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37 replies

RTKangaMummy · 14/07/2007 20:58


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sallystrawberry · 28/07/2007 22:26

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JudgeyMcJudgeson · 28/07/2007 22:36

Am I the only one who thought it impossible that a lesbian, feminist investigator (possibly with a new baby) would only seek to investigate the father's ancestry and not the mother's?

Secondly any child/children (presumably born to a prostitute) would have been impossible to trace. They could well have been anonymously abandoned. None of them presumably would have known their father's name.

Spoilt what was a fantastic episode. He could have just gone there and asked where he came from, repeating that Jekyll had no offspring.

Rest of the episode was fantastic. Wish they had gone into the twins more, though I am assuming that if there is a second series (I hope there will be as they have left a lot open), they will go more into the twins, and whether as his mother said, Hyde will ever truly disappear.

Was a fantastic series apart from that last scene.

morgansauntie · 28/07/2007 22:36

Who will collect the BAFTA Dr Jackman or Mr Hyde?

Jenkeylovesdazzy · 30/07/2007 21:52

Only just watched it as had it skyplussed - what an amazing finish. and didn't that little twin who winked look positively evil? bit like damien from the omen. Surely there has to be a second series?

Jenkeylovesdazzy · 30/07/2007 21:52

Only just watched it as had it skyplussed - what an amazing finish. and didn't that little twin who winked look positively evil? bit like damien from the omen. Surely there has to be a second series?

Loobeeloo · 30/07/2007 22:14

I LOVED this. James Nesbitt is a good actor but I would have never thought he could be so fanciable..mmmm ...Mr Hyde!

SpawnHorcrux · 30/07/2007 22:16

Ditto Loobeeloo

I was mesmerised by this...God it was good!

morgansauntie · 30/07/2007 22:27

It's strange but I found Hyde very good looking as well even though the change from Tom to Hyde was quite subtle compared to mummy/mummy Hyde, thinking about it I also liked the way he acted/spoke which could be funny at times - weird or am I weird?

Loobeeloo · 30/07/2007 22:39

I think we all love a bit of bad boy don't we?

Jenkeylovesdazzy · 30/07/2007 22:40

yes, disturbingly sexy as Hyde! dh thinks I'm mad - it's the shining eyes I think.

VeniVidiVickiQV · 30/07/2007 22:42

James Nesbitt has oodles of charm.

I found him quite attractive as Mr Hyde too

morgansauntie · 30/07/2007 22:43

Yes i think your right, now I'm to bed - hopefully to dream about bad boys and not mummy Hyde with her scary teeth!

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