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My boy has been killed

53 replies

Crazycat16 · 13/04/2019 11:20

My gorgeous foofy boy Jasper was hit by a car this morning. I am very grateful to the dog walker who phoned me at 9:30 to tell me where he was, he was only a 10 second dash from our house. He must have been on his way home for his biscuits.

We are devastated.

My boy has been killed
OP posts:
MissPollyHadADolly19 · 14/04/2019 21:51

So sorry OPFlowersSad

Iwouldratherbemuckingout · 14/04/2019 22:01

So very very sorry. I lost my Ernie puddle exactly the same way, it hurts so much. I must admit I took in a little lost soul to give all that raw emotion something to focus on.

slippermaiden · 14/04/2019 22:56

He was beautiful. Rest in peace little furry boy x

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