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14yr old dd Christmas presents

24 replies

Sparky05 · 06/11/2014 20:00

So basically, dd (14) is v horsey. Rides couple competitively etc. I'm struggling for ideas this year tho as she doesn't need any gear atm, she doesn't own/ loan a pony (although she would love to, been asking forever) so can't get her any tack either. She's quite childish - by that I mean she still plays with model horses sometimes + can't sleep without a teddy etcGrin! Any suggestions welcome! Thx!

OP posts:
piebald · 28/11/2014 21:57

Hat silk and matching cross country top

BlueChampagne · 24/11/2014 14:07
Incapinka · 23/11/2014 17:32

If she likes eventing how about joining William fox Pitts eventing club? He has an open day too on the 22 December at his yard.

fjalladis · 16/11/2014 01:27

Riding holiday? I did one at her age and loved every minute of it.

Sparky05 · 14/11/2014 21:35

Thx 4 all lovely suggestions! Just to clarify, dh has new job so we can afford to buy horse. Dd does half riding 4 free half paid - we pay about same as barcoda b4 the 'three!' I'm coming round to the idea - dh still needs convincing but I'm working on that! Keep suggestions coming if u have them!xGrin

OP posts:
barcoda · 14/11/2014 18:46

If the OP is already paying for her dd to ride competitively then she may possibly be able to afford to loan or share. Presumably she isn't doing all her riding for free atm? We were paying 40 a week on average for dds riding including all the pony days. Our loan pony lived out and only had front shoes - it worked out cheaper. (not now that we have 3 Hmm)

kentishgirl · 14/11/2014 17:12

Can people stop suggesting a pony to a family that cannot afford the cost of keeping one properly? Not helpful, why pile on possible guilt? I know this used to piss my parents off no end as I was dying for one but they couldn't afford it, and 'helpful' suggestions along these lines were quite upsetting to them. Ponies on loan cost just as much to run as one you buy. It sounds like the daughter is getting lots of good rides and the chance to compete - that's more than many children get.

New riding gloves? British Eventing do day courses if she can borrow something to ride? Books/videos. GAmes -

ENormaSnob · 14/11/2014 14:42

There is only one answer from me...

A pony Grin

barcoda · 13/11/2014 10:09

Loan one. We leased a pony when dd1 was 10, he was a complete bastard but a brilliant hunter. We now own three Hmm

BaldricksWife · 13/11/2014 09:47

My parents were in the same position as you when I was 9 yrs old- they took the plunge, bought me a pony and I can honestly say it has shaped my life. They went without foreign holidays and posh cars but the fun we have had, the friendships forged and the experiences shared were priceless. I am now in my 50's and as keen as ever!

Sparky05 · 12/11/2014 21:19

She likes everything - jumping the best so an eventing/ pony club type. She's quite small + v light + can ride any size, was on a shetland on Sunday Grin. We've looked into buying b4 and will do again; the ongoing cost is the thing that I don't like so muchHmm she'd be so happy it's unreal if she got one though...

OP posts:
kentishgirl · 12/11/2014 15:12

If you can't afford it, really don't get into ownership/sharing. Especially if she is competitive - it costs a bomb. Huge time commitment for both her and you. If she is in a position to ride and compete on other people's horses, perfect! (and it's how many pro competitive riders work as well) Gaining experience on a number of different horses can be brilliant.

What type of competing does she do as that might suggest a few presents. Someone showing needs/wants different things to someone eventing.

mrslaughan · 12/11/2014 10:16

Can she get to the stables herself? as they say - where there is a will there is a way?

DS is 9 ( and has learning difficulties - dyspraxia, so immature), we loaned a pony over summer - The effect on his maturity, independence was amazing.

5OBalesofHay · 11/11/2014 22:48

How about a share? See how she goes? A committed rider needs her own horse. She will find time if keen enough

Sparky05 · 07/11/2014 20:04

Ooh hat silk - that's good! She's got loads of schleich and breyers - might still get her more thoHmm
We've talked about the horse - she wants one so badly. Thing is I can't understand how shell have time, and it's expensive + how everyone else manages it! She is a morning person..

OP posts:
TeenagersDriveMeMad · 07/11/2014 20:00

I agree with 50Bales Grin.

How about tickets to Badders or Burghley? Or could you take one of the horses she rides to the beach? Or arrange a photoshoot with her favourite?

Failing that, some really nice new show stuff - long boots, hat, jacket, or jodhs. Hope Valley Saddlery has Kingsland stuff in at a big discount at the moment.

Archfarchnad · 07/11/2014 19:54

What about taking a good photo of the horse/horses she rides and getting them blown up into a biggish poster and nicely framed for her bedroom? We did that for DD1 one year. Or a photo of her in competition.

You say she plays with model horses. Has she discovered the Schleich horses - a lot of adults collect them too, and although they seem expensive they have a very high resale value if she ever gets fed up of them. You could easily build up a collection of 20 or so for starters, and they're great for birthday presents from friends or using pocket money.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 07/11/2014 19:47

New hat silk?

Dd hasn't got a pony but she still has her own tack because it's much easier than trying to find stuff round the yard.

5OBalesofHay · 07/11/2014 19:44

Go on, get her a horse Grin

Sparky05 · 07/11/2014 19:34

Thx 4 all suggestions! We have olympia tickets alreadyWink all of us love it + not horsey apart from her! Demonstration sounds good as does the breyers! Anyone with any more keep them coming! Thx

OP posts:
Butkin · 07/11/2014 12:29

Could you still buy tickets (Stubhub?) to Olympia?


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sharanel · 07/11/2014 10:11

dd1 will be just 15 at xmas and will be getting mainly horsey stuff (we own horses) but also a pretty necklace with her initial on and some posh perfume and make up just to make her feel that her life doesn't begin and end with horses Grin

Goldenlab · 07/11/2014 08:32

Tickets to a demonstration next year? Monty Roberts would be my choice. Breyer horses are lovely at any age too!

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