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Solensia for arthritic cat, has anyone tried it?

105 replies

Buggysleeper · 16/06/2021 11:28

My 14 yr old cat has arthritis mostly in her 2 front legs. They seem to be bowing now too, which is very sad. Last week she tried to jump onto a fence and just didn’t make it which made her limp worse. Today I took her to the vets for her injections and she suggested a new treatment, Solensia. It’s a monthly injection which treats the pain. Has anyone else tried it? Or maybe the dog equivalent Librela? It looks like it will be around £50 a month.

OP posts:
Sealegs72 · 06/07/2021 19:40

Hi, Did you get this for your cat in the end? My cat is in the same predicament. She is 15 and is still limping due to her arthritis despite the metacam and gabapentin she is on . Would be interested to hear if you went for it and how your cat got along with it.

Lonecatwithkitten · 06/07/2021 22:33

Getting very good results with both solensia and librela. Vast majority of animals seem much better on it, though it's not cheap.

Crazycatlady77 · 11/07/2021 15:09

My cat, Sam, who is probably about 16 had his first injection 11 days ago. He is currently on Loxicom and Gabapentin for his arthritic hips, but can only tolerate a half dose of Loxicom a day as it tends to upset his tummy and cause diarrhoea. Gabapentin makes him sleepy and very wobbly. The vet suggested Solensia and I jumped at the chance, but I think I was expecting miracles as so far I have seen very little, if any, improvement in his mobility. Maybe it is too soon. My vet was a bit vague on how long before I saw results as it is so new. They charge £60 per injection which would be ok if I could stop the other two drugs, which is what the vet is aiming for eventually. Meanwhile I am feeling slightly concerned that it isn't going to work for Sam. Maybe it will take two doses to see a result.

Cushioncat · 13/07/2021 09:04

Hi I’m really interested in seeing this. My 10 yr old cat has been diagnosed with spondylosis. He’s been on Metacam and Gabapertin. He’s condition is getting distressingly worse. They’ve suggested monthly injections of Solensia so I’m interested to hear if it’s helped and also if there have been any side effects.

Mebfl · 19/07/2021 20:55

I’m interested to hear if anyone has had any positive results with this too. Was at the vets with my 13 year old today for annual check up - she was on loxicom .3 ml a day for about a year, but I stopped giving it to her during lockdown, as though she’s always been prone to sick tummy events, she’d been to the vet, had the steroid shot & blood tests which showed everything to be ok. And the the throwing up started again. Stopping the loxicom ( and the satiety food) worked for a while, but she’s been sick again, and would have been going today even If she wasnt due her shots. vet has suggested solensia, even though they are still trying to stock it - she will be their first candidate. She has always been overweight, but has lost over 1.5 kilos in the past 2 years - from 6k to 4.4 today. Think I’m going to try it, as I think it may be the best option for her, but I’m nervous., obviously.

Cushioncat · 19/07/2021 21:22

I’m taking my cat tomorrow (20th) for his first injection so will report back on the result. I think either the painkiller or Metacam are giving him a slightly upset stomach, and being rather tottery he’s not able to clean himself sufficiently. 😬. I hope it will make some difference.

Mebfl · 19/07/2021 21:39


I’m taking my cat tomorrow (20th) for his first injection so will report back on the result. I think either the painkiller or Metacam are giving him a slightly upset stomach, and being rather tottery he’s not able to clean himself sufficiently. 😬. I hope it will make some difference.

Poor baby. My girl is just not jumping much, got better with the weight loss, burst she scales the couch and bed, rather than jump. She’s had a mild steroid shot to help the tummy & hopefully the hips, and I’ve asked the vet to go ahead and try to order it for her. My other two are going for their checkup on Wednesday , so I’ll talk to them about it more then (assuming they want to speak to me after the guaranteed bad behaviour of the other two !) it seems to be a really new therapy, so very few “real” reviews !
Baygelding · 23/07/2021 14:53

My 16yo, or thereabouts, cat had his first Solensia injection on 7 Juy. He cannot tolerate pain relief tablets so he was on cartrofen injections monthly. These worked very well for him until his last injection, which had little or no effect. My lovely vet suggested Solensia and I agreed. I believe it has helped his OA and he rarely limps now, but still rests with his fore leg out (his elbow is affected with OA).
Unfortunately, he is going back to vets tomorrow as he is soooooo itchy and he is either moulting or losing his coat. Both common side effects (1 in 10 cats!) The itchiness seems to have started over the last 4 days or so, or maybe I just didnt notice him itching and excessive grooming. Unless his itching can be controlled easily and without side effects he won't be having another Solensia injection.

