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Neighbours Thread - The Deelievers have hope - don't let us down again!

999 replies

AnneEyhtMeyer · 15/08/2017 10:21

I am so pathetically excited that Real Dee might be back this time. I'll help Sonya pack her bags.

OP posts:
Pastamancer · 17/08/2017 16:14

I assumed Tyler and that is the real reason why he used to get hit. I can't imagine it would be Mark, would you really go on to have 2 children with someone who got pregnant by someone else?

MiddleClassProblem · 17/08/2017 16:25

Why have they all started calling Aaron "As"? It made sense a little coming from Piper but Marks saying if out of nowhere was bizarre.

IamDBCooper · 17/08/2017 16:53

mark just trying to be cool

TheWashingFairyatemyhamster · 17/08/2017 17:49

Yep my vote is for Tyler.

Feeling a little miffed. I love 'Throw your Arms Around Me' and now it will be forever marred by the image of Elly and Mark. Bleurgh.

PensPencilsandRulers · 17/08/2017 17:59

Just catching up. Aww I welled up over the Russell Brennan stuff. When Piper told Sheila. Their tears looked genuine, and they probably were. Can't believe Dee is back!! Surely she can't be a ghost with the handbag and the man but she did look very like she did on the day she died. So weird!

blackcherries · 17/08/2017 18:02

woh woh woh what's happened? I haven't watched since original Dee-gate... (Andrea/Willow)

Floellabumbags · 17/08/2017 18:52

Mark will be off ring shopping next week. I reckon he's an Elizabeth Duke kind of guy.

TheWashingFairyatemyhamster · 17/08/2017 19:36

Well he'd need to be, the rate he gets through engagement rings!

AnneEyhtMeyer · 17/08/2017 20:53

Have just watched Monday's and Tuesday's. That is definitely Dee not Andrea.

Sheila was mad to postpone a night away with lovely Clive.

OP posts:
Floellabumbags · 17/08/2017 21:29

Sheila was mad to postpone a night away with lovely Clive

Crazy as a coconut.

In a perverse way I'm heartened to see that perfect specimen* Aaron Brennan is an ugly crier. I look like a monster when I cry but I'm not exactly blessed in the old looks department.

  • not as perfect as Tyler, of course.
tobee · 17/08/2017 21:42

It would be boring and predictable if Tyler. But makes most sense. Be better if it was Mark. Might make him more interesting. Presumably there'll be a search for a dad, dad's a dodgy type, but will be found to have qualities, yada yada yada. Quick guest role.

Floellabumbags · 17/08/2017 21:46

Presumably there'll be a search for a dad

Maybe the Dad's hanging round on that park bench with Dee and her handbag.

IamDBCooper · 17/08/2017 22:09

Maybe dee is a diversion and the real story is about her handbag

Floellabumbags · 17/08/2017 22:12

Maybe she turned into a mermaid when she died and she's now doomed to an eternity of collecting Mark's discarded engagement rings from the seabed and putting them in her special bag. And sometimes she erm goes to the park for a wee afternoon out with Mark's real Dad.

woodhill · 17/08/2017 22:15

Bit Oscar Wilde maybe.

Loved Mark's reference to Shakespeare this week, definite understatement.

Smidge001 · 17/08/2017 23:14

Agree middle, the 'Az' business was SO noticeable it clearly isn't right. They've never called him that before, you can't suddenly change a character's name like that. . (I'm still only just getting used to people calling the older one Mark instead of Brennan after his brothers turned up, but at least they discussed that in the show itself so it seemed more realistic)

AnneEyhtMeyer · 17/08/2017 23:15

Floella - that's far too big a job for one mermaid.

OP posts:
MiddleClassProblem · 18/08/2017 00:11

Grin you're all cracking me up tonight. Iam and Flo giving me actually audible chuckles. Maybe she's been in the well the whole time and just got out.

I wish they would stop mentioning Chloe like a spare part. Maybe she is Dee and the boys didn't recognise her because they haven't seen her since she was a kid and was just made up

SleepingStandingUp · 18/08/2017 00:18

Im bored of AndreDee .

Mark needs to get with Paige. Im bored of him and Elly. He clearly is a bit not bothered. She needs more self esteem.

Does Therese have sex in her jacket??

Poor Ty, its gonna be him.

skillsandtea · 18/08/2017 06:29

Could Chloe be the affair child so that's why ma Brennan took her with her when she left? Maybe Paul is the dad there too! Or Paul is Tyler's Dad?!

TheWashingFairyatemyhamster · 18/08/2017 08:22

Maybe they had so much di with the Amy/Leo storyline that it will be the other obvious choice for Tyler's dad - Brad Willis.

Or maybe Willow and Tyler have the same dad.

I have nothing to add to the Dee speculation that could come close to Floella's poetic imaginings. Mind you, no wonder Dee sank without a trace if she was lugging all Mark's discarded engagement rings with her in that bag. It's sizeable enough to be Gabezilla's changing bag.

Pastamancer · 18/08/2017 09:43

Yep, has to be that Brad is Tyler's dad so we get a nice bit of incest


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MiddleClassProblem · 18/08/2017 10:26

Yes because they didn't get to follow it through with beige Amy.

I thought we said it was Karl because she looked like Susan

woodhill · 18/08/2017 11:09

Maybe it's Lou CarpenterSmile

Floellabumbags · 18/08/2017 12:10

I'd love that woodhill. As long as he's not Mark's dad - Lou could not father a child with a stick up his arse.

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