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Neighbours Thread - The Deelievers have hope - don't let us down again!

999 replies

AnneEyhtMeyer · 15/08/2017 10:21

I am so pathetically excited that Real Dee might be back this time. I'll help Sonya pack her bags.

OP posts:
SleepingStandingUp · 20/08/2017 11:40

Hmmm makes more sense but to what end? toadie takes over?

Smidge001 · 20/08/2017 15:12

I assume washing just means so they bond together and therefore get back together as a couple - nothing to do with running the liveability project themselves!

tobee · 20/08/2017 21:59

Isn't Karl always a massive skinflint?

NamasteTheFuckAwayFromMe · 21/08/2017 09:54

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sidesplittinglol · 21/08/2017 14:53

Looks like whoever said Steph and Paige would get stuck together was right

AGnu · 21/08/2017 16:13

Paige appeared to be in 2 places at once today. One minute she was in Harold's, then with Therese & the next scene back in Harold's again! Confused

MiddleClassProblem · 21/08/2017 19:43

Been MIA as I had to have one of my dogs put to sleep on Saturday so came here to be cheered up by you lot before catching up with the eps I missed last week.

I feel this photo from a few years ago was appropriate last week so here it is delayed.

Neighbours Thread - The Deelievers have hope - don't let us down again!
AnneEyhtMeyer · 21/08/2017 20:46

Oh Middle Flowers - sorry to hear your sad news.

I love that picture of Susan. Her expression is perfect!

OP posts:
ComedyofTerrors · 21/08/2017 21:51

Middle Flowers

So sorry about your dog

MiddleClassProblem · 21/08/2017 22:43

Thank you. I'm a bit lost tbh but enjoying the distraction you guys and Neighbours provides x

littlemisssweetness · 22/08/2017 14:12

So will Steph start trying to get a relationship with her other son now??

Floellabumbags · 22/08/2017 14:43

Nah, she'll have a lesbian fling with Paige

yoyoyoy · 22/08/2017 15:31

I'm puzzled ,are we supposed to think that Paige is a perfect mother because she comes across as a complete PITA who palms Gabezilla off on whoever happens to be around and expects Jack and Mark etc to hang around waiting just in case she fancies getting back with them .Was it my imagination or did Gary find Jasmine in the dark in Therese's office ,if so why has no one asked what she was doing there .And hopefully it's Mark who is the odd one out son ,it would wipe the saintly smug look off his face at last .

sidesplittinglol · 22/08/2017 16:50

Paige appeared to be in 2 places at once today. One minute she was in Harold's, then with Therese & the next scene back in Harold's again! 

This happened before with Mishty. One minute she's all glamour, hair down and wearing a black dress in Harolds and in the next scene she's in sports gear with her hair up and walking by the lake.

Leafs123 · 22/08/2017 20:17

Place marking

woodhill · 22/08/2017 20:39

The name Gabe really grates on me, it sounds so harsh.

It's become very dull

sidesplittinglol · 22/08/2017 22:39

I don't like the name either!

Mogtheanxiouscat · 22/08/2017 23:45

I love a bit of continuity spotting.

Yesterday, Paige and Jack looked up at the trees blowing wildly in the wind, yet all the bushes behind them were calm. Good job the sound dept added some wind whistling noises or it would've seemed totally unbelievable Wink

Still meh about Mishti and rooting for Amy and Doctor Evil.

SleepingStandingUp · 23/08/2017 01:31

The lift scene was a bit meh. I expected more than that. And I wanted her to fess up about loving Mark
Then Stwph would have to tell Mark and they can get back together then Elly can go on a break to recover to Summer Bay to see her Mom Roo and Granddaddy Alf

tobee · 23/08/2017 13:01

Can Dr Evil be rehabilitated though? Is that allowed in the Neighbours rules? I like the fact that we can differentiate the two Nicks. This one has curly hair. Bad Nick had smoothed down hair. Obviously in prison you can't get bryll cream. If he starts smoothing it down again, watch out Amy!

ComedyofTerrors · 23/08/2017 13:14

Yesterday, Paige and Jack looked up at the trees blowing wildly in the wind, yet all the bushes behind them were calm

I think that's what's known as a high wind :)

MiddleClassProblem · 23/08/2017 14:03

I guess Gary was sort of rehabilitate but he's a bit of a lemon. Also he was just a crime rather than an evil.

Not sure where Paul lies on the rehabilitation scale.


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PensPencilsandRulers · 23/08/2017 16:05

Their special effects are hilarious. I remember in the last storm someone walked into Harold's and a crew member threw in a handful of leaves behind them Grin. It's almost like they're trying to be awful. Like when they dubbed a crying baby over Gabe's happy face. How could they have done that accidentally? It's like they're going for a 'so crap it's good' kind of vibe.
I would also like Mark to be the un-Brennan. He's so smug and holier than thou all the time. I want him to go off the rails then he might stop being so judgy about everyone else.

tobee · 23/08/2017 17:47

Yeah considering he went into witness protection and he's fiancé got shot in his arms he's so straight and dull. But then again he does get engaged to everyone on the street. 🙄

tobee · 23/08/2017 17:48

Posted too soon. Maybe that's his ptsd. Mind you, most of the most dull and conventional people I know are actually the strangest.

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