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Made in Chelsea in New York

413 replies

silveroldie2 · 07/08/2014 16:41

New series starts on Sunday at 9pm - I can't wait. I really hope Binky has dumped the cheating deadweight.

OP posts:
DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 13/08/2014 11:54

Rosie doesn't get any romantic storylines does she, not since the Hugo/Millie era. Tbh I thought of Dobby more than Gollum but when she's not doing her wide eyed sticking-the-knife-in bit she can look attractive - lovely complexion, usually smartly turned out. She can't help her high forehead.

squoosh · 13/08/2014 11:57

I think Rosie looks like some sort of medieval noble woman who'd have one of those rings containing poison that she'd tip in to the drinks of her foes.

squoosh · 13/08/2014 11:57

Has Louise's brother, Tom?, Jack?, been given the push?

MarshaBrady · 13/08/2014 11:59

Oh he'd be upset about not doing New York.

DottiestDoris · 13/08/2014 12:10

I thought Stevie was still all loved up with beautiful Stephanie! Surely they split cos she went back to the states. So... or have I missed something?

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 13/08/2014 12:15

Sam, Squoosh. I don't know what's happening but I bet he turns up.

I assumed Andy of nostril fame must be pursuing his musical career.

WowserBowser · 13/08/2014 12:15

I thought i read that Rosie had a boyfriend.

TessTackle · 13/08/2014 12:16

Donkeys I have a much "higher" forehead than Rosie, for me it's the eyes and the spiteful expressions that make her like Gollum.
Dobby is far too sweet to be in the same category as her.

Agree that her skin is flawless, shame it doesn't cover her poisonous personality.

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 13/08/2014 12:19

I see what you mean! Like Ineedausername said, I do wonder sometimes what her role is meant to be.

LuckySaint · 13/08/2014 12:24

Stephanie is making an episode of millionaire matchmaker in the US at the moment so I don't think she's with anyone.
ashamed that I know this

Jumblebee · 13/08/2014 12:26

Agreed, her skin IS amazing and she has great fashion sense, she's just a bit of a two faced spare part! I remember when she was horrible to Francis and I wanted to claw her eyes out, I LOVED Francis! I just googled him to check I had spelt his name right (I get confused) and he's gotten quite hot.....

Who do people think is the prettiest girl? I know, shallow topic but I like to hear other opinions Smile for me it was probably Sophia, she was stunnnning! Closely followed by the love child of Caggie and Millie!

squoosh · 13/08/2014 12:31

I had to google Sophia, had completely forgotten about her. I think Caggie was very pretty, as is Binky.........when she isn't wearing three pairs of eyelashes and has dragged a comb through her extensions.

WowserBowser · 13/08/2014 12:39

In the last series - i thought Binky looked her best when she had cried all her make up off.
She had a really nice complexion.

She looks like she's woke up from a big night and just topped up her make up.

silveroldie2 · 13/08/2014 12:48

Do you think Stephanie may make an appearance after Millionaire Matchmaker (which I love - all the men go: blond - check, big boobs - check - bimbo - check and are then disappointed)? I hope so for Stevie's sake.

How can you compare Rosie to dear, sweet, dead Dobbie sobs.

When Lucy first joined the cast I thought she was bitchy but I like her now and she just says what she thinks. Binky would be better with Lucy as a friend than gollum or poison dwarf aka tiny tears.

I usually watch MIC on E4 then turn to E4+1 immediately after it finishes to watch it again in case I missed anything. Am I a bit sad? I think I know the answer Grin.

OP posts:
Jumblebee · 13/08/2014 12:49

I preferred Binky in the earlier seasons too, without lots of make up and lashes. She used to me my favourite character until last season with the whole Alex thing! Hopefully now she's rid she'll go back to the fun Binky Smile

I think Sophia was only in it for 1 season, she had a date with Andy, a brief romance with Proudlock and what could have been true love with Francis-I always thought they were so sweet together.

Does anyone else miss Ollie? I loved him in Celeb Big Brother!

Ellenora5 · 13/08/2014 13:31

I was hoping Caggie would pop up somewhere in New York and totally throw Spencer off his stride, I cannot for the life of me remember Sophia, I loved Francis, thought he was great. I don't want Stephanie to come back, although she may need a new handbag so you never know.

Proudlock is a bit pointless though isn't he, he never seems to do anything

I was wondering is the whole Alex/Jamie row over Riley, I bet Alex slept with her, at least I'm hoping that's it because the other alternative makes me want to throw up

Ellenora5 · 13/08/2014 13:33

oops forgot to say thanks silveroldie Blush

ChaffinchOfDoom · 13/08/2014 13:44

I think Rosie is in it as she stands up to people like Lucy
I now dislike Lucy... her hair is lank and her bum chin annoys me.
Squoosh agree Rosie as medieval poisoner Grin in a big brocade dress.... embroidering tapestry and bitching off everyone else's tapestry

can't imagine what Alex has done to make Jamie cry...
Spencer the wall-eyed louche why do females fall for him? he must smell amazing
Proudlock is cool. I love his wrist tattoo.
Miss Boulle the most. and MF is awesome.
Am sick of Chesca- she's a pointless piece.

Vintagebeads · 13/08/2014 13:46

It wasnt really an apology for poor Cheska though..all this we both made mistakes Hmm Binky was a right bitch to her during all that lego head cheating stuff.
At least Lucy kept giving her Hmm looks and got a Im sorry out of her.
I thought Spenny was quite funny for once.
But I do hope Billie sends him packing.
What does Marc F see in Victoria she is really vile.

ineedausername · 13/08/2014 14:16

I had forgotten how much I didn't like Phoebe! She really wound me up last series!
I do like Lucy, but sometimes I wish she would just stop rolling her eyes at people.
Rosie is a pain, she never really has her own opinion and just joins in what the rest of the girls say.

I also wish Binky would brush her hair, and all the fake lashes make her upper eyelid droop rather unattractively.

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 13/08/2014 15:12

Jamie did look upset serve him right for inviting Binky's ex over am guessing Alex must have dtd with either Tara or Riley?

CharlieBrookerScowl · 13/08/2014 15:13

Likely both, in a gross orgy. Seems to be his style!


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DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 13/08/2014 15:31

Yes Sophia was very pretty, and Binky can look beautiful.

At the other end of the scale, Victoria and Gabriella.

squoosh · 13/08/2014 15:34

I'm fascinated by Victoria's face. She has good features yet they don't add up to a pretty face. And I don't think it's just her waspish personality putting me off either.

WowserBowser · 13/08/2014 15:45

I read on Twitter that it was a 3some including Tara.

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