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Small pets

Guinea-pig related hand-holding in urgent need here....

75 replies

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 05/07/2013 14:05

My little black Abby boar (nearly 3yo)

Last night at evening cuddles his eyes were a bit dry crusty (he's got a fatty eye) this was both eyes.
He had a cuddle, supper, bit quiet.

This morning, about 6.30am I took them breakfast. He was sitting there. Usually he has his nose in the air, with his funny little hedgehog nose twitching.
He's exhibiting all the guinea-pig "I'm going downhill" signs.

He's out in the run now with GP1 to give them fresh air and grass if he wants. He's got the run shelters, shade, a bowl of Ribena diluted (I've never tried this but I thought "Try anything"

He's sitting straight (not stretched out or anything), sort of puffed out, but not starey fur.
I've bathed his eyes with boiled salt water and he had enough savvy to fight with me.
He's doing a sort of 'nodding' back and forth, but his breathing isn't raspy.
When i lifted him , he felt 'limp' not floppy but a CBA feeling.

So. This has all happened in the last 12 hours.
I phoned the vet. They have no GP vet until Sunday. I've booked him in .
I will get him inside later and give him Critical Care. He's eaten a bit of breakfast and had hay.
Then I need to look at is eyes again and decide if I can keep him SAFE until his appointment or find another vet.

I know GPs eyes are vunerable.
I know I have to get food (Critical Care) in him.
I know if I find A.N.Other vet they might not have GP experience.

But I know when a guinea pig goes, it goes. If he's going to 'go' I want it to be peaceful at home with his brother.Not taken miles to be examined and medicated.


Dilemma. Horns.

OP posts:
70isaLimitNotaTarget · 07/07/2013 14:20

Thanks dietcoke it does sound like a very similar scenario, (except my pig hasn't had surgery, so there was no 'trigger' I could point)

The hay is really rubbish at the moment too, I've taken it out of the house and given them the Hay Cookies. No seeds or dust to irritate him.
I'm going to change brands too, the prepacked stuff seems really bad at the moment.

Usually my little boy would fight like a demon (he's a bu**er to cut his nails) and likes to have a little runaround when we catch him.
But he was just Hmm being examined. I'll know he's turned the corner when he bites me.

Good luck Ginger tomorrow.

OP posts:
dietcokeandwine · 07/07/2013 14:32

Thank you 70....if any consolation (from your OP of being worried about giving them anti and probiotics due to gut flora disturbances etc) I do think the medication really helped ginger pig. It took about 48 hours for his 'sticky cheeks' (sounds weird I know but best way I can describe how his little face looked) to return to normal and I'm sure the anti and probiotics helped with that. He is also definitely more like his old self than he was even a few days ago...trying to nick lettuce from tricolour (they are separated, but share the run with a divider down the middle so they can still see/sniff/chat to each other) which is reassuring (if irritating for tricolour pig Grin). Hopefully the stuff your boy has been given will really help him too.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 07/07/2013 16:04

Oh, and I took my GP2 Super-Pooh in to show the vet (most people think I'm over-estimating a teeny bit) so I took one IRL.
And it wasn't even one of the Super-Sized ones either.

He said he'd "never seen one like that" as he reached for the Alarm Button under the desk. Not the "Help, a large dog has me trapped" more a "Help there's a mad owner here with a GP turd in a bag". Grin

OP posts:
guineapiglet · 07/07/2013 18:29

Hi 70 and Hi diet coke

Thanks for the update, glad to know he has been seen by vet who has done as much as he can - it sounds pretty thorough - can't believe he wasnt impressed by the poo in a bag! It is still horriblyhot so you will hopefully notice a bit improvement when it finally (please God soon!) rains and cools down a bit. It is good that it is not tooth related, and good that he has stuff to encourage him to eat. This is where the nursing comes in, and it sounds like you are more than well prepared! It is really a question of bulk and tempting things. You are right about the hay, it is non nutrious and of very poor quality this year - can he have alfafa hay or the like? Bless him, - I have just dug out some old diaries and read that a couple of girls had vet visits at this time of year - maybe it is heat related and they really do get heat stroke. I am hoping he will return to being a cranky, bitey patient before too long, then you will know he is back to normal!!

diet we are so fond of ginger pigs in this house, my first boy was a ginger soul, I luffed him soooooo much - really hope he has picked up a bit today and is managing to keep cool. Syringe feeding or through a narrow straw, like those on the back of small juice cartons can be helpful.
We are all wilting and moaning in this house! And we are ALL gingerredheads. Roll on winter!!

