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Death in Paradise

62 replies

LadyBeagleEyes · 05/01/2014 16:26

Does anyone know when i'ts coming back? I loved in and am hoping to see it on the winter schedules.

OP posts:
ExitPursuedTheRoyalPrude · 27/01/2014 15:47

Camille is just gorgeous. I have a huge girl crush on her.

Oh to have ever looked so good in shorts!

Clawdy · 27/01/2014 19:17

Just what I think, Exit!

Blondeshavemorefun · 27/01/2014 20:31

love KM he plays stupid and clumsy very well Grin

RegTheMonkey · 29/01/2014 15:48

It's only just dawned on me that Duane is played by the guy who was the Cat in Red Dwarf!

Davros · 29/01/2014 15:50

Yes and the very senior one is Philip from Rising Damp AND Fidel was in Downton as the band singer. And, and !

RegTheMonkey · 29/01/2014 15:52

Don Warrington (Philip/Commissioner) is still very recognisable, but Duane/Cat has changed a bit over the years. And yes, Camille is seriously hot! That skin, those shorts!

ChasingSquirrels · 29/01/2014 16:08

Philip from Rising Damp!!! I was saying to DP last night "who is he".
And someone else, was it in that? Adam from Casualty.

Ridiculous programme, but v easy watching.

Bue · 30/01/2014 20:59

Sad to say I have recently discovered DIP and am loving it despite myself! Total lowest common denominator stuff but it is strangely watchable.

Bue · 30/01/2014 21:01

Though can any longtime watchers explain to me why a sovereign island which was clearly originally colonised by the French requires a British detective to lead the local police service at all times? Confused Baffling.

Davros · 31/01/2014 08:43

I'm not sure it's ever been explained and we don't ask! Mind you, the USA "took over" Vietnam when the French left, it could be worse!

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 31/01/2014 08:49

DH and I love this Grin

It isn't supposed to be realistic...

I was worried about Kris Marshall replacing Ben Miller, but I'm finding him just as enjoyable to watch.

Blondeshavemorefun · 02/02/2014 09:38

Where can I watch the first two series?

Are they on demand?

confettiwoman · 02/02/2014 17:35

i used to think it was utter tripe, but its one of the only programmes DH likes to watch, and as he's always on the PC, its nice to have one hour a week where we can cuddle up on the sofa together. Its more predictable this series but eagle eyed DH has noted its different writers this time round.
Its still tripe but i've accepted it now. A bit like speed bumps and cellulite.

GingerMaman · 15/02/2014 23:16

I love this! It's the best programme on these days!

Thehoardernextdoor · 15/02/2014 23:30

We always watch it with the heating turned up and a Bacardi and coke. It's like having a little holiday.

Blondeshavemorefun · 16/02/2014 13:42

Seem to be a lot of murders for a small island

But like midsummer - wouldn't want to live there either Grin

PurpleKittyKnitting · 16/02/2014 16:55

I love Camille too, her accent in gorgeous!

Who is the actor that played the bloke that got killed in the last episode, I can't remember what other shows he has been in!

WhatAFeline · 16/02/2014 16:57

I like the way you can always tell who the murderer is because they are the famous cameo.

Clutterbugsmum · 16/02/2014 18:38

Its still tripe but i've accepted it now. A bit like speed bumps and cellulite. I think that's the point.

I love it, I love the way Dwayne life/friends seem to cross over the law/criminal line all the time. He would make a good criminal.

Pixel · 16/02/2014 22:28

When I first posted on this I said that they hadn't done a bad job with replacing Ben Miller and carrying on the series . Now I don't yet dislike Kris Marshall in this but I'm starting to find him a teensy bit irritating and found myself really missing Ben Miller this week Sad. I do hope Kris is not just going to get more and more annoying until I can't watch it any more!

Jaynebxl · 21/02/2014 08:00

The guy who plays Dwayne and who played Cat on Red Dwarf (and was on cbeebies a long time ago) didn't he also play a character called Dwayne on Red Dwarf? Like an alter ego to Cat?

Pixel · 21/02/2014 20:57

Yep, Dwayne Dibley. Grin


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Pixel · 21/02/2014 21:07

Since you've mentioned Red Dwarf can I link because I never tire of watching it!

ShotgunNotDoingThePans · 21/02/2014 21:20

We discovered this about halfway through the last series typical. Loved it with Ben Miller. It's still watchable tosh but now the weaknesses seem more obvious; Camille is gorgeous but can't act and it's fetti g a bit samey now.
Still intend to watch it, though.
And I agree Dwayne Dibley is the best thing about it.

On a different note, we watched True Detective with Matthew Mcwatsit and Woody Harrelson the other night - was brilliant! Feel a bit guilty eulogising about an American cop show, though.

alemci · 21/02/2014 21:26

watchable rubbish but I like the scenery. kris marshall always hasva manic grin. what's not to like.

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