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Secret life of children at christmas

57 replies

Baconyum · 17/12/2015 20:14

Fascinating show.

However slightly annoying that the little boy that doesn't believe in God or Jesus was shouted down with no adult intervention but when he blew raspberries when they discussed the nativity play he was told off.

He's just as entitled to his beliefs, however they may change over the years, as the children who do believe.

Yes blowing raspberries was naughty and needed to be managed but I do think so should his being chanted at 'God is real' by several other children.

OP posts:
HerdOfRhino · 21/12/2015 15:50

Maybe they just took him out of mainstream school because he struggles to be in that type of environment.

Or, it could just be edited to not show him in the best light, as it makes good tv.

fresta · 21/12/2015 16:09

They parents stated in the show that "he went to Reception class for a few weeks but there were too many rules and it crushed spirit". Make of that what you will.

HerdOfRhino · 23/12/2015 21:08

No they didn't...

They said: -

"Cuba"s very alive. He's very inquisitive. He went to mainstream school for 3 months. It just wasn't suiting him at all. He couldn't sit down for that amount of time, and he couldn't ask the questions he wanted to ask."

"He was coming back really depressed and sad about it. We just made a decision to pull him out, and home educate him. He is autonomously educated which means he's allowed to follow what he's interested in".

fresta · 23/12/2015 21:21

He briefly attended mainstream school at reception age but found that there were too many rules and his parents felt it “crushed his spirit” so now he is autonomously home educated by Heidi. As she explains, this means that he’s allowed to follow whatever he’s interested in rather than a curriculum.

This is the quote taken from the Channel 4 website.

BintiAisha · 26/12/2015 16:36

That Cuba boy is gong to be trouble some day.

I loved Jessica with the ''Susan Boyle'' moment. I hope she carries on singing- stunning!

EttaJ · 14/01/2016 00:01

I totally agree re Cuba. What a handful. Quite an unpleasant child in fact.

glamorousgrandmother · 14/01/2016 15:46

I agree that Cuba will have (cause) problems as he gets older. Two things occur to me: If he has ADHD he could still be catered for in a mainstream school but wouldn't be diagnosed at that early age as a liveliness and inability to settle is still quite normal at the age of four which leads me to think was this particular school asking him to behave in a way which isn't age appropriate. A change of school rather than withdrawing him from school altogether might have been a better idea. He seems to think the world revolves around him when children need to know that in some places maybe it does (at home) and in other places it certainly doesn't. He also needs to learn to respect other people's views and how to relate to authority - his parents may not like it but it is necessary to come to terms with this in life. It was interesting that the other children thought he was funny until his behaviour made it difficult for them to work as a group on a project they all thought was interesting. He could end up very lonely so I think his parents are actually being quite selfish.

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