Gerrybaby · 04/09/2021 10:26

My cat Gerry is 12 next Tuesday. She has arthritis in her knee. He knew pops in and out of its socket. This doesn't effect her in a massive way. She was on metacam. We had this injection in June as she was limping a bit and knees popping out more often. It made a massive difference she. She had her yearly jabs yesterday and they said as she is doing okay at the moment they won't do the injection until she is struggling again. I am so pleased I have it a go.

FlamingGoat · 04/09/2021 10:48

My old dog has librela and he's like a puppy again. I'm really pleased.
It can take up to 3 months to see the difference in some animals though.

Duchas · 04/10/2021 23:29

My 16 yr old cat is thriving on Solensia. Following 1st shot I didn't see much improvement. After 2nd & 3rd shots I saw great improvement in mobility and energy but it halted 3 wks after each shot. Vet explained this is common as it takes up to month 4 or 5 before cat gets full benefit for full duration. We're at that point now and tbh I'm so relieved to see how much better she is doing

Mebfl · 14/10/2021 20:43

Just an update - Sooty is thriving on Solensia - particularly in the week after the shot. She’ll be having her 4th shot next week, no side effects , and she’s practically skipping around the place !

Iryseea89 · 31/10/2021 17:08

I have been giving our lovely senior citizen cat, Squish, Solensia for 3 months - he is 22, and also a diabetic since he was 17.

For the last two or three years Squish has had a very rough time walking up the stairs, not jumping as much and generally not being very active. Our first vet thought he had diabetic neuropathy, but his diabetes has always been in check and treated accordingly. They mentioned arthritis but never really investigated. Due to moving we changed vets and when they saw him said he had very little muscle mass in his back legs and lots of arthritic lumps. In fairness his mobility was getting really bad by this point. Previous vets recommended Metacam every three months, but it was making him better for a week or two and then he would go back to not really doing much but sleeping and walking round the house a bit. They recommended Solensia as it hadn't been out on the market for very long, and at his age it wouldn't hurt if it gave him more mobility.

It has been a miracle drug for Squish! He can go up the stairs, jump on his little footstool (again!!), and generally walk about more and climb onto things. He was unable to even go up a step without falling before. He is a trooper and most people think he's about 17 and certainly not 22! It took about 3 weeks to start seeing the first effects, and it was small changes. He became less wobbly, and started go up small ledges and steps so we knew it was working.

It's quite pricey, and for me with the diabetic treatment and regular flea/working food etc. It adds up to quite a lot, but his happiness is priceless so I would pay as much as possible to give him as many good years as I can. I'm so happy about this drug and I can't rave about it enough!! I know it only works on about 68% of cats, but it's worth trying. :)

SparkyTheCat · 31/10/2021 21:20

Following with interest as DCat1 (age uncertain, but definitely 10+ and ex stray, also diabetic and FIV) recently had his first dose of solensia.

RachAliceLuke · 07/02/2022 21:39

My 13 year old pedigree british shorthair cat has also had a bad reaction to the Solensia injection, he too became so intensely itchy he scratched deep wounds into his face & neck. He is now on antihistamines & steroids to try to reduce his itchiness & antibiotics for infections in the wounds. He won't be having Solensia ever again. If the vet had told me this reaction occurs in 1 in 10 cats I'd never have agreed to him having it. It's left him in a pitiful state, wearing a doughnut collar is the only thing that's stopped him scratching reopening his wounds daily. The drug company should be paying the vet bills for the adverse reactions their drug is causing.

