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My boy has been killed

53 replies

Crazycat16 · 13/04/2019 11:20

My gorgeous foofy boy Jasper was hit by a car this morning. I am very grateful to the dog walker who phoned me at 9:30 to tell me where he was, he was only a 10 second dash from our house. He must have been on his way home for his biscuits.

We are devastated.

My boy has been killed
OP posts:
slippermaiden · 14/04/2019 22:56

He was beautiful. Rest in peace little furry boy x

Iwouldratherbemuckingout · 14/04/2019 22:01

So very very sorry. I lost my Ernie puddle exactly the same way, it hurts so much. I must admit I took in a little lost soul to give all that raw emotion something to focus on.

MissPollyHadADolly19 · 14/04/2019 21:51

So sorry OPFlowersSad

Alienspaceship · 14/04/2019 21:47

So sorry Flowers

Vinorosso74 · 14/04/2019 21:44

Don't underestimate the grief from losing him-he was part of your family. We have the ashes from our old girl in a wooden cat casket and DD loves to cuddle her every now and again (I do too).

Wolfiefan · 14/04/2019 16:42

My son specifically asked for pictures of the boy cat we lost after we lost him. It gave him comfort. Felt like he was still around. Be kind to yourself OP you’re grieving. Flowers

Crazycat16 · 14/04/2019 16:30

So I am still doing lots of crying and keep thinking I am going to see him only to be crushed every time it hits me he has gone. I hate that I have to go past the place he was left at every time I leave the house, I can even see the spot if I look out of my bedroom window but I know it will all get easier in time.

We went out and bought a pretty bright yellow flowering plant for his grave this morning and I have planted it out. I have also ordered 45 photos of him, moment of madness. No idea what I am going to do with them all when I could see them any time on iCloud.

Thank you all for your comforting words and helping me through this upsetting time.

OP posts:
MrsCatE · 14/04/2019 01:06

@Crazycat16 Flowers. So sorry for your loss. He was a beauty. I wish drivers would take more care x

MIA12 · 13/04/2019 21:57

I’m so sorry. 2.5 is no age at all. Just so you know, if you decide to get another cat, you can cat proof your garden so they can enjoy the outdoors safely.

DuchessAnnogovia · 13/04/2019 19:16

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a stunning looking cat! They do leave their little paw prints over our hearts.Thanks

Chickydoo · 13/04/2019 19:08

Oh no! I am so so sorry for your loss.

flameycakes · 13/04/2019 19:02

So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy, sending you all my love xxxxxxx

Otterseatpuffinsdontthey · 13/04/2019 19:01
DramaAlpaca · 13/04/2019 18:59

What a beautiful cat. I'm so sorry for your loss Flowers

Guiltypleasures001 · 13/04/2019 18:54

So sorry for the loss of your beautiful Jasper lovely 💐

Jayneisagirlsname · 13/04/2019 18:26

I'm so sorry. What a beautiful boy and how loved he was. 💐

Branleuse · 13/04/2019 18:17

my kids also went on about wishing we had kept him inside, but thats no life for most cats. You did the right thing. He had a proper cats life, as you say, lying in the sun, chasing stuff, climbing trees. It comes with risks, but its worth it. A shorter life doing lovely things is better than a long life in a cage xx

mummymayhem18 · 13/04/2019 17:08

Aww so sorry his has happened. I have 2 fur babies and they are members of the family. ❤️

billybagpuss · 13/04/2019 16:52

So sorry, its horrible when that happens and he wasn't very old Flowers

Wolfiefan · 13/04/2019 16:50

I am so very sorry for your loss. Remember him chasing butterflies and sniffing the air in the sun. Flowers

HugoBearsMummy · 13/04/2019 16:48

Sorry for your loss it's so hard losing a pet as they become part of the family. This is one of the reasons I'm put off getting a cat... RIP little guy 💔🐱

Windygate · 13/04/2019 16:47

So sorry 💐

Silvercatowner · 13/04/2019 16:39

Big hugs from me. Thanks

Tavannach · 13/04/2019 16:32

So sorry. Flowers

mumsiedarlingrevolta · 13/04/2019 16:32

@Crazycat16 so sorry for your loss. what a gorgeous boy.
I think if he wanted to be outside basking in the sunshine then it would have been cruel to keep him in. he had a lovely, although far too short, life! Flowers

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