Good luck to both of the patients tomorrow, hope there is an improvement. A long night of nursing looms. XXX

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 07/07/2013 18:41

oooh he was impressed guineapiglet no doubt.
And probably felt a bit less guilty about putting the thermometer up GP2 bottom Grin

We find winter alot easier to handle TBH. But our garden forms a river on the path at the end (slight slope and clay soil).

I'm going to buy an Emergency pack of naice hay tomorrow then on my next Non Work Day, I'll take a trip out to a farm in Brentwood to buy a bale. (I'll smell it all first ,make sure it is naice).

DD and I are syringing C.Care and Vit C water down his little throat, he's getting more tolerant if a bit ungrateful and judgey.

OP posts:
guineapiglet · 07/07/2013 20:10

Oooh,the definitely know whats coming, and kind of 'endure' it rather than look grateful for you trying to help them. One of my CC girls would reluctantly 'take the punishment', then slink off to her corner chattering her teeth and mumbling into her beard, - slightly different behaviour when spinach was offered!!!! :)

Good luck on your quest for hay, hopefully this year's crop will be better with all this sunshine!

guineapiglet · 07/07/2013 20:12

PS you are right, winters for guineas are easier in that they can be layered up with hay and covers, can be brought in the house etc. Unless you've got aircon, its a very different situation in this type of heat.
In my opinion, 24 degrees and breezy is utterly perfect !!

FernieB · 07/07/2013 21:15

Glad to hear he's doing better 70. The hay is a bit garbage at the mo' - mine are on expensive special hayConfused

My black Scruffypig loves the heat but white Smoothpig is not keen although they are now both running round madly outside (it's 9:15pm and cooler). Better get them in before they think they've been forgotten.Wink

Hope your pig is still progressing nicely tomorrow.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 07/07/2013 21:55

He's gone Sad

Tripping over that Rainbow Bridge now making his little Billy-Goat Gruff noises no doubt.

We gave him his Critical Care and water when he came home. Then they went out to the run. He was quiet and stayed in the wicker house.
When we brought him in this evening to give him his antibiotics , C.Care and a drink, I knew he would go within the next few hours.

GP1 was being (so it seemed) like a petulant toddler when mum has a new baby, climbing up on my lap and putting his head on GP2 back.
We put them on a towel and sat with them. GP2 stretched out. GP1 circled him, lay down beside him, circled again. If we stroked GP2, he got between us and GP2.

I realise he was protecting him. (Not sure what against though)

Then I cuddled GP2 for literally five minutes. He did a few coughs, twitched and that was it.

Bit morbid but I let GP1 cuddle his brother then we all said goodbye and we put GP1 to bed in the Pighouse with GP2 in the fleecebox. He can have one last night to say bye.

Bye Bye Ninja.
aka NinjaBread

When they go, they go fast.

OP posts:
SconeInSixtySeconds · 07/07/2013 22:05

Oh 70, how terribly sad.

:( :( :(

Sleep well Ninja. Flowers

alemci · 07/07/2013 22:17

so sorry 70.Sad

guineapiglet · 07/07/2013 22:27

70, so so sad to hear your news, i know how much he meant to you and your family and how much you loved him. Your other guinea just knows, they are such intuitive souls. Cuddles for him

I know how you wilk be feeling, its very hard when he had such a loved life. He was a lucky boy. Wishing him endless fields of heavenly grass as he watches over you. Which he will. Xxxxx:(

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 07/07/2013 22:30

Thank You.

I'm relieved that he didn't linger on . I did broach with DD about "What would we do about GP1" ? when we were driving to the vets.

I've left it as her choice because GP1 is her hog.

Neuter (risk) then wait (lonely) then get two adult girls who won't take any nonsense

Get him a baby boar (and double double check that it is a boar) but run the risk of an arsey little toad come Winter when they are in their smaller cage (Oh the joy of teens) but not the risk with operating.

He's going to sleep indoors at night for a while so we can spoil him a while.
Then we'll decide what step to take.

