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picking up our 9 week old border collie pup next weekend....

84 replies

Moonandstarsandback · 23/01/2016 07:54

Our 14 year old collie died nearly a year ago today and we are now ready for another dog as our house/family doesn't feel right without one Smile

With my last dog I didn't read any books and just did what came naturally. I was lucky, he was an amazing, lovely and well behaved dog. However, this time I'm not feeling so confident and wondered if anyone had any recommendations of training/puppy books - I am very into gentle kinds of training. Think attachment parenting for dogs Grin

Also, we are driving quite a way to pick him up, any advice on what to take with us? And what do I definitely need for our return?!!! My last pup had newspaper on bin bags to pee on indoors whilst training, but think there are now puppy pads!!! Wink

Any tips or advice is very appreciated Grin

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BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 29/01/2016 09:22

Oh I'm excited for you! I've been reading this thread since it came up & I get a lovely happy feeling from it Smile

Moonandstarsandback · 29/01/2016 15:11

Hee hee Rabbit!!

Hi Bernard! Ahhh thank you. It's very exciting ! Glad I've got some fellow bc lovers keeping me company here Smile I promise to post some more pics on Monday once he's home with us Grin I need a puppy emoticon!!

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BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 29/01/2016 17:24

Oh yes we'll need more puppy pics!

My parents had a bc when I was born, truth be told he didn't like me very much but if I threw toys out of my play pen he'd apparently bring them back to me Smile. My Mum & her DH have a bc currently & had a collie x gsd before that. He used to pine for me when I went home & get all excited when mum made my bed (I grew up with my dad). My neighbours have a bc who has play dates with my Saint he's been done so no risk of a litter.

nosuchnumber · 29/01/2016 19:59

we are just two weeks ahead of you. here's my bc, she's 12 weeks, and not always as in the picture Grin.

picking up our 9 week old border collie pup next weekend....
ThatsNotMyRabbit · 29/01/2016 20:54

Does he have a name yet?

ThatsNotMyRabbit · 29/01/2016 20:55

Nosuchnumber- gorgeous!

Moonandstarsandback · 30/01/2016 17:31

Bernard, Awww I'm sure he did like you, but realised he'd gone down in the pecking order! What breed is your Saint?

Nosuch, omg! How utterly gorgeous she is! I can imagine this is a 10 minute calm before the puppy energy arrives again! Are you anywhere near Sussex?!

Rabbit, we thought we'd chosen a name, but worried now as read a few sites saying it mustn't rhyme with a 'command' word and the ending rhymes with 'no' Confused I think our son has come up with another name, but still not quite decided....Hmm

We are here in Wales. It's freezing! Staying here overnight then picking up pup late morning! Whoop whoop! Grin

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BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 31/01/2016 10:54

She's a St Bernard. Normally called Phoebe but I discovered the other day, while grooming her, also answers to 'Come here you great big fluff ball' Grin

Enjoy today, I bet you re so excited! I love the smell of puppy breath.

DixieNormas · 31/01/2016 10:57

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BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 31/01/2016 11:16

Dixie You know you want to! not helping whatsoever

Moonandstarsandback · 31/01/2016 15:56

Quick one as in car on way home....

picking up our 9 week old border collie pup next weekend....
picking up our 9 week old border collie pup next weekend....
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DixieNormas · 31/01/2016 16:08

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Moonandstarsandback · 31/01/2016 17:14

I'm in love! Star Hes so cute. He's fast asleep in his bed in the kitchen! Having already done 4 wees since we got home (all over the place!) but we took him out into the garden as soon as we got home and he did a poo Grin

He was so good on the way home as was a 5hr journey! So excited! I'm sure he doesn't understand a word I'm saying though, as he's been spoken to in Welsh since he was born. Smile Hee hee!

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Moonandstarsandback · 31/01/2016 17:17

I think the clue to which dog you have was in you calling it 'my Saint' and your name! Grin but me being a bit thick, didn't work it out! Hmm

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hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 31/01/2016 17:32

Oh my. he is GORGEOUS!

We have two dogs, Cop AKA LBD (or Little Bastard Brown Dog) and Mollie AKA BBC (Bloody Border Collie).

nosuchnumber · 31/01/2016 17:35

Oh isn't he cute! I love the fact you have matching jumper Grin.
We're in east, not Sussex, but my girl is Welsh as well. We were watching the 10 pm news the other day and she was quite fascinated with huw Edwards.

BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 31/01/2016 17:48

Hahaha! You've got puppy brain Wink

He's so cute! He'll learn English really quickly because he's only little.

ThatsNotMyRabbit · 01/02/2016 00:00

"No" isn't a command. It's perfectly possible to train a dog to a very high standard without ever using the word.

If you want to teach a different word as an interrupter that's fine. Use any word you want and give him the name you like 😄

ThatsNotMyRabbit · 01/02/2016 00:01

He's adorable!! 😄

Moonandstarsandback · 01/02/2016 08:07

Thanks Rabbit! I ignored my own worries and websites Wink Meet.....'Domino' Grin

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Moonandstarsandback · 01/02/2016 08:08

Puppy brain Grin

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Moonandstarsandback · 01/02/2016 08:08

No such, everyone I sent that photo to, commented on my jumper!!! I obviously wanted him to think I was his mummy GrinGrin

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Moonandstarsandback · 01/02/2016 08:09

Hell, love the acronyms for your dogs Grin

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ThatsNotMyRabbit · 01/02/2016 10:19

Good name!!

Oh he's lovely! 💕

My pups mum is due in season in March but it could be earlier. So every time I get a FB pm I'm getting excited! 😄

Moonandstarsandback · 01/02/2016 12:38

Rabbit! Hope it's earlier so you get your pup sooner Smile

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