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Ideas for kiddy goodie bags

13 replies

DeterminedandSpecialMum · 12/06/2012 12:02

My DP & I would love to give the kids goodie bags when we get married as weddings are boring for them we think...however, we are stuck with what to put in them - mainly girl's aged 5-14 & 2 boys aged 3.


OP posts:
DonkeyTeapot · 18/06/2012 10:02

I was on ebay t'other day and saw packs of ten animal finger puppets for not much money, I thought they looked ace!

DeterminedandSpecialMum · 13/06/2012 17:59

HipHop good idea about glo sticks & fabric Smile

OP posts:
HipHopOpotomus · 13/06/2012 16:36

Glow sticks - fun for parties. They can be made into bracelets or linked together for headbands.
Tiger stock them - pack of 10 or so for a couple of quid. Tiger actually have loads of fun party bag stuff for kids if there is a store near you.

I made DD's party bags from fabric (for her last birthday). You could make bags out of fabric to match your theme/dress/etc

DeterminedandSpecialMum · 12/06/2012 12:54

Thanks Ladies.

Lego is a fab idea Grin

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mamalovebird · 12/06/2012 12:17

or our goodie bags we put in:

little colouring book
little crayon pack
jelly toy
little bag of lego
kinder bar
goodies flapjack bar
pack of three smallish bouncy balls

We also had two older nieces and put in some of that stick on hand & nail art and some chocolate. Again, from the pound shop.

All picked up from the pound shop

EMS23 · 12/06/2012 12:17

I went to Wilkinsons and filled the trolley. Spent about £100 and had goodie bags for 13 kids, plus big boxes of garden toys for all to play with. It was fab, if I do say so myself!

All kids - colouring, Lego, books, notepads and pens/ pencils
Boys - toy cars
Girls - jewellery sets

DeterminedandSpecialMum · 12/06/2012 12:17

Thanks ladies. Wiki stix will look for those online - will walk upto our local £1 shop too to see what they have.

Keep ideas coming pls.

OP posts:
TheSurgeonsMate · 12/06/2012 12:12

Apparently (I've read on the internet) American restaurants hand out something called wikki stix or waxi doodles, which are good clean fidget at the table toys - you model and make things, sounds like it could be a proper activity for older kids and just a cheery mashup for littler ones?

ShowOfHands · 12/06/2012 12:07

We went to a wedding last year when dd was just 4. Her bag contained bubbles, small pencils and a colouring pad, small deck of cards, some jellybeans and a couple of small puzzles (ball bearing in a maze type puzzles).

jobnockey · 12/06/2012 12:07

just realised 14 year olds probably won't be that impressed with colouring pencils and stickers...

jobnockey · 12/06/2012 12:07

My DS loved a goodie bag he got which had sweets, plastic dinosaurs, colouring pad and pencils and some stickers. kept him busy during speeches etc too... Think the girls got same but with plastic girlie thing rather than dinosaurs!

gwenniebee · 12/06/2012 12:06

We put bottles of bubbles (the blowy ones, not the alcoholic ones...) on the tables instead of "favours" for kids at ours. The younger ones poured them all over their food. It was mayhem. Perfect! Grin

wizzler · 12/06/2012 12:05

You can get bracelets which look white till you go in the sunshine, then the UV rays make them change colour.. ( try not too pricey and little girls love them

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