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Doctors is back but what about Gobbys memory?

991 replies

Oodlives · 02/08/2014 14:09

Please let this be the thread!

Welcome one and all to the thread that celebrates the wonderous day time soap that is Doctors.

We live in hope that one day Zaniel can live happily ever after and that Hestembe becomes reality.

We remember the newts and Jimmis OCD and wonder what is the catch with the Gobbys house and watch out for snow in summer. we also wonder what exactly the continuity person actually does

Feel free to join in , we often drift wildly off topic but no spoilers please!

OP posts:
Raahh · 13/08/2014 20:00

Claire is going to be pissed off with Mrs T. Seeing the best in people is not always going to work out.

Rev is not showing a very Christian attitude, although it's hardly surprising given the circumstance.

Right- Cake

cinnamongreyhound · 13/08/2014 20:06

I thought the rev was really harsh and unforgiving actually Raahh, considering MrsT asked her advice and she said it was a good idea! I know she didn't know he was a rapist but MrsT thought she did.

Raahh · 13/08/2014 20:12

I agree- I get that the Rev will be shocked, and clearly it's such a heinous crime that thoughts of forgiveness do often go out of the window. But yes, really she should have been trying to help Mrs T sort out the situation, instead of dismissing her for relying on her faith. Mrs T is a devout Christian, of course she relies on her faith. And Mrs T didn't know he'd lied to her.

Poor Mrs T.

Can we ditch Josh now and get back to the Gobby plot?

Raahh · 13/08/2014 20:14

I know they've done the Masterchef thing, but I'd love to see the Doctors cast on bake off.

I bet Heston is secretly a master bakerWink

Icelollycraving · 14/08/2014 14:23

Omg. How can none of you be watching? The cougar? Her teeth are the same colour as her hair. Kevin wouldn't entertain her.

cinnamongreyhound · 14/08/2014 14:39

I'm watching now!

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 14/08/2014 14:42

I forgot! I have well and truly got out of the habit. I'm home alone as well. How can this have happened to me?

GBBO - Doctors style. Like it! 6TL would be trying to get off with Paul Hollywood, Mrs Tembe would have to duck out of the technical challenge if it's filmed on a Sunday, Al would eat all the cakes before the judges could get to them, or maybe that would be TBFE (has he still got his eating disorder?).

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 14/08/2014 14:44

Jimmi would spend all his time obsessively cleaning the worktops.

cinnamongreyhound · 14/08/2014 16:09

I thought the mum was quite attractive but they were both ridiculous, especially over Kev.

So did we see what Heston saw? What was with the clown act and then sadness in the car?

I don't understand why Zara is being so blase about bt woman, why doesn't she just say she is of course slightly worried but that she trusts him and knows he wouldn't do that to her again! Also, why is he asking permission just because he wants to discuss going away for a day and night with the woman he lives with and he shares childcare with. What if Zara had plans that night that he'd forgotten about. When doctors gets all soapy it annoys me!!

cinnamongreyhound · 15/08/2014 13:47

Anyone else here today?

cinnamongreyhound · 15/08/2014 13:51

Oliver has a days work for this episode today then :)

cinnamongreyhound · 15/08/2014 13:52

Allison is quite scary!

tilliebob · 15/08/2014 14:04

Another workshop/course full of rejects from society. Where are all the normal people in this programme? Grin

Raahh · 18/08/2014 13:51

Arghhh! I am so far behind!

Will have a catching up session when the dcs have gone to bed :-)

Oodlives · 18/08/2014 16:19

I've wifi this week so can watch a bit. Have watched last Mondays with Heston fussing with his laptop and button lady

OP posts:
toldmywrath · 18/08/2014 21:14

I've not seen today's yet- I was otherwise engaged (real life again, hmph) I plan to have a catch up session tomorrow & really really hope that Josh has fallen under a bus by now. Grin

cinnamongreyhound · 19/08/2014 09:55

I missed yesterday's but we have a lazy day planned so will hopefully catch up before today's :)

Raahh · 19/08/2014 13:45

Once again, I am unable to watch live, due to a snotty child who is playing the 'mummy, only cbeebies will make me feel better' card.

Plus, I'm about 3 episodes behind. Grin

Have just has a good chortle at a thread in Style and Beauty (not somewhere i usually venture)- which linked to this necklace.

It made me think of Elaine. Sad

Raahh · 19/08/2014 15:22

Right- watching yesterday's. The whole BT woman/Daniel doing the Argentine tango or whatever it is meant to be (knowledge limited to watching StrictlyGrin), is extremely random. Is one of them going to be announced as a Strictly contestant, do you think?Grin

Have we seen the last of Josh? Please say we have.

cinnamongreyhound · 19/08/2014 15:28

I'm watching yesterday's too Raahh! Looks like Daniel is going to behave, hope Zara does too!

Raahh · 19/08/2014 15:28

So BT woman and Dan are in the wrong seminar?

reassuringly bright for doctors, aren't they? HmmGrin

oh, ffs. It's Josh. Run Mrs T- don't talk to him!!

Raahh · 19/08/2014 15:30

Mix up? No-one else was mixed up.

I wouldn't be letting Mrs T talk to Josh alone. He doesn't deserve the privacy.
Thank goodness he's leaving. Let's hope Mrs T doesn't try to talk him out of it.

Seminar woman is rubbish.


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Raahh · 19/08/2014 15:32

It has been a very, very long few weeks. The whole Josh thing seems to have been going on for aaaaaaaages Grin

Josh is bring very rude to Mrs T. Angry

Can we sort out the Gobbys now?

Raahh · 19/08/2014 15:33

He did have a point about her lack of qualifications, though.

Raahh · 19/08/2014 15:34

ooh, the bankers buffet is much nicer.

'Back office Barney' f-narrr!

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