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Wedding at short notice - ideas needed!

14 replies

flowerpowergirl · 05/04/2013 19:05

I am reposting from elsewhere on MN so apologies for repeating myself! Looking for ideas for unusual/quirky wedding venues in UK please. We are moving abroad and have decided to marry before we go. We have been together 10+ yrs with 2DC so don't feel the need for formal/big dress/lots of guests/expense etc. We want small, easy to arrange but memorable. DP proposed in St Ives so that's a possible but also fond of the Lakes & Scotland. Any ideas would be much appreciated! Smile. Oh and we only have a couple of months so would prob do mid week. Thx.

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flowerpowergirl · 19/04/2013 22:32

Well we have booked the Cove at Lamorna, Cornwall. There were so many great suggestions it was difficult to narrow it down but in the end we went for a location fairly close to all the guests and with last minute availability. I think it gets the bill but we won't see it until the time so here's hoping. The next mission is planning the days events! thanks again for all the ideas Thanks

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flowerpowergirl · 11/04/2013 19:34

OK will do. not quite there yet with the plans but will let you know all about our celebrations! Wine

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Crawling · 11/04/2013 19:32

Please update as to where you choose as it will kill me not knowing.

flowerpowergirl · 11/04/2013 18:33

wow more great ideas. thanks everyone Thanks Thanks

OP posts:
Crawling · 11/04/2013 07:09

Yay it worked.

Crawling · 11/04/2013 07:09
Crawling · 11/04/2013 07:07
Crawling · 11/04/2013 07:07 here they do excellent last minute deals everything is offered on site including your rooms. The link I sent is 5000 for 12 rooms exclusive use of venue sit down meal drinks and evening buffet and dj.

They also offer most of the other services if you want to use them but you can use whoever you want.

I went to a wedding in another one of the companies venues and it was the best Ive ever seen.

soapnuts · 09/04/2013 15:16

at the risk of outing myself to anyone who knows me - cliff top at achiltibue - with seals in the sea below us - then dinner at summer isles hotel, just us and witnesses.... was gorgeous! In scotland you can get married anywhere - we had a humanist minister who was fab (and game to walk out onto the cliffs). Ours was a hastily organised one too but i wouldn't change a thing except for agreeing to witnesses now ex-boyf to do the photography

KelleStar · 09/04/2013 15:05

The most memorable wedding I went to was a low budget option. West Bay near Bridport (where Broadchurch is filmed) there is a little chapel by the beach, a friend got married there then had an amazing barbecue on the beach, a lovely band and the children loved it. They got married after 13 years together and 6 children, the chapel couldn't fit all of us, but they walked onto the Beach for their reception. Was lovely.

Also been to a civil ceremony at the Guildhall in Bath and then a reception/picnic on the green outside the royal crescent. It was a bring and share picnic, we all bought extra blankets and games for the little ones. It was very relaxed and were lucky with the weather.

absentmindeddooooodles · 06/04/2013 09:58

Pendenis castle is in Falmouth Cornwall. If you google search wedding venues in Cornwall you'll come up with loads of farms etc. just thought that the one I've booked isn't ready until October so probs too late for you?? There's also a place in Redruth called little white Alice which specialises in small weddings. It's gorgeous

absentmindeddooooodles · 06/04/2013 09:57

Pendenis castle is in Falmouth Cornwall. If you google search wedding venues in Cornwall you'll come up with loads of farms etc. just thought that the one I've booked isn't ready until October so probs too late for you?? There's also a

flowerpowergirl · 05/04/2013 22:18

Hi, can you clarify where that is please? Sounds great! thx.

OP posts:
absentmindeddooooodles · 05/04/2013 19:15

Have posted on your other thread, but just wanted to add pendent is castle to my suggestions. You can get married in the old gun room ( circular room) right in top of a big hill overlooking the sea. They do some pretty quirky things like u can have the big old cannon fired etc. the room is beautiful, with a massive open fire in the walk through bit and candles everywhere :) quite a few farms down here with great things like tipis and yurts

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