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Teachers: how would you feel about this gift for Christmas?

34 replies

GlitteryFluff · 30/11/2018 22:50

Ds is in reception.
He's going to make a card for his teacher and TA. Then going to get them a little present each.

(I should say I don't know them very well in a personal sense. I don't know if they drink coffee for a Starbucks voucher. I don't know if they drink booze for a bottle of wine.)

I've seen self inking stamps that I can personalise with 'miss smith says excellent' and a tick or 'miss smith says well done' with a smiley face, for example.

I know stamps are used in ds's reading book and homework book each week so in theory they would get used.

However would you be a bit Hmmor Sadthat the gift is school stuff not stuff for you at home iykwim?

OP posts:
ILikeyourHairyHands · 02/12/2018 21:43

I always give Moleskine notebooks. I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't love a Moleskine.

LJdorothy · 02/12/2018 21:24

Yes, stamps, reward stickers and any other stationery items for school use would be much appreciated! I got a lovely little pencil pot once which has been on my desk for years.

ohreallyohreallyoh · 02/12/2018 21:05

Fab gift. Teacher will get use of it. Other helpful gift would be reward stickers which aren’t cheap but which all children -including secondary ones -love.

Ecofluffynanny · 01/12/2018 11:18

Ah ok...but it's fairly unusual for this to be the case.

HexagonalBattenburg · 01/12/2018 10:59

Our school a lot of the teaching staff DO live in catchment unfortunately - it's a bit unusual in that regard. I can think of at least 3 teachers I semi regularly run into in the local supermarket or shopping area and at least 2 of them live a couple of streets down from school (we rarely get a snow closure as a result)!

Ecofluffynanny · 01/12/2018 10:54

@HexagonalBattenburg don't worry about your local Costa...not many teachers live that close to their school (my daily commute is 45 minutes...around 25 miles).

EspressoPatronum · 01/12/2018 10:53

When I was teaching I'd have loved something like this (I actually have a Miss T thinks you're a star! stamp that I'd use on homework, reasons records or on a post it on a piece of work) or some reward stickers (smelly stickers always proved popular with the kids I taught!)

You've inspired me for when my son starts school!

Ecofluffynanny · 01/12/2018 10:51

To clarify...17 boxes was a career record for me, it's usually around 10. The parents clearly thought I'd had a tough term last year and needed it 😆

HexagonalBattenburg · 01/12/2018 10:49

We're skint as anything this year and with the sheer number of interventions DD2 has for various things - the amount of staff involved gets to the levels of eyewatering expense so I've just bought them all a small chocolate Lindt thing and a pretty tree bauble in a nice bag. If the chocolate's not their thing most of them have kids who'll pinch it quite happily and if the tree bauble isn't it'll end up on the tree in the classroom.

DD1 is ridiculously unicorn bonkers so she's got unicorn baubles for all her teachers (DD1's teacher is equally unicorn bonkers as well - it's a match made in heaven this year).

I think Costa vouchers are a no-go with our school since the local Costa usually contains a ridiculous number of school parents in it (I'm not joking - you could easily assemble the best-attended meeting of the PTA on an average morning - there were 20 faces I recognised from the school gates in there yesterday) so it would be like the teachers' idea of ultimate hell!

I usually send a few cakes for the staffroom in and a nice thank you card for the other staff and office staff who've also had to deal with my kids at periodic intervals during the year (I really really do value the staff in our school - they're fantastic - and yes, I also make the head know this view too and made sure the Ofsted inspector got my opinions as well )

Ecofluffynanny · 01/12/2018 10:49

Much as I'd LOVE them, sadly in my current school I'd not be slowed to use them. Also, remember 'Miss Smith' might very well be 'Mrs Jones' by Easter. Have a look in your child's English or Maths book to see if motivational stampers are used. If not, you'll know that the school doesn't allow them.

My most useful present ever was a beautifully soft pair of thermal gloves (plain black...good choice!) for the hours of freezing break duties.

