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The litter tray

Pregnant Cat

153 replies

slenderisthenight · 22/10/2016 14:56

I'm on the fence about whether to start this, having just seen a thread where a woman has been slated for knowing a dog who is having puppies and it wasn't even her dog.

My cat is due to have kittens any day. I'm not an experienced cat owner and haven't cared for a cat going through this experience. I'll say at the outset that this is a completely undesirable situation and it won't be repeated.

We've talked to the vet and read what we can about what to do, but thought it would also be helpful to start a thread in case further questions come up. If you have some experience and are happy to share it, I can't thank you enough.

If you wish to chastise me for getting into this situation in the first place, please don't bother as it will achieve nothing for the cat or anyone else at this point. I will simply hide the thread and not return to it (unless, of course, there is specific need for urgent information relating to the cat's welfare and it's impossible to get it anywhere else).

The cat is a Maine Coon and only ten months old. The vet wouldn't neuter her over the summer because she was being treated with antibiotics for a long-running gut infection that lasted months (now recovered). She came into heat at the tail end of that illness and unfortunately managed to escape my clutches (that is, the place where she was being confined) for long enough to mate. It shouldn't have happened and was an unfortunate one-off resulting from a unique set of circumstances that I won't go into here. She's a sweet natured, beautiful animal and we're upset that she is carrying a litter and at such a young age.

She didn't have the 'pinking up' symptom so we didn't know she was pregnant until the vet confirmed it two weeks ago. Apparently there are at least five kittens there. He estimated that she would give birth anytime from Monday to Friday of this week. (So she is a day late).

Don't urge me to spay her at the first opportunity because that is exactly what I am planning to do. In the past we have rehabilitated rescue dogs and never imagined we would end up contributing to the problem of overpopulation - very humbling experience and the priority now to is to get this right for the cat.

Thanks very, very much to anyone who has constructive advice.

OP posts:
ThomasRichard · 20/11/2016 12:56

That first kitten is just like a tiger! Amazing markings. I'm glad mum cat is getting better. Is she ignoring dad cat?

viques · 20/11/2016 13:00

Bookmarking for pictures of when their ears pop up!

cozietoesie · 20/11/2016 13:01

Ah. Has Mum shown any interest in him yet? Wink

Shriek · 20/11/2016 15:39

Lovely sweet kits (all arranged in pots n things!?) they are credits to both mums. Good to hear mum's gaining means she'll be able and happier to manage them longer. Already da is there knowing she's ready again! I hope he cant find a way in.

slenderisthenight · 20/11/2016 17:07

No, I don't think he can get in.

I wonder if there's a clinical name for seeing a kitten and having an urge to put it in a tea cup shriek.

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 20/11/2016 17:24


If there's a way - any sort of way - one of the pair will find it, I fear. Remind me - is she booked in for her op yet? Smile

Shriek · 20/11/2016 18:11

We'll just call it kitcup then!

Yes. They'll leap out of windows I necessary to get to each other, or whatever else it takes. Very risky times!

cozietoesie · 20/11/2016 18:31

I recall when the famous Cheekie had kits, she took up residence in our greenhouse and was attended - pretty well constantly - by the neighbourhood's battle-scarred tom. I recall being impressed by how 'gallant' he was being, protecting her and all, and how tolerant he was of her kits gambolling about and nipping his legs etc.

I was very young. Grin

RubbishMantra · 20/11/2016 19:27

Ah, lovely to read that your pile of little fluffs are doing well. Esp. as (I think) you have a young human family to take care of too?

They all look like they're going to be fluffy Maine Coon types like their mum. I wonder if that's because Maine Coones have stronger genes, being a naturally occurring breed of cat, rather than a breed designed for its' "quirks"?

slenderisthenight · 20/11/2016 21:14

cozie When the cat did her first 'calling' miaow I thought she was having a nervous breakdown. Grin

A very bad case of kitcup here, shriek.

I would (of course) also like mum neutered at the first possible opportunity but at the moment we're still hovering anxiously over the kittens' weights each day and some of them are very small. The vet understandably doesn't feel losing a kitten or two is a problem but I do and would rather give them an extra week of mum's milk than not. We'll see how it goes this week.

Yes rubbish, I have a young human family who are not being quite so carefully reared as the kittens at the moment! We're trying to keep them apart now as they shared the conjunctivitis and clearly passed it back and forth.

OP posts:
CloudPerson · 20/11/2016 21:30

Just found this thread, and good lord they are gorgeous!

slenderisthenight · 20/11/2016 22:00

Mum supervises bottle feeding.

My kitcup problem grows.

Pregnant Cat
Pregnant Cat
OP posts:
cozietoesie · 20/11/2016 22:14

She certainly looks satisfied with all your efforts. Smile

Shriek · 21/11/2016 19:08

Just watch carefully and monitor the whole kitcupping thing. Make sure to note down some helplines just in case of emergency! (moving onto things like hanging baskets for example) this would indicate you have completely lost control and need intervention!

slenderisthenight · 21/11/2016 19:12

Hanging baskets Grin Grin Grin

Luckily I have only five minutes per day in which to indulge this mania or who knows where it could go. eyes up hanging baskets

OP posts:
RubbishMantra · 21/11/2016 20:33

AWww, look at the kitten in the tiny bed! Which reminds me, I bought a doll's bed for the cats to lounge on, it needs a lick of paint though, and a mattress. Where do you get the little pillows and duvets? Doll/toy shops?

slenderisthenight · 21/11/2016 21:16

I inherited mine I'm afraid but there is an adorable one on amazon here rubbish

OP posts:
slenderisthenight · 21/11/2016 21:17

On ebay, rather!

OP posts:
moonbells · 21/11/2016 22:50

Sniff. I'd have had one of the torbies even if I'd have had to drive to Shetland. Can't be wetter than it is outside right now...

cozietoesie · 22/11/2016 15:58

The rain goes horizontally in the Outer Islands, though. Smile (The wind.)

Justaboy · 24/11/2016 13:42

Slender, can we have some update pix on the kittens please;).

slenderisthenight · 24/11/2016 15:15

Indeed you can, just, I took them this morning (no tea cups at all!) but have to switch to a different laptop to transfer them - working on it :)

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slenderisthenight · 24/11/2016 23:56

Here they are, still little troopers and gaining weight well!

Mum seems to have observed me doing bottle feeds and decided her work is done. She's allowing them very little time to feed but as she's underweight herself and they're doing so well on the bottles, it's not a problem. Everyone is getting better, bar the odd eye infection which are clearing up easily with antibiotics.

Three lovely homes are secured, four to go!

Pregnant Cat
Pregnant Cat
Pregnant Cat
OP posts:
Vinorosso74 · 25/11/2016 10:34

They are adorable!

cozietoesie · 25/11/2016 11:19

Well with you stepping into the breach, I can understand her point of view. Grin

(I doubt many/any of them would have survived TBH if it weren't for your help. Some cat mothers manage wonderfully, but she looked to be struggling a bit in the early days.)

They're just gorgeous. Smile

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