DD is going down the boar route. I don't think she wants her precious boy under the knife.Sad

OP posts:
noyouhavehadawee · 07/07/2013 22:51

oh Sad i am so sorry to hear this really i am. he is in good company my Lola left us only last Saturday, hopefully they are together having a ball in guinea heaven Sad .

dietcokeandwine · 07/07/2013 23:08

Oh 70 I am so so sorry. How dreadfully sad. Just logged back on to see how you were all doing...was so hoping he'd have rallied. Sending gentle hugs to you, DD and GP1....sleep well little piggie x

KRITIQ · 08/07/2013 00:01

Oh no no, I am SO sorry to hear this. Was just so hopeful, but when these little guys decide it's time to go, they don't tend to waste much time. Sad for you humans and for GP1, who must be having it tough at the moment. He'll be lapping up those cuddles.

So long as he gets lots of attention (and I know he will!) he will be okay for a while. My super vet in Wales said that actually, it's good for them to have a couple weeks to "grieve" so long as they are still eating, drinking and pooing okay, and that they'll stand a better chance of bonding with a new pig when they've had the opportunity to come to terms with their loss.

So sorry to hear about Lola as well. So many lovely furries waiting at the bridge.

guineapiglet · 08/07/2013 08:52

Hello 70 thinking of you all today hope your daughtet is ok and gp1 was ok last night. I agree with kritiq, these little creatures feel loss and do grieve....lots of cuddles and fun for him, im sure youve got that covered!

Maybe something for the future wouldbe to get a baby boar pair when you are ready. sounds like gp1 is quite a docile chap and may enjoy being a father figure!


fortifiedwithtea · 08/07/2013 13:08

Poor little furbabySad I can hardly believe he's gone and so soon Shock. 70 you must have great instincts to know he was that ill.

You did the right thing letting GP1 spend time with him. You can expect him to be miserable like the humans too Sad I've had a cry too

Sweet dreams Ninja go and meet Todd and compare monster poops at the Bridge

FernieB · 08/07/2013 14:33

So sorry to hear about Ninja - I was so hopeful for him. Hope your remaining pig is fine - I know he'll gets lots of spoiling.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 08/07/2013 18:27


he did take a serious downturn (I was wondering if the vet would suggest having him PTS but I said I wanted him to go at home. ) I knew we were looking at hours not days.

GP1 is being cuddled and will spend some time inside with DD (in DD room).
He's still eating'n'poohing and is pretty lively so we need to keep him motivated.

I've sourced some pigs so we'll take him along to select a new companion this weekend.

I DELIBERATELY avoided P@H on the way home from work in case they had a lone boar in the Sale section. Heart might rule head y'know.

DD is remarkably clued up, she decided against the neutering in favour of a boar-ette.
Her boy will choose the pig.
I will choose the name.

OP posts:
Weegiemum · 08/07/2013 18:38

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Ninja. I'm a GP mummy myself and know what it's like.

Hope you're ok, it's always sad when they leave us.

guineapiglet · 08/07/2013 18:52

Hi again 70 - sounds like you have a good plan and am looking forward to hearing about GP1's choice of new friend. - It will be good for him to have a companion again, and may give him a new lease of life as well.
I'm so glad your daughter is holding him close, he will love all the attention....:)


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SconeInSixtySeconds · 08/07/2013 20:33

That sounds like a good plan. My two boars do like having a girl each, but I am not sure that the sows agree! (Though it has to be said that the teddy takes no prisoners)

Love to see pictures when you get the new baby...

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 08/07/2013 21:30

GP1 is up in my DD room (having done a huge pee on the newspaper Smile he's now munching supper)

We buried the little chap - had to improvise , not something I have "one I made earlier".
He was put in an M&S clear zip up toiletries bag lined with willow leaves. He used to giraffe neck to get them off the tree Grin so that was fitting.
Then his grave has a huge heavy flower pot on top to stop him being dug up by foxes.
DS did a gravestone.

And in death, as in life, he was a stinky little fella.

Bless you GP2. Your croissant shape cuddles, your Super-Turds and your gas..........xx

OP posts:
SconeInSixtySeconds · 08/07/2013 21:47

Aww, a willow leaf coffin.

Rest in peace Ninja, may heaven be filled with parsley and basil.

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