Chocolates - last year I brought home 17 boxes (5 of them Fererro Roche and 4 Maltesers!). With a class of 30 children there's a huge potential for chocolate overload. I don't eat chocolate so they were all gratefully received of course, but regifted. Also last year I received 5 'Best Teacher' mugs.

It's hard isn't it, a bit like the dreaded Secret Santa, pitching it just right!

I'm LOVING the idea of a personalised travel mug though...even if my name changed, I'd still be able to use it and it wouldn't get nicked in the staffroom!!

Awks · 01/12/2018 09:54

My daughter is a teacher and we bought her one! Sh loves it and uses it loads.

Flossingisforteeth · 01/12/2018 08:35

That's so thoughtful Flowers

A pupil gave me one which said 'I read with Miss Flossing today' which was used daily for years until I got married and changed name!

MaisyPops · 01/12/2018 08:31

I loved the decorated mug I got one year with my name on it. I've since got married but have kept the mug.

As a general rule the top teacher mugs/teddies aren't a good route. They're over priced and after a while it's hard to find space.

A nice note in a card is always appreciated and Costa vouchers were a good one one year from my a level class

IHeartKingThistle · 01/12/2018 08:27

I'm a secondary teacher and even I would love that!

Soontobe60 · 01/12/2018 08:22

I'm a teacher.
Best gifts ever- hand made decoration for xmas tree using loo roll holder, tin foil and cotton wool. Still got it 10 years later!
Travel mug with my name on it, no one can 'borrow' it and I can have a brew in class safely.
Repurposed had made Diva lamp ( made in school) turned into a Christmas candle holder with the addition of tons of glitter. (Massive fire hazard)

Migrant2 · 01/12/2018 08:14

Stamps would be lovely! I’d be really pleased to get those. I love a coffee shop voucher too !

PouchofDouglas · 01/12/2018 08:12

I’m always saying - just send a nice letter copied into the Head. This will hopefully affect their appraisal therefore pay

nuttyknitter · 01/12/2018 08:10

One of the nicest presents I ever had was a set of personalised notebooks. I think most teachers love stationery!

Bobbiepin · 01/12/2018 07:49

I teach A level and would love a personalised stamp!

GlitteryFluff · 01/12/2018 07:36

Thanks for your thoughts everyone.
Think I'm gonna go for them.
Hopefully in January I'll see them used in the reading books Smile.

OP posts:
Endofmyshortfuse · 01/12/2018 06:44

Can I just add, not all teachers drink!!! I have lost count of the number of bottles I have been given in the past that’s have had to be rehomed.

RumerGodden · 01/12/2018 00:24

Wentmad, thanks for the reply, I think the level of care taken by our (overworked, underpaid) teachers does warrant a gift. They teach and guide my kids all year, get to know them, work on their weaknesses, celebrate their strengths, cuddle them when they are upset, use up their very limited break time calling to chat when there is an issue.

Hear you on the tea towels, I do try to get something disposable and expensive and fun for them (at my age that is the sort of gift i appreciate too)..but wondered if something like a stash of "prizes" from smiggle for their reward bag or other fun stuff for classroom might be more appreciated (or appreciated but with a bit of a "why can't it just be a nice bottle of plonk!).


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wentmadinthecountry · 01/12/2018 00:08

Rumer, always nice to have good bottles personally. Tea towels not so much fun though. Am v minimalist at home and do not do pattern in my kitchen!! I don't actually need anything for teaching your children (there are much worse jobs out there!) but gifts are always very much appreciated x

RavenWings · 30/11/2018 23:39

I think it sounds like a nice gift, good call on that one. The card is the real winner though, cards made by kids are always the best.

pasbeaucoupdegendarme · 30/11/2018 23:37

I’m a primary teacher, my school has no problem with stamps and now I’m really hoping I teach your dc!! I’m getting quite excited for your teacher, I’d love that gift. (It also shows you look in the reading record etc so double points!)

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