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Doctors is back but what about Gobbys memory?

991 replies

Oodlives · 02/08/2014 14:09

Please let this be the thread!

Welcome one and all to the thread that celebrates the wonderous day time soap that is Doctors.

We live in hope that one day Zaniel can live happily ever after and that Hestembe becomes reality.

We remember the newts and Jimmis OCD and wonder what is the catch with the Gobbys house and watch out for snow in summer. we also wonder what exactly the continuity person actually does

Feel free to join in , we often drift wildly off topic but no spoilers please!

OP posts:
Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:46

I missed yesterday's , so I am going to dive in today.

Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:48

Bt woman looks sceptical. She is right to be sceptical. Grin

Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:49

Not the a loan shark plot again. Hmm

Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:51

And TBFE is playing at coppers today.

Poor Heston.

Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:54

Don't like the new police woman. Seems a bit officious. I'm sure I recognise her.

Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:56

Snobby caaaaahhhh.

Raahh · 12/08/2014 13:59

TBFE will not like getting sidelined.

Raahh · 12/08/2014 14:02

I'd be totally creeped out by Josh by now. How can she sit there?

Raahh · 12/08/2014 14:05

I remember learning to play the piano piece in the background when I was a kid.

Raahh · 12/08/2014 14:05

Oh- he's going to tell her!

Raahh · 12/08/2014 14:08

yay!! TBFE saves the day!

cinnamongreyhound · 12/08/2014 14:57

Watching now, this isn't going to end well!

cinnamongreyhound · 12/08/2014 16:34

And why is everyone in leatherbridge northern, surely there must be more brummie actors?!?!

cinnamongreyhound · 12/08/2014 16:36

Claire is properly dolled up!

Raahh · 12/08/2014 18:00

cinnamon- she was a bit overdressed for a meal in the church hall, wasn't she? Grin

toldmywrath · 12/08/2014 18:05

Cinnamon they usually typecast Northerners as criminals, so perhaps that's why they don't use Brummies in the baddie roles. I'm glad that at least Claire (Josh's love interest) is from the Midlands.

cinnamongreyhound · 13/08/2014 14:35

Poor MrsT :(

cinnamongreyhound · 13/08/2014 14:56

Watching FOD made me cringe! Wonder what Heston is seeing?

tilliebob · 13/08/2014 15:03

So is Heston sleepwalking then?

And unrelated, where did BT wifie come from and what is she?

answer must be on the fortnights worth I deleted unwatched

cinnamongreyhound · 13/08/2014 15:18

She's replacing 6tl as a locum while she's got a broken ankle. Is a friend of Zara's.

tilliebob · 13/08/2014 15:28

She's a great actress as great as all the rest Wink

sweetnessandlite · 13/08/2014 18:25

Button phobic woman and agorophobic man nearly put me off Doctors for good.
What WAS it with those incredibly childish, squeaky voices?


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Raahh · 13/08/2014 19:52

Jut catching up with 10 mins of this before GBBO starts.

This man just said 'epic'. Kill him.

Oh dear, the after math of the dinner party...

Raahh · 13/08/2014 19:55

Ok, so now Rev Viv will find out the truth.

Poor Mrs T- she meant well, but she's messed everything up really.

Raahh · 13/08/2014 19:56

I bet everyone wishes they could go back to that day Josh was threatening to chuck himself off the roof. And push him off.

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