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Death in Paradise

62 replies

LadyBeagleEyes · 05/01/2014 16:26

Does anyone know when i'ts coming back? I loved in and am hoping to see it on the winter schedules.

OP posts:
fussychica · 08/03/2014 16:00

Lovely end to the series - makes a change these days.

NewChoos · 07/03/2014 20:50

I liked it too, will definitely watch the next series.

Blondeshavemorefun · 07/03/2014 14:08

Finally watched last episode

Really enjoyed this series :)

Can't wait for next one

Pixel · 26/02/2014 21:51

Ha ha, there is always some well-known actor so we can spend our time trying to remember what we've seen them in. We always say "wonder whose agent blagged them a gig in Guadeloupe this week?" They are probably queuing up!Grin

canutesauntie · 25/02/2014 21:48

Odd casting alert - tonights episode has a PA called Emily Benoit played by Caroline Proust, Laure the detective on Spiral!

maybe she fancied a couple of weeks in Guadaloupe

Jaynebxl · 25/02/2014 21:09

Nice to see Malik's hand operation was a success!

invicta · 24/02/2014 22:47

I love Kris Marshall's buffoon-ing approach. It's difficult to follow a successful lead actor, but he has done well. The story lines are a little more predictable, but it's harmless fun.

Pixel · 24/02/2014 22:21

He does say "er" a bit too often.

BabyMummy29 · 24/02/2014 21:40

Didn't watch previous series but thought I'd give it a whirl to brighten up dull winter nights.

CAN'T STAND Kris Marshall. His bumbling, inept "detective" just irritates me so much.

I'm seriously thinking of giving it up. Pity as I like the scenery and the rest of the characters

Pixel · 24/02/2014 00:33

Perhaps he can't get the ring off. His fingers have swollen up in the heat Grin.

Blondeshavemorefun · 23/02/2014 17:43

What rank is camille as doesn't wear a uniform where the other 2 men do even the sergeant

Where can I watch the other series's? Don't have netflix and not on sky demand box sets :(

I love the endings of get them all together

If km is fawning over camille and wife doesn't love him
Anymore then why does he still wear his wedding ring

Pmsl at the parrot being dead

Pixel · 21/02/2014 21:53

Oh there's plenty to keep me watching atm (I want Camille's entire wardrobe and her figure), I've already decided Guadeloupe is where I'm going first when I win the lottery. You'll find me in a hammock under a palm tree.
However, am getting irrationally annoyed with the weekly 'get together' to reveal the killer. I know this is par for the course with these things but it never seemed so contrived before, more like a happy coincidence that everyone happened to be there.

alemci · 21/02/2014 21:26

watchable rubbish but I like the scenery. kris marshall always hasva manic grin. what's not to like.

ShotgunNotDoingThePans · 21/02/2014 21:20

We discovered this about halfway through the last series typical. Loved it with Ben Miller. It's still watchable tosh but now the weaknesses seem more obvious; Camille is gorgeous but can't act and it's fetti g a bit samey now.
Still intend to watch it, though.
And I agree Dwayne Dibley is the best thing about it.

On a different note, we watched True Detective with Matthew Mcwatsit and Woody Harrelson the other night - was brilliant! Feel a bit guilty eulogising about an American cop show, though.

Pixel · 21/02/2014 21:07

Since you've mentioned Red Dwarf can I link because I never tire of watching it!

Pixel · 21/02/2014 20:57

Yep, Dwayne Dibley. Grin

Jaynebxl · 21/02/2014 08:00

The guy who plays Dwayne and who played Cat on Red Dwarf (and was on cbeebies a long time ago) didn't he also play a character called Dwayne on Red Dwarf? Like an alter ego to Cat?

Pixel · 16/02/2014 22:28

When I first posted on this I said that they hadn't done a bad job with replacing Ben Miller and carrying on the series . Now I don't yet dislike Kris Marshall in this but I'm starting to find him a teensy bit irritating and found myself really missing Ben Miller this week Sad. I do hope Kris is not just going to get more and more annoying until I can't watch it any more!

Clutterbugsmum · 16/02/2014 18:38

Its still tripe but i've accepted it now. A bit like speed bumps and cellulite. I think that's the point.

I love it, I love the way Dwayne life/friends seem to cross over the law/criminal line all the time. He would make a good criminal.

WhatAFeline · 16/02/2014 16:57

I like the way you can always tell who the murderer is because they are the famous cameo.

PurpleKittyKnitting · 16/02/2014 16:55

I love Camille too, her accent in gorgeous!

Who is the actor that played the bloke that got killed in the last episode, I can't remember what other shows he has been in!

Blondeshavemorefun · 16/02/2014 13:42

Seem to be a lot of murders for a small island

But like midsummer - wouldn't want to live there either Grin


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Thehoardernextdoor · 15/02/2014 23:30

We always watch it with the heating turned up and a Bacardi and coke. It's like having a little holiday.

GingerMaman · 15/02/2014 23:16

I love this! It's the best programme on these days!

confettiwoman · 02/02/2014 17:35

i used to think it was utter tripe, but its one of the only programmes DH likes to watch, and as he's always on the PC, its nice to have one hour a week where we can cuddle up on the sofa together. Its more predictable this series but eagle eyed DH has noted its different writers this time round.
Its still tripe but i've accepted it now. A bit like speed bumps and cellulite.

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