User929485 · 11/02/2022 11:50

Here is our story, if that helps.
Scottish fold, 18months already with joints pain and early arthritis. At first, we thought that our cat started to get lazy at around 12 months but then realised that it was due to early developing pains.
Went on oral medication but we didn’t like how addictive it was. Tried solensia in Jan-2022 and results were amazing, with no side effects. Our cat started playing, jumping and misbehaving again straight on the second week. Second dose is due at the end of Feb.
So, if you are an owner in doubt but can afford the fees - we will highly recommend trying this medication. It made such a difference in our boys life. Hopefully, we will not develop any side effects in the future either and will stick with this medication.

Lou12355 · 03/08/2022 09:37

I was just wondering if you noticed anything different after the first dose. My cat seems a little lethargic 36 hours in. She’s been having a breathing issue which the vets think may be related to spondylosis so I’m trying to be patient as I know it can take a while for the Solensia to take effect.

Lou12355 · 07/08/2022 15:55

How long after the first jab did your cat become itchy and what did this look like? I’m on day 7 since the first jab and she’s under the weather and seems to be overly licking her paws and front legs, ears and face.

Karen1062 · 09/08/2022 08:15

My Beautiful Ragdoll boy turned 20 in June, he has had arthritis for about 5 years. We have tried Loxicam, but he WONT take oral medication. My vet put him on subcutaneous injections of Vetergesic. I give his injections 3 times a day now. He has had a recent health check up, including blood work, and he is in perfect health. My vet rang me today, suggesting we try Solensia. I understand it's expensive, but so is vetergesic at $57.00 Australian dollars for 10 mls. A bottle lasts a week. So initially more expensive, over time a bargain! And I won't have to get up in the middle of the night to inject him, or race home from work at lunch time.
We are going to try it!
I will let you know how it goes.

Karen1062 · 09/08/2022 08:19

Thank you for your story, I'm starting my 20 year old boy on Solensia this week.

Celtictyke · 20/08/2022 15:29

My 17 year old cat has been on Solensia since February 2022. She is extremely arthritic but after about 3 monthly injection it gave her a new lease of life. Now, in August 2022 the effect of the medication doesn't seem quite as effective towards the end of the month. My vet is going to contact the manufacturer re increasing her dose. Her next injection is due next week so we'll see what happens.

Celtictyke · 20/08/2022 15:34

Ps Minnie was previously on Loxicom and then Gabapentin but she couldn't tolerate either as it made her very sick. She hasn't had any visible side effects with the Solensia so far


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Karen1062 · 20/08/2022 23:16

Good to know. Sultan is having his first does of Solensia tomorrow

TootersMum · 07/09/2022 03:36

My boy Tooter is 16 has arthritis in his back legs worse on his left/knee. Had his 1sr shot of Solensia in July our vet said wouldn’t notice much the first injection but he was able to get up on the bed & furniture without be picked up. Second shot he was actually going downstairs again which he hadn’t in 2 months but still very slow getting back up. However I’ve noticed behavioural changes in him the past few days won’t go in his litter box peeing randomly around the house pooping too it’s like he’s afraid of his litter box & I’ve changed nothing. Keep it clean after each use too. He still has Gabapentyn for pain which help once a day but an ordeal to get him to take it. Hoping the 3rd shot will be better but will call the vet tomorrow to discuss the behaviour issues. He also in the last 1 1/2 weeks since the second shot will not go outside at all he’s very skittish wants no part of it. I take him out on the deck to his favourite chair for fresh air & he loves it but not anymore. Anyone else had reactions in their cats similar?

TootersMum · 07/09/2022 03:51

I must also add he’s had all blood urine & he’s perfectly healthy as are all his teeth. I live in Canada it just became available in July hes only been on Gabapentyn as the other meds(NSAIDs) are too hard on the organs & at his age didn’t want to go that route. Noticed a bit more licking of his front paws & I must brush him a lot as he also has arthritis down his spine & can’t clean himself well anymore. I’ve also since January getting laser treatment for him focusing on his left leg/knee with minimal relief weekly

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