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I have purchased my wedding dress, and it's fecking amazing!

38 replies

ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 16/01/2016 23:22

So excited! Put the deposit down on my wedding dress today and I love, love, love it Grin. Anyone want to see a pic or talk wedding dresses? Am especially excited because DP's parents have been arseholes lately and put a huge cloud over our wedding plans, so it's brilliant to get excited about it all again Grin

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ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 20/01/2016 21:35

Congratulations, Flora! Is your dress tea length? It's absolutely beautiful, you must be thrilled! I love a tea length dress, though didn't feel that one was right for me. Yours is gorgeous! Do you feel amazing wearing her (I too refer to my frock as 'her' Grin).

How exciting that you're eloping Grin. When all our hassle with DP's parents started we considered this, but by then we'd already told extended family the wedding plans so it was too late to backtrack Wink. I'm a bit jealous, tbh!

Where are you planning on going?

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ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 20/01/2016 21:36

Oh, and you must get a completely amazing pair of shoes to go with that dress, Flora Wink

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Blooming69 · 20/01/2016 21:39

OP, your dress is utterly beautiful! are you thin? Have a fabulous day!

ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 21/01/2016 00:51

Thanks a mill, Blooming. I'm 5' 9" and size 10, so not exactly skinny, but definitely slim enough to wear the dress. Just want to tone up my arms and arse a bit Wink.

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Florabella22 · 21/01/2016 07:43

Shadows yes the she's tea length although I'm a shorty at 5ft2 so it's kinda calf length! I have irregular choice shoes in mind but I have to decide on a colour. At the moment I'm drawn towards these lovely yellow ones!
We're heading off to a beautiful little country estate in the South West for a runaway wedding, just us two. It's second time round for both of us and we wanted it to be just about us. We're very excited and it's getting harder to keep it a secret as the time approaches!
I went for tea length as most of our photos will be taken in the grounds and I didn't want to hike a long train around with me!
Congratulations to you too Smile

I have purchased my wedding dress, and it's fecking amazing!
Diamogs · 21/01/2016 08:05

Beautiful dress op

Walkinglikeazombie · 21/01/2016 08:12

Stunning dress op, definitely prefer the one you picked out rather than the first choice dress!
It's just so elegant, and I'm sure it fits you perfectly considering your height/weight.
all the best to you and your DP, hope you have an amazing day!

Potterwolfie · 21/01/2016 08:29

It's absolutely beautiful, and if I was getting married again ( no plans, happily married!) I'd choose something just like it, it's so very elegant. Hope the rest of your plans come together and your wedding is amazing!

ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 21/01/2016 23:54

Flora, I love it! I'd actually been eyeing up those exact Irregular Choice shoes (they come in white, too, and I really love them), but they just wouldn't work with my dress. They will be amazing with yours though!

That length will be perfect on you. My sister often models at wedding fairs for the aforementioned family friend. She too is a shorty (5' 3''), and is often put in the tea length dresses, and they look amazing on her.

Your wedding sounds like it will be gorgeous, so lovely and peaceful and intimate. I'm getting excited for you Grin. You must come back with photos for us after the big day!

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ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 21/01/2016 23:56

Oh, those shoes also come in purple, which would be amazing with your dress, though probably not what you're looking for.

I have purchased my wedding dress, and it's fecking amazing!
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ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 21/01/2016 23:59

Thanks so much, Diamogs, Walking, and Potter. We're very organised so little left to do now but save and get excited WinkGrin. A couple of months ago I'd have added 'convince DP's parents to attend, but they have made it clear that that's a lost cause, so for DP's sake, onwards and upwards WineFlowers

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Allalonenow · 26/01/2016 08:59

That's a fabulous frock Shadows.

I was staying in a French chateau recently, and in my room were the wedding photos of the owner's mother, wearing a dress very like yours. One photo was stunning, of her alone standing at the top of a flight of shallow stairs, threequarter turned and looking back at the camera, with the dress spread out and flowing down the stairs behind her ~ so elegant!

If you've not decided on your flowers yet, check out Marks and Spencer wedding flowers, they have a Calla Lily bouquet/buttonholes etc that would look perfect with your dress.

All the best! Thanks

ShadowsCollideIsSurroundedByAd · 31/01/2016 22:45

Aw, thanks a mill All Grin. I'm hoping I'll look elegant, it doesn't really come naturally to me WinkGrin.

Thanks so much for the suggestion re the flowers. We're actually really lucky, our wedding planner is also a florist, so she is going to look after all the flowers for us, for a very reasonable price.

Hope you had a lovely time in France!

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