off the medication as I really just want to see what the meds are doing to my body. Apt with physio went well very positive am making good progress. She hadn't been told new diagnosis and was still treating me for stroke so that explains a lot. Told me to include lots of magnesium in my diet. A very positive thing for me looking at what I can eat not what I can't but she told me I should bake as it's theraputic. Think she's on about the action of making dough. I've got a stress ball too so I'll just use that and I'll take a look at my fitness pal when I'm excercising properly.

InMySpareTime · 03/01/2013 07:59

I use wii fit as scales, it says how much down from last weigh in (even if my Mii bears no resemblance to my actual figure - it assumes I carry all my extra weight round the middle, mine is boobs and the rest evenly spread)
I like seeing the weight progress, which has been a steady 2lb a week average off each week for 6 months, I'm easing off the weight loss now, aiming for 1lb a week so I can gently stop losing and move to maintaining weight without any drastic shift in eating habits.

mybabyweightiseightyearsold · 03/01/2013 10:30

Well, I'm finding it a bit hard to Get Started. It's all been stressful here - assorted kid's illness and Much Drama in my marriage...and, guess what, I've put on the half a stone I lost. Sigh.

Well, I THINK I have - I haven't weighed myself as the batteries have run out. And, if I weigh myself once I'll do it again and again - and then I let my mood be dictated by the stupid numbers.

So, I have a tape measure. I am going to keep it in the bathroom and measure once a fortnight, and put dots where the measurements are.

I also took the kids to the ceramic painting place yesterday and made myself a very nice plate. I'll try and put a photo up. Portion control is an issue for me - I think it'll help.

My strategy is to forget about diet. Any sort of diet. I'm going to "eat food, not too much, mostly plants" and exercise. And fast 2 days a week, because I quite liked the release of not having to think about food.

We're off wine. Dry house for the month - though, that's DH's approach. I'm going to have at least 3 wine free days a week for the whole year. Obviously, I'm hoping to have more than that - but, start small.

OP posts:
mrsnec · 05/01/2013 08:21

Hi All, Mybaby, that sounds like you've made a start to me. Hope your DC's get better soon and that things settle down for you. I found the bit of paper with the scary numbers I've been on the scales today and am 93KG. I was 97 when I started 3 weeks ago. I've read that you can increase chances of conception by a lot if you lose 10% of your body weight so have about another 6KG to go to my next target. We're going away for a few days mid Feb I wonder if I can do it by then? Dry Jan here to but I find the less I have the less I miss it and I like seeing the lower shopping bills. I might put what I'd spend on vino in my holiday fund and treat myself to something really nice when I'm away.How's everyone else doing?


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PeggyCarter · 05/01/2013 09:08

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mrsnec · 05/01/2013 11:58

That's amazing Joyful! I'm doing the same with the carbs. I'm trying to do at least one low carb meal a day. I've also just made a massive pan of soup although I used a frozen mix of white beans, carrots & celery I found in the supermarket so not sure how it's going to turn out. Butterscotch Bananas, yum. I'm still on my dark choc covered almonds as my treat I've got a few left & I can't believe I've managed to make the bag last since before xmas! Also this sounds obvious but I realised I was picking while cooking so I've set myself a rule not to eat anything in the kitchen. As I still want to enjoy my food I'm putting eveything I want to eat on a nice plate & taking it to wherever I want to enjoy it before I tuck in.

gussiegrips · 06/01/2013 10:45

The plate thing is a good idea. I'm a picker too - in fact, yesterday I realised that I am eating an entire portion as I cook, then put another portion on my plate, then have a wee nibble of leftovers too.

Big changes afoot, hoping!

Well done on the losses, ladies. Hope to join you!

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