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What about this brainy University Challenge girl then?

149 replies

UnquietDad · 22/02/2009 23:09

I've been following Miss Trimble's progress keenly over the last few weeks. Now she is featured in both the Observer and the Mail on the same day.

Some of the blog articles mentioned in the article and linked to in the comments are not very nice.

What's the betting she turns up presenting a "Classical world for Beginners" type documentary? I'd watch!

OP posts:
ScummyMummy · 23/02/2009 20:42

I was really worried for her until her brilliant comeback! I missed her supersonicness in the first bit. Have taken all your words of wisdom on board and was rooting for her all the way. (Plus, as I recollected, Manchester Yeo v annoying!)

TheFallenMadonna · 23/02/2009 20:43

Who's they? Student Union?

TheFallenMadonna · 23/02/2009 20:46

Thre are a lot more postgrads now aren't there? Some teams have no undergrads at all.

bagsforlife · 23/02/2009 20:46

At least it was more of a team effort from the Corpus Christi team this week, rather than Trimble answering every question. Yeo pretty impressive too. Reckon Yeo and Trimble perfect match, could spawn perfect quiz children

MaryAnnSingleton · 23/02/2009 21:27

Manchester Yeo was great - Trimble not so hot after all

bagsforlife · 23/02/2009 21:33

Even got a couple wrong....

UnquietDad · 24/02/2009 00:19

this is interesting

Watch the clips from the early rounds - spot something odd?

OP posts:
Molesworth · 24/02/2009 00:26

How weird - she must've been on the team in a previous year because she wasn't team captain in some of those clips.

Molesworth · 24/02/2009 00:28

unless the video image had been flipped for some reason; can't think why though

Frasersmum123 · 24/02/2009 07:38

I hope she wasnt 'undertrying' because of the bad reaction she recieved. It is a sad fact that if she was a man people wouldnt feel the need to make so many comments, some of which have been awful! (not this thread, but other forums/websites)

fishie · 24/02/2009 08:04

paxman was on radio last night saying she was originally reserve and not on team at all.

atowncalledalice · 24/02/2009 08:05

I know her a bit. She is terribly smug and DULL.

AbbyLubber · 24/02/2009 10:02

atowncalledalice, I don't care for that - why say it even if it's true?

Here is a brainy woman and we start asking if she's also a sociable partyloving minx? Anyone asking the same about Yeo? Why should these people (whatever their sex) be all things to all men OR women, and why all the surprise that quiz contestants/brainy people are not party animals? God help anyone who actually likes learning.

But I'm heartened by the fact that many of you are defending her.

Pruners · 24/02/2009 10:06

Message withdrawn

Ponders · 24/02/2009 10:07

Why did the announcer sound so hysterical every time he shrieked "CORPUS CHRIST TRIMBLE"???? I didn't notice him doing that for Manchester!

There's a funny bit in a Mail piece today - apparently Nuts magazine Facebooked her brother to ask for her email address so they could do a ("tasteful" of course ) piece on her - she said he messaged back "mate, would you give your sister's contact details to Nuts?"

Molesworth · 24/02/2009 10:07

She sounded like a perfectly nice, modest person on the Today programme this morning. Can't understand all the (sexist) fuss.

Ponders · 24/02/2009 10:08


Molesworth · 24/02/2009 10:09

The voiceover man always sounds increasingly hysterical in the last five minutes of the show, which was when Trimble happened to answer most questions.

Ponders · 24/02/2009 10:15

Oh really?

Tinker · 24/02/2009 10:22

Came down to this halfway through last night when CC were losing and didn't recognise her - she looked lost and thrown that they were'n't (then) romping away to win.

Yes, excitement of voiceover man and Paxo's "going like a train" comment were all a bit snigger inducing.

Jux · 24/02/2009 11:07

I think she'd been made self-conscious by all the horrible comments she'd been subjected to. Poor woman. I'm glad she got over it in time to win.

Honestly, she couldn't do anything right could she? Anyone with long hair flicks it out of the way. It's very hard not to smile when you get a question right, particularly if it's difficult.

She doesn't seem smug to me. She doesn't irritate me at all in any way. I think she's fantastic and I hope she has a great career and a great life.

I think the petty criticisms come down to jealousy and resentment of intelligence by the stupid.

Jux · 24/02/2009 11:07

So ner.


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Molesworth · 24/02/2009 11:08

It isn't live though is it? I wonder how long ago the final was recorded (i.e. before all the brouhaha in the meeja)

ScummyMummy · 24/02/2009 11:11

She did come across very well on the today programme. I am wholly won over.

Jux · 24/02/2009 11:12

Molesworth! You're right of course. Got my idiot head on today, clearly.

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