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Jonathan Creek

63 replies

Merlincat07 · 28/12/2016 21:49

Is anyone else watching?

I ADORED this when it was first shown.

I am really disappointed with the last few Christmas specials. Is it just me or this one just as bad as the others?

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 01/01/2017 19:50

I did snort when Warwick said "I'm a big fan". :)

NotCitrus · 01/01/2017 18:00

Oh yes, Quack - have the annoying vicar fanboy finding cases and eventually persuading JC to investigate, leaving wife to huff at home but sometimes gamely assisting, especially when JC is at the end of his tether with the vicar...

WellErrr · 01/01/2017 16:34

I liked seeing Warwick play a person, rather than a short person IYSWIM.

SoupDragon · 01/01/2017 13:09

Warwick was fabulous!

I agree that Jonathan Creek is a pile of tosh with ridiculous twists and poor holes but I do love it.

Ifitquackslikeaduck · 01/01/2017 11:45

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sleighmyname · 01/01/2017 11:37

Watched it last night and whilst it was a pile of tosh with gaping plot holes, it was an enjoyable pile of tosh

Warwick Davies was great in the vicar role

purpleme12 · 01/01/2017 11:31

I think it was Caroline Quentin who decided she wanted to leave Jonathan Creek all those years ago not the people who made the programme

purpleme12 · 01/01/2017 11:26

Yes the wife I didn't think suited Jonathan. It's never been quite as good as the Caroline Quentin days but I'm sure they must be aware of this almost everyone must think this! But yes even with Sheridan Smith it was better than this wife.

Ifitquackslikeaduck · 31/12/2016 11:50

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WellErrr · 30/12/2016 22:01

I was so disappointed, it was terrible.

And JC is a murderer now!?

BahHumbuggle · 30/12/2016 01:15

Zebra fucking horn Xmas Hmm

BahHumbuggle · 30/12/2016 01:14

I watched it but may as well not have because I haven't the foggiest what happened.

NotCitrus · 30/12/2016 01:05

Amazingly lucky the drop of poison just happened to roll into that glass, too!

NotCitrus · 30/12/2016 01:04

I got the Sb reference at the start, but thought that was all part of the framing of SB. I thought Warwick Davis was going to be part of it.

Agree why did no-one tell Alison at least later or it get in newspapers her mum and sisters died if an illness, even if not before the sisters' deaths. Though many rare diseases don't show up in routine blood tests and aged early 20s she may never have needed any.

Also vodka needs to be diluted about 50% to freeze, so how many ice cubes did she chew?!

At least Polly got a bit if character and seemed more sympathetic to J by the end - the previous specials where she's been down on him, his magic, his windmill etc were unpleasant to watch even before terribly plots (lottery nos etc)

lottiegarbanzo · 29/12/2016 20:43

OK, so just a pun on his initials, not a clue to the poison used.

I did enjoy Warwick Davis and his lousy 'vicar jokes', thought he made a good vicar!

GraciesMansion · 29/12/2016 20:36

My chemist DH says antimony isn't water soluble and so the first wife might have noticed a metal marble in her water!

Hassled · 29/12/2016 20:28

I quite enjoyed it but then I'm easily pleased. Aside from the killing the psycho stalker with fire bit, which seemed a tad much. And aside from the revelation that Jonathan gets things wrong - he got Glasses Man incorrectly acquitted of poisoning, and hardly seemed to care.
Warwick Davis is always good to watch, though. I liked the Phil Jupitus joke.

Celaena · 29/12/2016 20:21

hmmmm the murder by flames, we were WTF!??!

the wife seemed to actively dislike JC

and we got anti-money right away as well (neither of us big on chemisrty)

wish they would/could bring back CQ

PoisonousSmurf · 29/12/2016 17:57

Not many of the actors are speaking much? Is there a budget?

Blondeshavemorefun · 29/12/2016 17:56

On planner so haven't rtft yet

But love Jc so hope good

Tho miss his sidekicks. Wifey isn't the same

lottiegarbanzo · 29/12/2016 14:45

I think he felt motivated to save the next wife, as well as avenging his SIL - perhaps he felt bad that he and his wife hadn't 'been there' for his SIL, as they were abroad (for his work / family perhaps?), so felt motivated by guilt to do the 'right thing' next time.

Given he couldn't be certain Stephen had murdered his SIL (he hadn't solved the case differently, had he), he was basically adopting a, quite possibly misguided, vigilante position - but doing so in a responsibly precautionary way with all the cameras.

The antimony thing was ridiculous wasn't it. Anyone with GCSE chemistry (e.g. me) would get the reference straight away - enough to check details about the element. But, Sb could just as well have been part of an effort to frame SB as an admission. I thought it might mean antimony was the poison used (don't know if it could be), as with the previous case with the shattered pocket watch.

maybeshesawomble · 29/12/2016 14:01

Really odd...

Also thought the who burning random bloke thing was strange. I'm guessing they needed a 'real' old case to give the one about the poisoning some kind of credibility.

I didn't understand why the handyman wantee to revenge his SIL's murder.


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lottiegarbanzo · 29/12/2016 12:39

They could just have closed the lid on him couldn't they. Left him with the skeletons for the police to collect later. Doused with fuel and threatened with a match if needed for a moment's shock to allow Jonathan to get free.

I think we'd seen that he was utterly relentless and impulsive - stabbing the Jonathan scarecrow - and the 'fight' scene was meant to be more desperate, with Jonathan more clearly imperilled, so fire was the only way to keep him from killing J. It didn't look like that though.

Thing is, they could have closed the lid straight away and not given him the chance to grab J's ankle.

NoelHeadbands · 29/12/2016 11:57

We were the same about the burning Grin

It was just odd... the scene was vaguely comedic, with the ankle grabbing, and JC yelling, and wife dancing around and then....WHOOMPF, burn him with fire and close him in just to be on the safe side

Muppetslikecoco · 29/12/2016 11:53

Me and DP also questioned the murdering of the bloke by fire. It was done pretty coldly too. I know it was shown late but I really didn't expect that level of horror.

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